Politics QAnon and Sovereign Citizens

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It is kind of old news. Covered by others a year or two ago.

Did the original story report the messages he fed into Morrison's speech? I didn't recall hearing that before.
Did the original story report the messages he fed into Morrison's speech? I didn't recall hearing that before.
Bit in the Guardian

Also pictured at the meeting was Eliahi Priest, who has previously spoken at a rally for the True Blue Crew, a far-right Australian group.​
BurnedSpy told the Guardian that Priest turned up at the meeting without his knowledge.​
Priest was visited by the Australian federal police earlier this year after sending concerning emails to government officials. The officers asked Priest if he needed mental health support or counselling.​
He claimed to have passed on information to Morrison, via the individual controlling the BurnedSpy account.​
“I was hanging out with the prime minister’s best friend at his house in Sydney,” Priest said. “[He] was to pass this information to the prime minister, and he did.”​
There is no evidence to substantiate Priest’s claims.​

Ol' mate Tom Tanuki has a few things to say about Eliahi Priest - including his long, long history of delusional behaviour.

Tom's a bit upset that Priest got a national TV platform to spout his shit, which seems to have been accepted by Four Corners uncritically.

Tom's point is that the "satanic panic" stuff in Smoko's speech ("ritual sexual abuse") is FAR MORE LIKELY to have come from Smoko's church than from Eliahi Priest via Stewart.

The same church where Tim and Smoko's wives met.

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Bit in the Guardian

Also pictured at the meeting was Eliahi Priest, who has previously spoken at a rally for the True Blue Crew, a far-right Australian group.​
BurnedSpy told the Guardian that Priest turned up at the meeting without his knowledge.​
Priest was visited by the Australian federal police earlier this year after sending concerning emails to government officials. The officers asked Priest if he needed mental health support or counselling.​
He claimed to have passed on information to Morrison, via the individual controlling the BurnedSpy account.​
“I was hanging out with the prime minister’s best friend at his house in Sydney,” Priest said. “[He] was to pass this information to the prime minister, and he did.”​
There is no evidence to substantiate Priest’s claims.​

Ol' mate Tom Tanuki has a few things to say about Eliahi Priest - including his long, long history of delusional behaviour.

Tom's a bit upset that Priest got a national TV platform to spout his sh*t, which seems to have been accepted by Four Corners uncritically.

Tom's point is that the "satanic panic" stuff in Smoko's speech ("ritual sexual abuse") is FAR MORE LIKELY to have come from Smoko's church than from Eliahi Priest via Stewart.

The same church where Tim and Smoko's wives met.

Great way to promote the 4 Corners expose .
What a knob.
So our PM is a Q anon fan? What’s next, you guys will claim he’s a flat earther? Stop getting your news from gossip rags like guardian!

Believing the earth was created in 6 days some time around 10,000 years ago isn’t much different from believing it’s flat.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Just going through the twitter feed. There's some gold in there.

The last 10 seconds is great

Lol nutty preachers. For an equivalent “Left Wing Watch” just view the original Trump threads here.
“He’s gonna lock up all the LGBTs and minorities, he’s gonna nuke everyone” etc etc
Lol nutty preachers. For an equivalent “Left Wing Watch” just view the original Trump threads here.
“He’s gonna lock up all the LGBTs and minorities, he’s gonna nuke everyone” etc etc

Does it feel weird being on the same side as the religious nutjobs? Wouldn't they send you to hell given half a chance?
Does it feel weird being on the same side as the religious nutjobs? Wouldn't they send you to hell given half a chance?
They would. I have a mixed race child out of wedlock. I like to think there is a spiritual realm out there, and since everyone seems to agree that I’m a top bloke, I like to think I’ll ascend to the greater realm (if there exists more than one - or any at all). How about you m8, same?
They would. I have a mixed race child out of wedlock. I like to think there is a spiritual realm out there, and since everyone seems to agree that I’m a top bloke, I like to think I’ll ascend to the greater realm (if there exists more than one - or any at all). How about you m8, same?

Nah, I'll pass. If heaven exists, it's probably full of fetuses.

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