Chip Scab1
Team Captain
- Sep 2, 2024
- 585
- 963
- AFL Club
- North Melbourne
I had it because I needed it in order to leave the country during COVID which was a wonderful time to travel. Being on a 767 to SFO with a grand total of 7 other passengers was a thing of beauty. Also went to LAX 9-10 times when 20-30 passengers were onboard. I miss it, to be honest. Bags were always there, was easy to navigate customs and no queues (in Australia).Most normies even have a 'probably didn't really need it, hey' approach to the vaccine.
It killed old and fat people.
Most people were apprehensive but decent and did it to just get on with life and would rather an experimental drug than prolonged lockdowns.
This forum has people who despise massive corporations but somehow Pfizer are exempt to that and they're like, totally not like Shell or Apple or Elon Musk?
It was and will be seen as performative nonsense to be seen as great civilians.
Some of the biggest vaccine proponents are people who wouldn't keep a door open for others, think office small talk is like working in a North East English coal mine in the 1880s, and are generally shithouse nasty humans.
To this day people don't know if vaccines stop you giving it to others, if it stops you from getting it, or stops the severity.
I had two of the ****ers and don't even know if I had covid. I had a nasty morning in London where I was sleeping on the floor but by that night I was out eating a pub meal and forcing a pint down and the next day I was fine. the night before I'd been to Hyde Park for a massive gig and drank a bunch of Aperols and Newcys so I'm pretty sure I was just hungover. I haven't had it since and I also haven't had a vaccine since about November 2021. I rarely get flus and I'm not a sickly person, except on those Mondays when I don't want to go to work, but I feel like the vaccine was like... redundant?