Premiership Player
er wut? lets assume i understand some of that...port's first priority is NEEDS and then depth. How can you draft for depth when your first choices are already crap.Not particularly no.
You're right they're not trading an elite player for Ebert, they're trading away multiple and potentially valuable picks for 1 player, who in a compromised draft would be worth something similar to that in the open draft process anyway.
You haven't thought through supporting that proposition and it's accompanying affects well at all. It doesn't service West Coast's needs for decent compensation given their investment in Brad Ebert nor does it service Port Adelaide's considerable high range depth needs.
Trading and drafting is about servicing needs or acquiring equitable compensation.
as for your multiple picsk comment...they are trading 2 picks for 1 player. therefore nett loss is 1 extra draft pick. you make it sound like they are losing huge amount of picks. therefore i can only deduce that you dont rate ebert at all or that you overate value of picks around the 30 range. otherwise i am not sure what you are talking about.
i havent spoken to any recruiters, but i would be staggered if any think that they can do better with 28+33 than 1xbrad ebert. you arent factoring in risk when drafting that far down. ebert is a sure thing.