Politics QAnon and Sovereign Citizens

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Some grifter will simply create 'Truthbook' for those idiots to migrate to.

At least then it'll be easy to centralise their metadata to easily round them up when the revolution comes.

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have you not hear of parler?
QAnon followers are ignorant, easily manipulated idiots, just look at their manifesto, they're f***ing bonkers. When Malcolm Roberts best represents you in Parliament any reasonable people would reassess their belief structures quick f***ing smart.

Bob brown had the hots for a guy who protested logging in tasmania, so he joined the movement to get closer to him. That's borderline predatory behavior. I know the guy who was offered a senate seat with backstabbing Bob brown, refused because he knew Bob was full of shit and would ruin the movement. This guy educated me in politics, war, energy and global warming. He jumped on bob hawkers car one day protesting roxby downs uranium mining.

I asked One night, after working on his country property where he taught me drystone walling and building with mud and brick, what made you see the lights as some one who was a union man and port magpie tragic

He volunteered to fight in nam and refused because of reasons not stated. All his mates drafted and many didn't want to go, made no sense. So he sort to figure out why. He then met a female who is probably the greatest environmental activist and social justice campaigner Australia's had They educated me. They unified the indigenous communities against uranium mining.

Backstabbing Bob who supported Howard with so much shit, replaced by a guy who believes in gmo and as leader ignored global warming to push same sex marriage for year after year and promoted radicals like waters and pushed out all the real green politicians.

So what you say of Roberts is a form.Of projection.

Malcolm Roberts is right wing nut who speaks alot of shit, but he's right about people like Peter holkingworth , who covered up child sex abuse and quietly stepped down as governor General. And here you are speaking some serious abuse towards Roberts .what is your agenda?

The una bomber was right when he said in the late 70s the green movement would be over run by self interest ego maniacs.

QAnon is just a arm of the sensible right in America, trying to weaken all those that fall in line and help the left and radical right in America. They are hijacking truths. Truths about epstien and what went on for years.

People really need to think deeply the monsters they are supporting when they label qanon.

Don Dunston and some very high profile. Judges ect are named numerous times in the mulligan inquiry, which is supresed for 70 years. It documents them helping themselves to orphans and the like. Ironicly a floor on Rupert murdochs old building in adelaide cbd is one of the rape rooms. It's named in the mulligan inquiry. They would drug young boys and politicians would walk across the road after sitting in Parliament and have thier way.

Senator heffernan made some startling allegations backed by federal police documents in parliment, about this happening in Canberra. Wikileaks also released documents about it in America and this lead to epstiens arrest. Bill Clinton was in power when epstien was let off the first time. Both red and blue Yankee politicians complicit in this.

You really need to think about what you're doing when you try and label qanon. Unfortunately they have an agenda and are sucking people in hijacking a truth, a dark truth. Because you're supporting the likes of George pell and murdoch.
Bob brown had the hots for a guy who protested logging in tasmania, so he joined the movement to get closer to him. That's borderline predatory behavior.
No it isn't, people do that all the time. It's only predatory if the guy was underage or if Brown was his teacher or workplace superior.

Backstabbing Bob who supported Howard with so much sh*t, replaced by a guy who believes in gmo and as leader ignored global warming to push same sex marriage for year after year and promoted radicals like waters and pushed out all the real green politicians.
People can care about more than one thing at one time. Climate change and SSM were both worthy causes to push for, and any politician worth their salt can work on different things simultaneously, even if one is more prominent. And how is Larissa Waters a radical? You've offered no evidence to support that conclusion.

Regarding GMOs, don't you want politicians to trust science? GMOs are one of the most heavily studied and peer reviewed areas in modern science, and the scientific consensus is that they are safe and even beneficial to humanity. The only problem with GMOs is how they're used by predatory capitalists to make super profits at the expense of farmers.

And here you are speaking some serious abuse towards Roberts .what is your agenda?
He's an anti-intellectual bullshit artist who can't be trusted to listen to anyone with more education than him.

QAnon is just a arm of the sensible right in America, trying to weaken all those that fall in line and help the left and radical right in America. They are hijacking truths. Truths about epstien and what went on for years.

People really need to think deeply the monsters they are supporting when they label qanon.
QAnon is a cult that uses the crimes of real paedophiles like Epstein to spread nonsense about other people being paedophiles too. To them, abused children are merely props to be used in their bid to win elections for their preferred party. It's almost as monstrous as Epstein himself.

A self-proclaimed sovereign citizen has been excoriated by Queensland’s highest court after claiming the state laws do not apply to him.

Ross James Bradley took his charge of unlicensed driving to Queensland’s Court of Appeal in the hope it would be thrown out. But it only took the first two lines of his application for the justices to dismiss it as “a jumble of gobbledygook” and nonsensical arguments.

Mr Bradley’s first two sentences, revealed in the court’s decision that was published on Tuesday, were as follows:

“My BRADLEY person (conjoined with the BRADLEY ‘spiritual’ family body-politic) is my own “body politic” by succession, at Law. It is my natural body incorporated at the supreme Christian Law and is my own jurisdiction.”

Mr Bradley was initially fined $150 with no conviction recorded for his single charge of unlicensed driving.


This is actually him:

No it isn't, people do that all the time. It's only predatory if the guy was underage or if Brown was his teacher or workplace superior.

People can care about more than one thing at one time. Climate change and SSM were both worthy causes to push for, and any politician worth their salt can work on different things simultaneously, even if one is more prominent. And how is Larissa Waters a radical? You've offered no evidence to support that conclusion.

Regarding GMOs, don't you want politicians to trust science? GMOs are one of the most heavily studied and peer reviewed areas in modern science, and the scientific consensus is that they are safe and even beneficial to humanity. The only problem with GMOs is how they're used by predatory capitalists to make super profits at the expense of farmers.

He's an anti-intellectual bullshit artist who can't be trusted to listen to anyone with more education than him.

QAnon is a cult that uses the crimes of real paedophiles like Epstein to spread nonsense about other people being paedophiles too. To them, abused children are merely props to be used in their bid to win elections for their preferred party. It's almost as monstrous as Epstein himself.

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Gotta pull you up there on gmo’s

The seeds themselves i have no problems with - its the roundup ready thats the problem. Glyphosate is not a safe product at all - it was originally patented as an anti bacterial - the rise of its use has paralleled the rise of chronic gut disorders and food allergies and whilst this has not been researched properly, having former monsanto senior management as head of the fda president after president has ensured that it hasnt been investigated at all.

The european union recently listed glyphosate as a probable carcinogen as well.

Id like to see gmo foods labelled - people should be free to choose whether they ingest them or not.
Gotta pull you up there on gmo’s

The seeds themselves i have no problems with - its the roundup ready thats the problem. Glyphosate is not a safe product at all - it was originally patented as an anti bacterial - the rise of its use has paralleled the rise of chronic gut disorders and food allergies
Got a citation for that?

and whilst this has not been researched properly
Glyphosate is one of the most studied substances in modern chemistry.

having former monsanto senior management as head of the fda president after president has ensured that it hasnt been investigated at all.
Stephen Hahn, the current FDA commissioner, has never worked for Monsanto. Neither did his predecessor, Scott Gotlieb. Nor his predecessor, Robert Califf, nor his predecessor, Margaret Hamburg, nor her predecessor, Andrew Von Eschenbach. That's 14 years in which they've had ample time to investigate.

Actually I'm pretty sure none of the FDA heads have been former Monsanto employees since the agency was created. Most of them have been health professionals or academics. A few of them were former employees of big pharmaceutical companies, but that's not what you're alleging.

The only notable FDA higher-up that I can find who was a former Monsanto employee is Michael R. Taylor, who moved between the public sector and Monsanto a few times over the years, before serving as a FDA Deputy Commissioner between 2009-2016. But here's the thing - there are strict rules on what someone can work on in the public sector if they've previously been an employee of a private company in a related industry, precisely to avoid conflicts of interest. He was not allowed to rule on any product approvals related to Monsanto. He also wrote articles advocating for biotech companies to have less power over crop improvement patents, in the interests of global food security. Does that sound like someone shilling for Monsanto?

And after his tenure as Deputy Commissioner, he went to work for the World Bank and the UN on global food security. If he was a Monsanto goon, shouldn't he have gone straight back there for a fat pay packet?

The european union recently listed glyphosate as a probable carcinogen as well.
Which agency of the EU specifically? Because the European Food Safety Authority has stated "The substance is unlikely to be genotoxic (i.e. damaging to DNA) or to pose a carcinogenic threat to humans. Glyphosate is not proposed to be classified as carcinogenic under the
EU regulation for classification, labelling and packaging of chemical substances. In particular, all the Member State experts but one agreed that neither the epidemiological data (i.e. on humans) nor the evidence from animal studies demonstrated causality between exposure to glyphosate and the development of cancer in humans."

They also approved the use of glyphosate until 2022. Why would they do that if they also have declared it as a possible carcinogen?

Id like to see gmo foods labelled - people should be free to choose whether they ingest them or not.
I agree with this, because I want to deliberately pick out the GMOs to purchase. Funnily enough, Michael Taylor, the ex-Monsanto employee I mentioned above, tried to convince Monsanto to drop its opposition to GMO labelling, and he quit when they didn't listen to him.
Got a citation for that?

Glyphosate is one of the most studied substances in modern chemistry.

Stephen Hahn, the current FDA commissioner, has never worked for Monsanto. Neither did his predecessor, Scott Gotlieb. Nor his predecessor, Robert Califf, nor his predecessor, Margaret Hamburg, nor her predecessor, Andrew Von Eschenbach. That's 14 years in which they've had ample time to investigate.

Actually I'm pretty sure none of the FDA heads have been former Monsanto employees since the agency was created. Most of them have been health professionals or academics. A few of them were former employees of big pharmaceutical companies, but that's not what you're alleging.

The only notable FDA higher-up that I can find who was a former Monsanto employee is Michael R. Taylor, who moved between the public sector and Monsanto a few times over the years, before serving as a FDA Deputy Commissioner between 2009-2016. But here's the thing - there are strict rules on what someone can work on in the public sector if they've previously been an employee of a private company in a related industry, precisely to avoid conflicts of interest. He was not allowed to rule on any product approvals related to Monsanto. He also wrote articles advocating for biotech companies to have less power over crop improvement patents, in the interests of global food security. Does that sound like someone shilling for Monsanto?

And after his tenure as Deputy Commissioner, he went to work for the World Bank and the UN on global food security. If he was a Monsanto goon, shouldn't he have gone straight back there for a fat pay packet?

Which agency of the EU specifically? Because the European Food Safety Authority has stated "The substance is unlikely to be genotoxic (i.e. damaging to DNA) or to pose a carcinogenic threat to humans. Glyphosate is not proposed to be classified as carcinogenic under the
EU regulation for classification, labelling and packaging of chemical substances. In particular, all the Member State experts but one agreed that neither the epidemiological data (i.e. on humans) nor the evidence from animal studies demonstrated causality between exposure to glyphosate and the development of cancer in humans."

They also approved the use of glyphosate until 2022. Why would they do that if they also have declared it as a possible carcinogen?

I agree with this, because I want to deliberately pick out the GMOs to purchase. Funnily enough, Michael Taylor, the ex-Monsanto employee I mentioned above, tried to convince Monsanto to drop its opposition to GMO labelling, and he quit when they didn't listen to him.
If Glyphosate is so safe why is this happening?


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QAnon is a cult that uses the crimes of real paedophiles like Epstein to spread nonsense about other people being paedophiles too. To them, abused children are merely props to be used in their bid to win elections for their preferred party. It's almost as monstrous as Epstein himself.
Its nowhere near as monstrous as the things Epstein did.

Most of those people are confused mushrooms with no understanding of how the world or power in their own country works. The irony is they think "sheeple" means other people.

Joanna Harcourt-Smith, fellow fugitive and one time paramour of Timothy Leary died a few months ago, presumably of old age, nothing sinister as far as i know.

A friend showed me something Harcourt-Smith posted on her (J H-S') facebook in the last year or eighteen months.

From one who got away and found the meaning of life: Love is the practice, the way, love is the beginning with no end.
I have a lot to say about the Jeffrey Epstein situation.
I come from what I like to call"The extreme owning class" those who now own almost everything that can possibly be bought and sold on this planet. I was born after the 2nd World war in a family of the same standing as the Rothschild's or the Melon's or the Ford's. When I was 13 I was groomed for "love"that meant one thing and one thing only SEX with powerful extremely rich, older men. By the time I was 14 i was to be successful by having these "High Society" men give me jewelry from Cartier and other fashionable jewelers. The more jewelry, the more valuable I was as a person. There was the owner of the Heineken Beer, there was the Prince of Monaco, there was Nicky Hilton. These entitled men treated me like a commodity without any care about my age, the younger, the better.
I had value because these men wanted me and gave me valuable things. At these levels of power this was not called abuse and rape, it was called being wanted by the right men.
There were trips to the Bahamas, luxury hotels around the world; I submitted because I was terrified of been banished from the only tribe I knew. I was too ashamed of my self to break the bond.
This abominable treatment of girls has been going on for centuries, no one seems to care up till now. I want people to know that many of us have been suffering in shame and silence. Powerful men were to be obediently served by women, the younger the better. This is going on under our noses right now, all over the world. This is not unusual, Jeffrey Epstein is a monster and there are monsters walking free in total impunity all around us.
Its not enough for women to stand up once and flood the streets after DT's election. We must stand up everyday to claim our immense value as the magnificent human beings we are.
I tell the truth so that this soul murder of girl's intelligence, power and absolute integrity can come out of darkness and be fiercely defended and protected. Don't pretend it's only happening because Jeffrey Epstein is a pedophile, he is the Scapegoat for all the others who are doing the exact same monstrosities.
Photo: At a diner party in Brussels, never too thin to be the perfect object

I don't have a facebook account to check if its true or not. But she (my friend) is usually not full of shit.

On the face of it it seems like a Qanon rant. Except it isn't. Its subtly different and points to a systemic problem among the 1% or more likely the 0.0001%, rather than one worldwide pedo ring conspiracy, that seems backed up by some historical evidence. For example Clinton and Lewinski. Obviously she was an adult but the same power dynamic is potentially in play.

As long as idiots are ranting about QAnon then claims like those Harcourt-Smith is alleged to have made (I haven't seen the facebook page to confirm the story or the picture that caption at the end of the bit in italics refers to,) will have less credibility even tho that post has more in common with #metoo than with QAnon. And many who buy into Qanon are very critical of #metoo.

Anyway I just saw that JH-S thing recently and found it interesting given Trump's connections to Epstein and his willingness to push a conspiracy theory that could really apply to him.
Bob brown had the hots for a guy who protested logging in tasmania, so he joined the movement to get closer to him. That's borderline predatory behavior. I know the guy who was offered a senate seat with backstabbing Bob brown, refused because he knew Bob was full of sh*t and would ruin the movement. This guy educated me in politics, war, energy and global warming. He jumped on bob hawkers car one day protesting roxby downs uranium mining.

I asked One night, after working on his country property where he taught me drystone walling and building with mud and brick, what made you see the lights as some one who was a union man and port magpie tragic

He volunteered to fight in nam and refused because of reasons not stated. All his mates drafted and many didn't want to go, made no sense. So he sort to figure out why. He then met a female who is probably the greatest environmental activist and social justice campaigner Australia's had They educated me. They unified the indigenous communities against uranium mining.

Backstabbing Bob who supported Howard with so much sh*t, replaced by a guy who believes in gmo and as leader ignored global warming to push same sex marriage for year after year and promoted radicals like waters and pushed out all the real green politicians.

So what you say of Roberts is a form.Of projection.

Malcolm Roberts is right wing nut who speaks alot of sh*t, but he's right about people like Peter holkingworth , who covered up child sex abuse and quietly stepped down as governor General. And here you are speaking some serious abuse towards Roberts .what is your agenda?

The una bomber was right when he said in the late 70s the green movement would be over run by self interest ego maniacs.

QAnon is just a arm of the sensible right in America, trying to weaken all those that fall in line and help the left and radical right in America. They are hijacking truths. Truths about epstien and what went on for years.

People really need to think deeply the monsters they are supporting when they label qanon.

Don Dunston and some very high profile. Judges ect are named numerous times in the mulligan inquiry, which is supresed for 70 years. It documents them helping themselves to orphans and the like. Ironicly a floor on Rupert murdochs old building in adelaide cbd is one of the rape rooms. It's named in the mulligan inquiry. They would drug young boys and politicians would walk across the road after sitting in Parliament and have thier way.

Senator heffernan made some startling allegations backed by federal police documents in parliment, about this happening in Canberra. Wikileaks also released documents about it in America and this lead to epstiens arrest. Bill Clinton was in power when epstien was let off the first time. Both red and blue Yankee politicians complicit in this.

You really need to think about what you're doing when you try and label qanon. Unfortunately they have an agenda and are sucking people in hijacking a truth, a dark truth. Because you're supporting the likes of George pell and murdoch.
You really need to see a psychologist.
That cant be right. I read on Instagram that they were all ANTIFA dressed up as RWNJ's.
Did you see where they were saying "ha! this photo of this guy was on the ANTIFA site so he must be ANTIFA!"

ANTIFA: Yeah the site where we dox fascists.
What a bunch of muppets
Egged on by their hero Trump to storm the capital building and now left to face the consequences on their own
Be interesting when it is revealed that Q is a fiction direct from Russian troll farms.
Be interesting when it is revealed that Q is a fiction direct from Russian troll farms.
Why does it have to be Russian troll farms? The US had persona management software available to the Pentagon, intel agencies and even PR companies over a decade ago. Everyone has troll farms.
Why does it have to be Russian troll farms? The US had persona management software available to the Pentagon, intel agencies and even PR companies over a decade ago. Everyone has troll farms.

Makes sense it would be the Russians behind it. Manipulative propaganda, creating chaos, confusion and division.
Trump sees himself as the hero in the QAnon story, so he is happy to ride it
Makes sense it would be the Russians behind it. Manipulative propaganda, creating chaos, confusion and division.
Trump sees himself as the hero in the QAnon story, so he is happy to ride it
It makes more sense that Trump or people working for him are behind it actually.

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