Poll: How did you get into supporting North?

Why are you a North supporter?

  • Its a beloved/non-negotiable family tradition (explain)

    Votes: 35 42.7%
  • I fell in love with them by myself (explain)

    Votes: 47 57.3%

  • Total voters

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Back in the 1930's and 40's my Dad was from Shepparton and in the school holidays would come down to relatives who lived in Kensington. The relatives use to take them to the footy at Arden street. So from a young age all i knew was North. We use to go to every game through the 70's, 80's 90's . Growing up in * , i had a deep set dislike from an early age and use to be like a peacock at the local footy club when we beat them .
A vivid memory for me a 9 year old was when we won the 1975 flag we went back to Arden street that night and these men were all on the ground sleeping. I asked dad what they were doing - he said they are tired (knowing now thaey were drunk as skunks)
Dad barracked for North. When he arrived in Aus in the 1950’s, his best mate at primary school went for North so he copied him. He didn’t know much about footy though and never went to games - me however, as a kid growing up in the 1970’s, loved footy and North ruled at the primary school I went to, so no need for me to change tack! I had a girlfriend at primary school whose family were feral Carlton and I used to go to games with them when I was younger (the amount of times they tried to turn me to the dark side was ridiculous but I couldn’t be swayed) but as a free range Gen X kid, it wasn’t long before I’d just go to games with my best friend who was a Swans supporter. We’d go to see North one week and the Swans the next. After a while I got sick of watching Capper and co. every second week and she got sick of footy so I started going with a North mate from primary school, his sister and a mate from his cheer squad days and I would drag my youngest brother along too. Still go every week with most of that same crew to this very day. Need to start dragging my daughters along more often - they barrack for North and know very well who Sheez, George, LDU, Big X et al are but I’ve dropped the ball in that department.
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I follow East Fremantle in the WAFL. Back in the day watching the winners I saw North Melbourne playing who are Blue and White like East Fremantle


My host father used to take me to East Fremantle games.
There was a fan chant
Kick em in the ankles
Kick em in the shins
East Fremantle always wins.

I was as angry as Yosemite Sam at the time so the violence appealed to me.

As well as the same colours I assumed there was also a link with Shinboners.
Probably the stupidest reason ever...

When I was in primary school I followed Essendon (I know I know, I bloody know) because everyone else at school followed them, or the Pies, with a mixture of other kids who had no choice because their whole family followed the teams. It was early '90s so plenty of Bombers and Pies fans, less so the others.

It was Footy Colours day, and we were all designing our little cut-out jumpers, and I went through a dozen pieces of paper trying to draw that goddamned sash. I was nearly in tears as I just couldn't get it right, and a classmate said "Hey, just borrow my ruler and go down the paper like this. This is the North jumper it's easy."

Converted on the spot and haven't looked back.
I had no choice.

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This. My Dad.

He was son of a mad Carlton supporter and hated his Dad, Nanna was an old Kanga too.
Dad made up with his Dad, but well after a) they were good b) we were not terrible.

North it is. And has been since '88 or '89 where I had the mercurial #17 on the back. Quickly changed to #18 in 1992 (one of, if not The First), but there you go.
90's. No one in my family was really into the sport. My grandmother was a Pies fan in name but didn't really keep up with it. She bought me a little plushie collingwood footy, but it didn't take. A few friends at school told me about some of our players. Our school had more North supporters than just about any other team.
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Probably the stupidest reason ever...

When I was in primary school I followed Essendon (I know I know, I bloody know) because everyone else at school followed them, or the Pies, with a mixture of other kids who had no choice because their whole family followed the teams. It was early '90s so plenty of Bombers and Pies fans, less so the others.

It was Footy Colours day, and we were all designing our little cut-out jumpers, and I went through a dozen pieces of paper trying to draw that goddamned sash. I was nearly in tears as I just couldn't get it right, and a classmate said "Hey, just borrow my ruler and go down the paper like this. This is the North jumper it's easy."

Converted on the spot and haven't looked back.
More like the best reason ever - thank god art was not your forte!
Came to Australia in 1995 from Europe. Used to watch highlights on Eurosport and coming from a waterpolo background loved the physicality of Ausie rules.
I had no idea about the teams when I came here, but found a place to live in North Melbourne. Then went to my first game with a girl from work who followed the pies (v the roos). Loved the game (Longmire kicked 7 goals)
North won the game and my hart and have been a supporter ever since 💙🤍💙🤍
Ps Both my daughters are members and supporters 😃
Born in the early 50's it was family tradition to follow North, used to go on the train to Macauley station and walk to the game with Mum and my sister. I reckon the smell of the tannery is still in my nostrils Used to kick my plastic footy on the old dog track and I would be lucky if an errant kick ever hit anyone. Been through plenty of seasons when a single win in a season was cause for celebration, much like the last few seasons really. Family have been shareholders and have a paver at the ground. When success finally comes we will all forget the last few years
Way back 1975 a mate of mine convinced me and some other guys to go along to Arden Street and watch a game, it was against the Dogs North gave them a kicking and the whole vibe was fantastic, I was hooked I even joined the cheering squad in 76, my family are all Dog supporters so I was disowned for a while.
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I had no choice.

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Same for me. It was "follow North or no going to the football".
To be fair, it was an easy sell in 90's when we had such a great team with so many cult heroes.
I didn't comprehend just how difficult it is to build a contender let alone win a flag. I get it now the last two decades.
I'm excited to watch this young group build together as I didn't really grasp that as a young kid in the 90's.

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Same for me. It was "follow North or no going to the football".
To be fair, it was an easy sell in 90's when we had such a great team with so many cult heroes.
I didn't comprehend just how difficult it is to build a contender let alone win a flag. I get it now the last two decades.
I'm excited to watch this young group build together as I didn't really grasp that as a young kid in the 90's.

I was a late 70’s, 80’s kid. Was never a discussion. Went every week. Never had a thought of following anyone else even though I was the only North kid at school from memory. I actually enjoyed being different.
Greek background and Dad was a huge soccer fan. He bought me a Hellas/Greece jumper which at the time was the exact same Blue and White stripes. Id go to school wearing my jumper and had no idea what footy was. My school mates would always point to me and say “You barrack for North” which I had no idea what or who that was. Anyways one Sunday morning in the 70’s I saw North on tv wearing the “Greek jumper” and it all made sense. Over 40 year member and will be till the day I’m standing Above the Blue and White 💙🤍💙
Born in the 60's. Grew up in North Melb. In the early 70's the players would run up Errol street to jog around Royal Park...and all us local kids would try and follow them. Was easy to support NM, Barassi & winning every week by the time I was at school. What a great era, the 70's. The 80's were ok but no flags. The 90's were awesome. I was working by then so a quick hops to the G from the city on a Friday night to see Carey destroy the opposition, week after week. I moved interstate & overseas but am still a member and still watch the boys play ~6x a year. Go North!
Dad was a mad Essendon supporter (gave footy up during the drugs saga), Mum didn't really barrack for anyone but had a soft spot for the Saints. I have photos of me in a James Hird guernsey as a kid but I was fickle, changing teams as the wind blew. I loved footy but a team just wouldn't stick. That is until I was watching North play Adelaide with mum and her friends. She was telling them how I changed teams all the time so I defiantly said I'd barrack for the winner of the game -

And so a North supporter was born that day.

Funnily enough I have no recollection of the Grand Final that year (thankfully) nor of 1999's unfortunately (although I remember celebrating by running around like a loon in the backyard that evening and dad sticking the premiership photo of the team from the paper on the bedroom wall the morning after where it stayed for almost 2 decades). Dad took us to play golf that arvo since the Bombers got beaten in the Prelim lol. Thus I can't claim to have actually witnessed a Premiership.

Luckily another family friend knew somebody from the club who organised for me to meet my favourite player Winston Abraham in the rooms before a game against Hawthorn in 2000. I also got to shake the hands of Archer (a strong grip!) and Carey as both weren't playing that night. It remains my personal North highlight even though we got smashed that day.
It all started in the 90's.... the 1890's. That's when my family settled in North Melbourne. Been a tradition ever since. Passed on from generation to generation for over 100 years. The very notion of supporting another team would be looked upon as a cardinal sin, still is today. And happy for it. Some of the greatest family memories I have are centered around North Melbourne. The next era of success (and it is coming) is something I will cherish with my children; it will create memories for them that last a lifetime. The support for North will live on for another 100 years.

I liken barracking for North like knowing your name. It's just always been who I am, it's just always been there. I don't know anything else.
I support North because I was born.

My grandpa was North Melbourne. He grew up around the corner from Arden Street. My dad was the only one of his brothers and sisters to barrack for North. I'm one of two cousins to barrack for North (I have 50 cousins).

Very similar story at my end, bar the 50 cousins.

All the kids and nieces/nephews are north but with fading interest given our form. The window is short to revive/cement a generation of supporters I fear.
A vivid memory for me a 9 year old was when we won the 1975 flag we went back to Arden street that night and these men were all on the ground sleeping. I asked dad what they were doing - he said they are tired
We rocked up to the ground on the Sunday and I went back to the car at some stage to put some merch back so we didn't have to carry it. Walking back to the ground, I spotted a body on the ground up in the old grand stand. Maybe there was some groaning - I can't really remember.

Anyway, I went to check and it turned out to be Darren Crocker. Totally munted. Eyes looked like page 337 of the Melways.

I asked if he was OK. He just wanted to know what time it was.When I told him he suddenly jumped up and says, "For 'goodness' sake. 'Fruit', By 'jeepers' I'm supposed to be on World of Sport in half an hour....".

Anyway, he hobbled back to the main area to get a ride down to Dorcas Street where I expect Ron Casey was eagerly waiting for the WoS special guest from the premiership team.

There were some seedy looking characters up on the stage that day for sure.
My wife is also a North supporter, by inheritance. Her father has been a North supporter since he lived nearby in Carlton and had went to school with Allan Aylett and Laurie Dwyer. My mother in law once barracked for Collingwood but changed to North over 65 years ago.
I had no choice.

It all stemmed from my Mum’s Aunty who is also mad north, when I see her she tells me stories about how she used to poke shit at opposition supporters at Waverley park which had me rolling. Then my mum grew up north mad, living in Kensington she lived on the same street as the Krakouer brothers got to live in the glory days. My great Uncle used to always convince her to turn to Collingwood, he was one of the first Collingwood members and would always use to take her out to games. Dad was and still is Collingwood mad but was best mates with the older Richmond players, uncle Jake (push-up king) and they would try but I loved north too much.

Then my mum popped a north nuffie out.

I just unconditionally loved north. I vaguely remember being involved in one of arch’s guard of honours as a little kid and going to many games with my parents when I was little. I also remember how welcoming boomer and the club were when I did a footy clinic they hosted and I was the only girl in a group of like 15 boys. At Flemington primary they had a rule that preps weren’t allowed on the oval but they knew that I was so north and footy mad that they had no choice but to let me on to kick my footy.

Absolutely loved Boomer, would always have the number 29 on the back until Waite came along and made the decision to put the number 30 on.

I have many more memories and hope to experience the good days again!!! Carn north
It was watching the Krakouer brothers, their excitement and chemistry left me in awe as a kid. Veered away in my early youth and adulthood when the local team came in but returned to where I belong when a fortunate opportunity came along.
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Poll: How did you get into supporting North?
