Politics QAnon and Sovereign Citizens

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Have you seen the recent Vice documentary or read the anonymous confession from the person who claims to be the original Q? Do you agree with HRC and others that foreign entities were behind spreading Qanon theories?

Who is Q?

FWIW I thought the confession was believable, and I’m of the opinion that the Watkinses took the role of Q.

(I‘m looking forward to HBO’s doco too)
I have not. Might have a squizz tonight.

The super-outlandish theories (eg face swapping etc) may have been latched onto by foreign entities, however Q was either Trumps social media team (Dan Scavino) or was backed by them. Trumps campaign propaganda videos played on plenty of Q drops, eg flashes of a return to the Gold Standard, Linkin Park music etc.

I think Watkins started it, however by the end it was very much controlled by Trumps social media subordinates.
I have not. Might have a squizz tonight.

The super-outlandish theories (eg face swapping etc) may have been latched onto by foreign entities, however Q was either Trumps social media team (Dan Scavino) or was backed by them. Trumps campaign propaganda videos played on plenty of Q drops, eg flashes of a return to the Gold Standard, Linkin Park music etc.

I think Watkins started it, however by the end it was very much controlled by Trumps social media subordinates.
Fair enough. I think it's more likely Trump's social media team made a significant effort to incorporate Q to recruit (more) lunatics into voting for him, rather than having any active involvement.

The foreign interference angle is really interesting. Obviously the (public) Qanon supporters are a bunch of lunatics but the way it has spread has been very organised and somewhat sophisticated- ie: using memes (images) to communicate rather than text, and the way that new-age, anti-establishment groups and evangelical Christians were targeted for recruitment.

I haven't seen the Vice documentary but many of the people who appeared on it (Fredrick Bannon, the Qanonanon guys) hung shit on it almost as soon as it was released. I'm still curious.

The HBO series (not sure if it's out yet) points the finger at Ron Watkins as being the main person. (I'm pretty sure the Watkins took over Q when they created 8kun, and have maintained that role ever since).

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The nutso world of Person of Interest star Jim Caviezal

From cornering production crew and rambling about Q, to nearly running over members of the public because "that's what his character would do", to talking about Hitler in a not-so-unflattering way, Jimmy C just keeps getting hired. Even though he was SURE his turn as Jesus in Passion of the Christ would be his undoing.

You couldn't make some of this stuff up. I was walking up to the shops this morning with this playing in my ear buds, laughing like an idiot.

The bit about him needing his lines written on cards - even a single line - was hilarious.

"If you watch closely in the show, he looks down a lot. He's reading his lines from a small card cupped in his hand."

This guy alone proves "cancel culture" doesn't really exist.
Holy cruddlers.

Appeared via Zoom at a Q conference, broken up about "adrenochroming".

He's going to play the leader of "Operation Underground Railroad" - a real guy who LARPs as a "Q-inspired child slavery rescuer" - in a movie!

Refused to take part in a storyline where he had a romantic relationship with a black female character... because "people shouldn't have interracial relationships".

Went "full Benny Hill" going up to an Asian lady on set, a studio executive, making a praying action with his hands, bowing and saying "ah sooo".

Would assume people's race, and mimic what he thought was their language. Full on made up Mandarin, German, Spanish and jabbered it at people. Insisting he was speaking their language fluently! Even when they spoke the language and told him he was speaking nonsense!

Q attracts the best people.

You have to listen to this. It is side-splitting.
Holy cruddlers.

Appeared via Zoom at a Q conference, broken up about "adrenochroming".

He's going to play the leader of "Operation Underground Railroad" - a real guy who LARPs as a "Q-inspired child slavery rescuer" - in a movie!

Refused to take part in a storyline where he had a romantic relationship with a black female character... because "people shouldn't have interracial relationships".

Went "full Benny Hill" going up to an Asian lady on set, a studio executive, making a praying action with his hands, bowing and saying "ah sooo".

Would assume people's race, and mimic what he thought was their language. Full on made up Mandarin, German, Spanish and jabbered it at people. Insisting he was speaking their language fluently! Even when they spoke the language and told him he was speaking nonsense!

Q attracts the best people.

You have to listen to this. It is side-splitting.

Thanks for the recommendation. Just finished, it is everything you said it was and more.

"Its just like working with a puppy. Except the puppy keeps talking about Hitler" :tearsofjoy:
Capitol insurrectionists aren't making plea deals because they believe Trump will swoop in to save them: report
Here’s a summary of pretty much all the Australian sovereign citizen theories and a whole bunch of court/tribunal decisions shooting them down.


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The nutso world of Person of Interest star Jim Caviezal

From cornering production crew and rambling about Q, to nearly running over members of the public because "that's what his character would do", to talking about Hitler in a not-so-unflattering way, Jimmy C just keeps getting hired. Even though he was SURE his turn as Jesus in Passion of the Christ would be his undoing.

You couldn't make some of this stuff up. I was walking up to the shops this morning with this playing in my ear buds, laughing like an idiot.

The bit about him needing his lines written on cards - even a single line - was hilarious.

"If you watch closely in the show, he looks down a lot. He's reading his lines from a small card cupped in his hand."

This guy alone proves "cancel culture" doesn't really exist.
It doesn't prove that.
So the QAnon nutters approve of the coup in Myanmar?

Do they realise the Myanmar junta is BFFs/clients of China?
Do you even play 4D chess?

It's all part of Trump's master plan.
I have not. Might have a squizz tonight.

The super-outlandish theories (eg face swapping etc) may have been latched onto by foreign entities, however Q was either Trumps social media team (Dan Scavino) or was backed by them. Trumps campaign propaganda videos played on plenty of Q drops, eg flashes of a return to the Gold Standard, Linkin Park music etc.

I think Watkins started it, however by the end it was very much controlled by Trumps social media subordinates.
Whoever it was , were targeting the single digit IQ's of the far right morons likely to vote for Trump, successfully.
No different than the halfwits who fell for the Birther BS.

Pity there is no virus which targets stupidity.
Surely the Chinese are working on one of these.
Just watching the 4 Corners episode on Scomo's connection to QAnon. It's less-than-surprising that the story has gained no traction, even if his best mate was literally (and without hyperbole) feeding him QAnon messaging to use in his speeches.
Just watching the 4 Corners episode on Scomo's connection to QAnon. It's less-than-surprising that the story has gained no traction, even if his best mate was literally (and without hyperbole) feeding him QAnon messaging to use in his speeches.

Too complex and scary for mainstream media. They prefer to punch down against an easy target

For the same reason they never really questioned why Morrison is good mates with Hillsong pedo protectors. Or why Abbott and Howard are good mates with Catholic pedo protectors.

For the same reason why A Current Affair or Today Tonight “journalist” can stalk, harass and follow any poor welfare recipient trying to find a way to feed his family, whereas an independent journalist questioning politicians about corruption gets violently thrown to the ground by special operations police.

Australian media and public aren’t mature enough to handle the fallout that would happen if those in power had the light truly shined upon them and their actions.
Just watching the 4 Corners episode on Scomo's connection to QAnon. It's less-than-surprising that the story has gained no traction, even if his best mate was literally (and without hyperbole) feeding him QAnon messaging to use in his speeches.
It is kind of old news. Covered by others a year or two ago.

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