Certified Legendary Thread Premiers 2016 - BULLIES DEF SWANS.. WE ARE THE CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!

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Can I just say, well done to you guys! You were more determined, hungry and were definitely the most deserving winner of this year's flag. If Swans were going to be knocked out early in the finals, my backing was for the Dogs all the way. It hurts, but that is footy, there can only be one winner. 2005 was amazing after 72 years and for you guys, the loooong wait for ultimate success is something you'll treasure forever. All the best for next year, respect to your footy club, enjoy the celebrations.

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I'm very happy for everybody here on this brilliant Dogs board. I've been around this site for 13 years, previously under a different account. Bigfooty has become an integral part of the football experience for me over the journey. Jumping on here is the first thing I do when I get home from a game, and I am constantly spamming the refresh button on the gameday threads when watching at home. I lost my love for the actual sport of football along the way, but retained by love of the Dogs, mainly thanks to this site and the legends who are a part of it.

Congratulations everybody.
Congrats on one, no, THE best win of the modern era.
I thought that Boyd and Wood were outstanding today. Both of their performances will be talked about as a part of Grand Final history.
Gotta love Picken as well. His tackling and forward pressure are amazing, takes a big grab, kicks the big goals. A very under-rated player.
Back to Wood though. I thought his spoiling at crucial times and the moment he smashed into his opposite number really set the tone for the Bullies for the day. He made a statement that the Bullies were not there for the hell of it.
I thought Wood put in one of the most important GF captain's games in recent memory.
I know you guys have Murphy as your Captain but gees, Wood would be unlucky to lose the captaincy after today's top shelf effort.
Awesome win.
(....and you stuck it right up 'em - right up Sydney!)
Well done Doggies,so very,very happy for you.
You deserved that win and never looked like losing.
What an amazing team and what a true gentleman your coach is.
I was almost as happy today as when my Lions won.
Cried like a baby, so wanted you to win.
Enjoy ,you bloody deserve it.

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Mike__ my sincerest congratulations to you and all Doggies people that was a hell of a win and a hell of a season..can't remember last time I sobbed for a team I don't even barrack for! The way Rob Murphy was handled in the end was the icing on the cake..a truly class act from a class club.
Cheers to you all, enjoy!
I sobbed for them too. Something I don't think I have ever done for any team other than my own. This was a special win by a focused and bonded group of players and a coach who displayed great dignity in the win. Only Swan's supporters would find something to dislike in the Bulldog's success today. Almost makes me want to swap the black and white stripes for ......
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That was just one of the very very best!! All I want to say is that I am SO happy for all Dogs fans but particularly those who have stuck with the club through thick and thin, kept on going every week and never gave up. There are many older fans in particular I would imagine who would have thought they were never going to see this day but the day finally arrived!
And even though a massive flogging is fun I think today was the very best way to win that flag for you. A great tense, tight game but enough breathing space at the end to feel relief and start celebrating before the siren.
Well done Dogs. Look at where you came from this year and be sure to take into account the quality and experience of your opposition. It makes what your boys achieved SO much more meritorious.
Great stuff!!!!

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Certified Legendary Thread Premiers 2016 - BULLIES DEF SWANS.. WE ARE THE CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!

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