Brownlow Medallist
Gralin's question: Why do you deserve to have your kids private school education subsidized by the taxpayer when it was your choice to not use public schooling for them?You didn't answer the question asking why your argument was valid?
You think equality in funding is the answer, clearly that means you don't believe in equity
I want the priority in all education funding to be the public system and I want the most disadvantaged schools to get the biggest boost in funding
I don't want money getting thrown at for profits that don't need it.
I generally would like the private school system to be abolished because its a class system that is designed to create an advantage for rich people and they sucker the middle class into helping fund it and fight on their behalf to keep the haves with more
Sttew's answer: Because the tax "subsidy" ends up saving the government more than the value of the tax subsidy.
Why don't you address the issues I raised? You conveniently overlook anything that counters your position as though it was never said.
I think that you need to be upfront in your arguments. You don't rate education or the ability of education to assist Australians in working their way up the ladder of life. The fact that you believe the private school 'system' should be abolished says it all. It shows how little you really know about it. Sure schools like Scotch College, Xavier, and Melbourne Grammar are class based, but the majority of leading private schools like Caulfield Grammar, Wesley, and Haileybury are anything but class based. I would hazard a guess that up to 40-50% of families who send their kids to those schools are ordinary middle class folk, albeit aspirational families, with mother and father working full time to pay the fees.