QAFA (A) 2015 season

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Not sure how AFLQ is the hand that feeds us TT?

Our club started 7 years ago on a school oval and due the fact of being on Education QLD owned facility to get any form of funding has been a slog.

Therefore we have fund raised to pay for items like lighting, change rooms, goal posts, covered areas, coaches boxes etc which would be close to $400K without one red cent from AFLQ or AFL. So they are hardly the hand that feeds my club.

If anyone has a chance to obtain revenue via sporting clubs, pokies etc it is in fact the QAFL Clubs.

If you think QLD footy will ever attract top line players from down south based on $20k you are living in dreamland. The money available in suburban footy in Melbourne is insane and probably only Southport or Aspley could compete in a bidding war.

Clubs are no different to footy sides, so until you get your lower clubs up competing with better clubs the leagues will never improve.

In saying that if clubs are not improving or have unsettled committees then maybe the QAFL should look at reducing number of clubs to improve playing rosters and help identify what clubs need money spent on them.
Well put Blocker
Not sure how AFLQ is the hand that feeds us TT?

Our club started 7 years ago on a school oval and due the fact of being on Education QLD owned facility to get any form of funding has been a slog.

Therefore we have fund raised to pay for items like lighting, change rooms, goal posts, covered areas, coaches boxes etc which would be close to $400K without one red cent from AFLQ or AFL. So they are hardly the hand that feeds my club.

If anyone has a chance to obtain revenue via sporting clubs, pokies etc it is in fact the QAFL Clubs.

If you think QLD footy will ever attract top line players from down south based on $20k you are living in dreamland. The money available in suburban footy in Melbourne is insane and probably only Southport or Aspley could compete in a bidding war.

Clubs are no different to footy sides, so until you get your lower clubs up competing with better clubs the leagues will never improve.

In saying that if clubs are not improving or have unsettled committees then maybe the QAFL should look at reducing number of clubs to improve playing rosters and help identify what clubs need money spent on them.
The aflq is the governing body here, keep slagging them and see how far that gets you. $20k won't make all the difference in the world, but it's a start in the right direction to strengthening these clubs. Think you will find that the aflq's plan is to increase the amount of clubs participating, not decrease. But, hey, we don't have to agree here, you have your opinion and I have mine.
The aflq is the governing body here, keep slagging them and see how far that gets you. $20k won't make all the difference in the world, but it's a start in the right direction to strengthening these clubs. Think you will find that the aflq's plan is to increase the amount of clubs participating, not decrease. But, hey, we don't have to agree here, you have your opinion and I have mine.

I don't think I was slagging anyone TT more just making a point. The funding is in the totally wrong direction. I have no problems AFLQ issue grant monies but put it where it is needed.

Obviously you are from one of the clubs benefitting or you wouldn't be so stupid to agree.

I am sure if I want to get my point to AFLQ I don't need a forum like this mate. For those people that know me I will go to straight to the top. Which at present I am not sure who that is just yet as I haven't heard of any appointments of new CEO.

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I don't think I was slagging anyone TT more just making a point. The funding is in the totally wrong direction. I have no problems AFLQ issue grant monies but put it where it is needed.

Obviously you are from one of the clubs benefitting or you wouldn't be so stupid to agree.

I am sure if I want to get my point to AFLQ I don't need a forum like this mate. For those people that know me I will go to straight to the top. Which at present I am not sure who that is just yet as I haven't heard of any appointments of new CEO.
Sounds like you've got it under control then. Good luck dealing with the new CEO once you find out who he is.
I don't think I was slagging anyone TT more just making a point. The funding is in the totally wrong direction. I have no problems AFLQ issue grant monies but put it where it is needed.

Obviously you are from one of the clubs benefitting or you wouldn't be so stupid to agree.

I am sure if I want to get my point to AFLQ I don't need a forum like this mate. For those people that know me I will go to straight to the top. Which at present I am not sure who that is just yet as I haven't heard of any appointments of new CEO.

Dean Warren appointed new AFLQ CEO as of November 2. good luck pal
Dont think its a bad move Blocker - at the end of the day the QAFL teams need to be strong not just on field but off. Most young kids who are decent footballers will eventually move to one of these clubs, even if it is only for a year or 2 to try their hand. Many of the Academy boys are playing for these clubs at 17s level - an age group that is going to be under the spotlight going forward with future draft picks etc. I would imagine that the AFLQ are looking to ensure all QAFL clubs have a really good off field environment to cater for not just these boys but to improve the whole standard of the comp. And its not to buy players but to improve facilities and coaching.
BTW with the points system in vogue in Vic in 2016 maybe there will be a bit more movement of players??
Dont think its a bad move Blocker - at the end of the day the QAFL teams need to be strong not just on field but off. Most young kids who are decent footballers will eventually move to one of these clubs, even if it is only for a year or 2 to try their hand. Many of the Academy boys are playing for these clubs at 17s level - an age group that is going to be under the spotlight going forward with future draft picks etc. I would imagine that the AFLQ are looking to ensure all QAFL clubs have a really good off field environment to cater for not just these boys but to improve the whole standard of the comp. And its not to buy players but to improve facilities and coaching.
BTW with the points system in vogue in Vic in 2016 maybe there will be a bit more movement of players??
See blocker, it's not all bad and it's not all about dollars and cents. Funny that the announcement of new CEO was on the same website as the info re QAFL grants. But with your ability to go straight to the top and having the ear of the current powerbrokers, I'm sure you'll get a fair hearing. Good luck... Sincerely
I would hazard a guess that the QAFL clubs would prefer a $20k discount on their fees, instead of a $20k 'handout' that is highly controlled by AFLQ on what it can be spent on and not guaranteed if they don't like what you want to spend it on....

Even with the $20k discount, their fees would be similar to your QAFA fees too btw.
See blocker, it's not all bad and it's not all about dollars and cents. Funny that the announcement of new CEO was on the same website as the info re QAFL grants. But with your ability to go straight to the top and having the ear of the current powerbrokers, I'm sure you'll get a fair hearing. Good luck... Sincerely

The grant information actually got sent to us via our club email TT that's how I knew about that. Just thought that with such an important notice of a new CEO it might have been sent to clubs advising us considering we are the actual key stakeholders.

Not trying to slam anyone but thought that would have been a no brainer instead of relying on people just reading on website?
I would hazard a guess that the QAFL clubs would prefer a $20k discount on their fees, instead of a $20k 'handout' that is highly controlled by AFLQ on what it can be spent on and not guaranteed if they don't like what you want to spend it on....

Even with the $20k discount, their fees would be similar to your QAFA fees too btw.

what and let clubs spend $20K on a couple of players that wont necessarily help them improve as a footy club? Because that's the way I think it would go QAFL.

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what and let clubs spend $20K on a couple of players that wont necessarily help them improve as a footy club? Because that's the way I think it would go QAFL.

Hooper has gone back to Springwood my spies tell me? Anyone from Ippy confirming that?
Bond is obviously highly supported by a strong university. They could potentially offer discounts on Uni fees etc to attract players. No reason why they could not follow UQ model.
what and let clubs spend $20K on a couple of players that wont necessarily help them improve as a footy club? Because that's the way I think it would go QAFL.

Not at all. But every club needs something different, and being held to ransom over funding is not great governance.

They want the clubs to pay for formal positions. Issue is, some of these clubs have highly qualified volunteers already filling these roles and $20k aint going to buy a well credentialed person to fulfill a meaningful role. It might be enough to pay an incompetent AFLQ employee, but not someone that performs a decent service!
Query, Do the football clubs and coaches have an association to approach AFLQ, regarding the concerns of competitions, umpires, facilities etc ??
Query, Do the football clubs and coaches have an association to approach AFLQ, regarding the concerns of competitions, umpires, facilities etc ??

Really good point AFL. However I must say at the community football level I think the club meetings we all get a good chance to have our say.

Is there a reason for that question.
Really good point AFL. However I must say at the community football level I think the club meetings we all get a good chance to have our say.

Is there a reason for that question.

Fairness and Equal Treatment, across the State for all that are involved in the greatest game in Australia.
The AFL have an Coaches Association. It makes everything transparent across the board.
Not at all. But every club needs something different, and being held to ransom over funding is not great governance.

They want the clubs to pay for formal positions. Issue is, some of these clubs have highly qualified volunteers already filling these roles and $20k aint going to buy a well credentialed person to fulfill a meaningful role. It might be enough to pay an incompetent AFLQ employee, but not someone that performs a decent service!

Yeah disagree - $20K would go an enormous way at QAFL level to appoint a couple of really really good assistant coaches OR on footy resources.
Not sure being held to ransom - no different to applying for a grant thru State government - you dont get a choice what the $$ are being spent on, you must spend it on what it is being given for. Much prefer this model then allowing dumb arse clubs spend their way out of business bc they believe that a premiership in a single year is the definition of a successful footy club...
correct me if I'm wrong, but its my understanding that a very small portion is allowed to be spent on assistant coaches.

there is a directive to hire people in sponsorship/marketing roles. Not sure what sort of expertise you're going to get for a portion of $20k per year!
Come on guys where's all the whispers about player signings,movement clubs moving up o down,coaches sackings etc...
Are the chooks going to be contender's,will the suns continue to rise........
Come on guys where's all the whispers about player signings,movement clubs moving up o down,coaches sackings etc...
Are the chooks going to be contender's,will the suns continue to rise........

Buffs will show big improvement in 2016 with the roosters runner up bnf and interleague medal winner Jay Parker taking on the 2s job and will dominate the Centre square and 2 X premiership ruck mitch fryer back at buff land will be no push over in 2016 .

Roosters have named there coaching staff for 2016 and will be led by the big bald fella simmo , smart footy head and very respected down at the pen . Always pays up when his doggies choke.

sun's will be the bench mark team great coach and guns all across the park already and will get better (I seen the ground is coming along nicely ) .

Viccy point and wynnum might have gone under the radar but that will change I think it's going to be a massive fight for 2nd spot this year out of 4 or 5 sides .

Is kedron coming up to our division ?

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QAFA (A) 2015 season

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