From our vantage point in 532, a virtual birds eye view, it was clear that in the first quarter we were unprepared for the intensity of a finals game.
Players jogging with no intent, confused attack on the ball, not knowing who was going for what, no system, no structure, no idea.
Teams that make a prelim don’t just have 18 players all have a down game at once. It’s coaching. Pure and simple. The strategy going in to the game would have been thrown out in 3 mins but there was nothing to replace it. No counter plan to curb the Dogs manic attack on the ball. Unsurprising though, we’ve seen it before. Nothing is ever done to rectify it. Nothing will until Hinkley is gone.
Bulldogs players, with a ten goal lead in the third quarter, got a goal overturned by remonstrating with the umpires claiming the ball was touched. If it was or not doesn’t really matter but I started to think back about our players and how I cannot think of a time that our players have ever done that. Belligerently pushing for an advantage. We just don’t do it.
We seem to be hemmed in by a ‘righteous code’ that emanates from our head coach who is unwilling to make any comments about umpires or fixtures or scheduling or anything else that might be working against us. He is a company man and toes the company line. The company though is not the PAFC, its the AFL.
Trade Dixon.
Delist Motlop.
Sack Ken.
That’s for starters.
Unless this Christian Youth Camp is dismantled, our club is going nowhere.
couldnt have said it better myself. I was in the nosebleed section in 541 and the lack of movement and purpose was glaring. In contrast the bulldogs were slick and purposeful with their movement
we are going nowhere with this mediocrity as our coach