when will the pokies open back up??? I can’t handle this anymore!!!
Pokies along with pubs and gaming will be a hard one GA. I think trying to keep machines cleaned from patron to patron etc will be their biggest challenge.
I’m with you I love my pub and a punt but not sure where it sits along with our beloved AFL.
I am hearing rumblings of an 8 week minimum season and 12 game maximum season if we get off the ground. But if schools are still staying home which in QLD looks like being in place for all of term 2 I can’t see any other relaxing of rules until at least end of June.
So at best any softening won’t occur until July in my opinion. So that would make an August season at best which was when we were supposed to finish?
So based on that I think AFLQ may either not worry about us or play something like 8 weeks plus 3 week finals series which is a November finish.
That’s all going well and best case I think?