Media Qooty outside Sweet - The Alterqoot

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Drawn of me using paint by a girl who used a photo as a guide, some years ago :D

Anyway, I should put you on the hot seat. If there really was a town called Membling that had a footy/qooty club, what do you think the nickname/mascot would be?

Not bad really. Have seen worse!

Hhhmmm well, slave for alliteration.

So options are:

Molitov Cocktails

Dealers choice
Not bad really. Have seen worse!

Hhhmmm well, slave for alliteration.

So options are:

Molitov Cocktails

Dealers choice
I also love alliteration! Let's throw a few more up (favourites at the top then a bunch of others):


Some others:
Mammoths (or Mastodons!)
Maral (it's a species of deer in Siberia)
Markhor (kind of a goat)
Megalodons (!!!)
Mongrels ( :D )
Mudpuppies (just a type of salamander but a cool name imo)
Muskippers (in 2001 I was abusing South Melbourne Districts players in a reserve grade Grand Final by calling them Mudskippers - based on Sth Melb being built on a swamp. Someone accused me of making racist slurs haha. They beat us :( )
Musk Oxen
Muttaburrasaurs (it's just a funny name, cretaceous dinosaur found in Qld)
View attachment alterqoot_intro.mp4


Episode 2 - More country competitions​

Welcome back to the history of Qooty outside Sweet!

Yesterday we looked through some of the more notable and larger competitions which I'd unearthed around the countryside. But there's more that was found, and I'll be touching upon these associations this evening.

It must also be noted that since commencing with the first episode yesterday, I have been in receipt of communications from throughout much of the entire globe. It came as a shock to discover that qooty is also being played across both the Seaslash and the Billy Oceans, in other continents. I was alerted to competitions which operate or did once operate in Anipor Ballek to the south, Laenil to the north, and both Laucend and the C.E.R. to the east. Perhaps there will be time to touch upon these leagues as well.

But for now, we're in Hindealla (and sometimes in Ibarawa), just out bush from Sweet itself, and that's where the research has been.

Tonight we go back. Back in time. Back to the backwoods.

Back to the Alterqoot.

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North of the Shea Plains, and technically by some jurisdictions a part of that wider geographical flatland, is the region surrounding a town called Maprako. It's wide land with little topography, a place the proto-predecessors of Supersuns were known to achieve untold speeds for purpose of both play and predation. And this region has also had a bit of qooty.

My research thus far only stretches back as far as (SFA-equiv) S23. Records prior to then were locked behind closed doors at the Great Library of Sweet on Nandrolone Rd in Waverley. The records available at the Municipal Offices were borderline non-existent. But I did still find some rather interesting info.

Maprako and Maprako west both headed up a small 4-team competition in S23. They were supplemented by a team from Batalha's Hill, which lay between Maprako and Shea, and another team based around the community of rangers and curators which were employed in the Ollies National Park, close nearby. These four teams were loosely known as the Maprako Association and formed that competition through to Season 26 inclusive.

In Season 27, another competition further north disssolved, and a number of clubs from that league were injected into the Maprako comp. These included Snogard, Coletra, Shedlesa and a remote northern outpost town called Erustelo. The Maprako FA was now a brimming 8-team league with a diverse range of component clubs.

This vibrant state would however last only a couple of seasons. In Season 29 Maprako West folded up, mostly absorbed by the central Maprako team. The Maprako West Oval did however remain and became the new home ground for the village club. Additionally, the remote Erustelo departed the league, merging with an Ibarawane team across the border (Keptin) and moving home out to the Keptin Reserve. A season later, Batalha's Hill switched to the Shea Plains league, leaving the Maprako association with just 5 clubs.

In Season 32, the Maprako FA copped another blow when the Ollies NP team disbanded, the population of the caretaking community greatly depreciated through automation. With just four teams, the competition ambled on until Season 36 when the end came.

The SOFU was formed in S36 and Maprako was invited to confer a team to the new entity. Without Maprako, the plains had no clubs left at all, as the three remaining teams all came from the snowfields up north. Thus the Maprako FA could not continue.

Of those northern clubs, Coletra found distances to great to continue in any form, and subsequently disbanded. There is, according to reports, no sign of where Coletra's ground ever stood, erased in a short couple of years through wilderness regrowth. Shedlesa and Snogard however, persisted as a new merged entity. Snogard-Shedlesa moved to the Yuana Plains FL which was essentially a catchall of all remaining clubs in the wider Yuana region that encompassed Shea, Maprako and Rhilpisa.

And with that, the Maprako FA was gone.

After the break, we'll examine the Upper Gilsenee district that lies between Shea and the southern coastal town of Tindoo.

Maprako FA.png


Around the headwaters of the Gilsenee River, in the space of land between Shea and Tindoo, there are a number of humble towns dorring a mildly undulating landscape of fields and small forests. Somewhat disconnected from the larger towns north and south by extensive patches where not only is settlement difficult but the thoughts of attempting it are ludicrous, a small paraside exists. And so, as in all cases where paradise exists, qooty will come to ruin it.

6 towns from this region were represented by the Upper Gilsenee FA from at least as far back as (SFA equiv) S23. In the southern regions are Angham, Hamaslek and Duya Duya. To the north-west lies the lakeside resort of Deveha. More centrally, Middlegrove provides the hub of the land while Stemport - where manangatang claims some genealogical connection - characterises the long gone river trade era on the banks of the Gilsenee.

These six towns, along with the village of Baron Chevon a little further north of Deveha but technically part of the Yuana region, brandished teams in the UGFA until Season 19, when Hamaslek eventually folded due to declining population.

The league forged on for another two seasons, until many of the qootballers from a few clubs joined forces to create a new combine worthy of the stronger Tindoo league to the south. At this point, Angham had now also folded, and Baron Chevon was off to new adventures in the Shea Plains League. Deveha chose to join the latter, and Chevon United now strongly represent the region in the northern league.

Duya Duya, Middlegrove and Stemport joined forces into a brand new club - the Stemport Rovers, and are considered the team currently representing the Upper Gilsenee riding. Joining the Tindoo league, they still peform strongly to this day in the Langedria FL. But sadly, Upper Gilsenee no longer boasts a competition of its own.

Next up, it will be the south-east corner of the country that bares its qooty secrets to you all. Stay tuned.

Upper Gilsenee FA.png


I dunno how many times Pickitt has begged me to do a piece on the Lirmi Football League, but I can definitely say it's greater than negative one. Here I will show you what I found when researching qooty in the south-east of Hindealla, aka the region of Calinnisen.

Qooty in Lirmi started small, just a patchwork community competition with some three in-town sides : Lirmi Provincial, Lirmi Trades & North Lirmi. Predominantly confined like an oasis within the wilds of the Tarkyne Rainforest, there wasn't room for much more. While I haven't yet looked prior to (SFA-equiv) S23, the 3-team competition was definitely the case at that point, and remained thus until Season 28.

In S29, other fledgling competitions which operated within the rainforest wound up, leading to an influx of more teams into the Lirmi FL. From the Eastern Tarkyne came Barangan, a small community not far norther than North Lirmi. But most new additions came from the Western Tarkyne, namely Cutting Hill, Haebrew and Werido.

The teams from Haebrew and Cutting Hill were not really representative of the locations they were named after. Cutting Hill was, as the name might suggest, merely a road cutting in a hill, there was very little population. The representative team was in truth a second team out of the larger Haebrew. This truth came to be borne out by a merger of both clubs in S30, when a new Haebrew-Cutting team replaced both.

The resultant 6-team competition continued for quite some time, but when S36 came about, change was inevitable. The new SOFU had started, and Lirmi were invited to contribute a team. It was the Provincial Team which put its name forward and left to join the larger league, changing name to purely Lirmi.

At the same time, Haebrew-Cutting were involved in another merger, this time with the nearby community of Werido. The new team was named after the road which connected all three localities to both Lirmi and Rhilpisa to the north, and Wallison FC came to represent the entire Western Tarkyne competition.

Also joining the Lirmi FL was the Normland team, a renamed Taghlay which had essentially absorbed Normland Bridge a few seasons earlier. They came from the old Lower Gilsenee competition.

This brought the number of teams in the Lirmi comp back up to 5, and with this restructure the competition itself changed its name as well. With only the Trades team and the North Lirmi team representing the town, the Lirmi Football League changed name to the Lirmi And District Football League. The Lirmi & DFL still competes to this day.

Next we'll be visiting one of the more known regions of rural Hindealla, that being the riding of Rhilpisa.

Lirmi FL.png


When I first embarked on this journey of discovery, I knew of only one old league that existed in rural Hindealla prior the formation of the Southern & Outer Football Union, aka the SOFU. This was that league. In fact, it was the remembered knowledge the Rhilpisa competition which initially caused me to wonder what other competitions had been out there. Where were all these other SOFU teams coming from?

I only have data going back as far as (SFA-equiv) S23 at this point, but that's still quite a while ago. At that point there was a quiet six-team league operating around the Rhilpisa district, including the teams Rhilpisa and Renown, in the town itself. A little east of town the village of Rhilpisa Road also had a team, and just south of there the homeland of the Fleabane family Bainlea was also represented. Slightly south-west, there were teams based around the hamlets of Canalands and Freddy's Bridge.

A few seasons later in S27, the Snowfields FA to the north was dismantled, enabling the towns of Berholm and Rhilpisa North to transfer to the Rhilpisa FA. A season after that, Bainlea and Rhilpisa Road merged - the Rhilpisa Road ground still appears in a ruined state near the Motorboatorway but the team now plays only at Bainlea. A team based out of Rhilpisa South also moved to the league from a disintegrating Western Tarkyne FA.

The league boasted these 8 teams for 4 seasons, but in S32 the Rhilpisa South team folded, most players transferring to the BRR team. But the critical stage occurred when the SOFU was formed.

In Season 35, Canalands and Freddy's Bridge merged, but the merged entity would only last one season before the shakeup in S36.

At this point, Rhilpisa left to join the new competition, and Canalands-Freddys Bridge folded. Everybody else was picked up by the Yuana Plains FL which played catchall to every Yuana league in response to the rationalisation. Renown and Bainlea-Rhilpisa Road both moved straight into the YPFL unchanged, while Berholm and Rhilpisa North fielded a combine.

And with that, the formerly flourishing Rhilpisa competition was gone.

After a break, I'll speak in brief about the smaller competitions which existed in smaller scales to all those mentioned above.

Rhilpisa FA.png
While we've now been brought up to speed with all the primary competitions surrounding and excluding Sweet, there are still a few more smaller competitions which helped to build the narrative of rural qooty as a whole. Now it's time to touch upon any other competitions which showed themselved during my research into the annals at the Great Library of Sweet - going back as far as (SFA-equiv) S23.


Over in neighbouring nation Ibarawa, the Temple Plains FL existed until a merger with the Granica competition in Season 30.

Located a little north of Granica riding, the TPFL started with three clubs, Keptin, Membling and Shamba. Temple itself first formed a team in S25, and these four teams continued until Season 30. However in S29, Keptin was involved in a merger with Hindealla team Erustelo, and it was the combined team which moved along with the others to the Tosoba FL in Season 30.

Temple Plains FL.png


North of Maprako in a wilderness that shocks me to think anyone would live there at all ( hi Ed_Gein ! ) the Snowfields of north-western Hindealla are home to a few disparate colonies who somehow maintained a qooty league for a few seasons.

Off in the far reaches, towns such as Iresa, Coletra and Erustelo were joined by southern villages Shedlesa and Snogard. On the cusp of the snowfields, the southern Berholm and Rhilpisa North also found a home in this competition. To the east, Samolcamp found the league more local to them than were the Northern Meckons.

All 8 of these teams played out seasons up to S26. After this, the competition stumbled and ultimately was dissolved. Iresa, the most remote of all the towns, ceased fielding a team altogether. Samolcamp did succumb to an invitation from the Northern Meckons. Berholm and Rhilpisa North moved to the Rhilpisa competition, and the remainder buffed up the Maprako league from Season 27.

Snowfields FA.png


Squeezed into the very most extreme south-west corner of Hindealla, indeed even further along than the Tindoo league, the Tanoca FL operated through to Season 27 with a simple 4-team structure.

The teams - Kiranissa, McKenney, Lower Tanoca and Tanoca Valley - played second fiddle and feeder to the stronger Tindoo FL nextdoor, and were eventually absorbed. Kiranissa and McKenney merged, while the Tanoca teams would eventually merge as well, but much later in Season 34. McKenney was itself fortunate in providing a playing space for some southern Ibarawane players who would travel from Saltpine and Thropanci to fill the void left by a lack of Qooty in their own region.

The Tanoca FL is now considered a buff to the Tindoo FL and later the Langendria league which ultimately replaced it.

Tanoca FL.png


The Tarkyne Rainforest spreads as far north as to be within sight from Tittybong, and south all the way to the outskirts of Lirmi. It abuts up right against the eastern coastline of southern Hindealla, and spreads out east towards the Normland riding and towards towns such as Bainlea and Tergeri.

The rainforest is traversed north to south in the eastern region by one road, and from north-west to south by another. These do not intersect until Lirmi, leaving the entire woodland bisected into two populated areas.

On the eastern side, the Eastern Tarkyne FA existed until S28 with four teams : Ebso Thaase, Kinselim, Pengard and Barangan. When the league disbanded, Ebso Thaase moved to the Southern Meckons competition to play against such teams as Tittybong. Down south, Barangan was accepted into the Lirmi league. Kinselim and Pengard wound up and its players helped to bolster the stocks of Barangan.

The Wallison Highway which connects Lirmi to Rhilpisa provided the basis of the Western Tarkyne FA. 5 teams initially made up this league: Rhilpisa South, Rumbano, Haebrew, Cutting Hill and Werido. Rumbano ceased to operate after S26, but the other four needed new homes when the league folded after Season 27.

Rhilpisa South, already a club tacked on to the WTFA due to its location outside the rainforest, moved to the Rhilpisa FA (where it probably should have been from the get-go). The other three clubs moved to the Lirmi FL.

Tarkyne FA.png

After the break ... let summarise what competitions have survived!
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Give this man the beez now purely for the use of the x-files theme song.
Haha I had suddenly thought about using the x-files theme song for something first and then built the idea of all the content around it later. But I'm prouder of how I made the video look like it was breaking up towards the end :D


In this series, we have learnt that many countryside regions were host to competitions that came and went, formed and folded, over the seasons from (SFA-equiv) S23 through to more recent times. Some even made it to current day, in fact they might still be operating right now!

From the data previously revealed, let's quickly summarise what leagues are still in existence, and the teams which form them:

TOSOBA FL : Chevon United, Keptin-Erustelo, Membling, Muhosransk, Sotogar, Temple. (6)
YUANA PLAINS FL : Bainlea-Rhilpisa Rd, Berholm-Rhilpisa North, Craighead, Kudykina, Renown Park, Snogard-Shedlesa. (6)
LANGENDRIA FL : Kiranissa-McKenney, Stemport Rovers, Tanoca, Tindoo Bridge, Tindoo Sharks. (5)
LIRMI & DFL : Barangan, Lirmi Trades, Normland, North Lirmi, Wallison. (5)
MECKONS FA : Fulmina, Coralie, Kalrahem, Kingdom Junction, Paisen, Tittybong. (6)

Of course, this isn't the only regional Qooty in operation. The Southern & Outer Football Union (SOFU) is the premier competition representing all of Hindealla outside of Sweet, with teams from all the jurisdictions (note: except for the Meckons, which has no team in the SOFU!)

SOFU : Garn Kites, Granica Bishops, Lirmi Yellowjackets, Maprako Griffons, Rhilpisa Mountain Lions, Shawmindo Bullsharks, Shea Greens, Tindoo Barracudas. (8)

Over the entirety of Hindealla and a little of Ibarawa, 26 teams run out onto the qooty field every week to try conclusions with their rivals. 8 are referenced as premier regional clubs, and 18 stand in the shadow of their elevated counterparts.

It may seem that we have gone about as fur as we can go. But we're by no means done. There remains the question of success. Who has been collecting the pennants?

Tune in tomorrow by which time I will hopefully have randomly invented a history of success among the rural qooty leagues outside Sweet!
Does this mean I have a royal background in Sweet or am I just a simple goat herder like in real life?
Ok now I am done for the evening I can reply. However the answer is that I just don't know. Baron Chevon is just a town - no indication of any particular regality. But you might have royal background. However you do not have Royals background.

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I dunno how many times Pickitt has begged me to do a piece on the Lirmi Football League, but I can definitely say it's greater than negative one. Here I will show you what I found when researching qooty in the south-east of Hindealla, aka the region of Calinnisen.

Qooty in Lirmi started small, just a patchwork community competition with some three in-town sides : Lirmi Provincial, Lirmi Trades & North Lirmi. Predominantly confined like an oasis within the wilds of the Tarkyne Rainforest, there wasn't room for much more. While I haven't yet looked prior to (SFA-equiv) S23, the 3-team competition was definitely the case at that point, and remained thus until Season 28.

In S29, other fledgling competitions which operated within the rainforest wound up, leading to an influx of more teams into the Lirmi FL. From the Eastern Tarkyne came Barangan, a small community not far norther than North Lirmi. But most new additions came from the Western Tarkyne, namely Cutting Hill, Haebrew and Werido.

The teams from Haebrew and Cutting Hill were not really representative of the locations they were named after. Cutting Hill was, as the name might suggest, merely a road cutting in a hill, there was very little population. The representative team was in truth a second team out of the larger Haebrew. This truth came to be borne out by a merger of both clubs in S30, when a new Haebrew-Cutting team replaced both.

The resultant 6-team competition continued for quite some time, but when S36 came about, change was inevitable. The new SOFU had started, and Lirmi were invited to contribute a team. It was the Provincial Team which put its name forward and left to join the larger league, changing name to purely Lirmi.

At the same time, Haebrew-Cutting were involved in another merger, this time with the nearby community of Werido. The new team was named after the road which connected all three localities to both Lirmi and Rhilpisa to the north, and Wallison FC came to represent the entire Western Tarkyne competition.

Also joining the Lirmi FL was the Normland team, a renamed Taghlay which had essentially absorbed Normland Bridge a few seasons earlier. They came from the old Lower Gilsenee competition.

This brought the number of teams in the Lirmi comp back up to 5, and with this restructure the competition itself changed its name as well. With only the Trades team and the North Lirmi team representing the town, the Lirmi Football League changed name to the Lirmi And District Football League. The Lirmi & DFL still competes to this day.

Next we'll be visiting one of the more known regions of rural Hindealla, that being the riding of Rhilpisa.

View attachment 2057673
This is ****ing awesome thankyou

I only have data going back as far as (SFA-equiv) S23 at this point, but that's still quite a while ago. At that point there was a quiet six-team league operating around the Rhilpisa district, including the teams Rhilpisa and Renown, in the town itself. A little east of town the village of Rhilpisa Road also had a team, and just south of there the homeland of the Fleabane family Bainlea was also represented. Slightly south-west, there were teams based around the hamlets of Canalands and Freddy's Bridge.
At one point we made up most of the Bainlea based qooty team, 'The Poodles'. Old family photo attached.


View attachment alterqoot_intro.mp4


Episode 3 - Competition Ladders​

On this the third night, I will flesh out the competitions we found with more data. It took multiple return visits to the Great Library of Sweet to find enough results to put all this together. From the new information, the picture of each of the clubs and the hamlets to which they are attached, can become all the more clear.

We'll move season by season from the earlies point I was able to collect records (SFA-equiv S23).

Season 23:​

Granica FL: Okeala, Granica, Sotogar, Muhosransk
Temple Plains FL: Keptin, Membling, Shamba
Shea Plains FL: Kudykina, Shea Village, Craighead, Shea Collective
Maprako FA: Maprako West, Batalha's Hill, Ollies NP, Maprako
Snowfields FA: Berholm, Samolcamp, Shedlesa, Erustelo, Snogard, Iresa, Rhilpisa North, Coletra
Rhilpisa FA: Bainlea, Rhilpisa Rd, Canalands, Renown, Freddy's Bridge, Rhilpisa
Tindoo FL: Tindoo Sharks, Tindoo Barracudas, Shawmindo, Tindoo Bridge, Dunmilin
Tanoca FL: Kiranissa, Lower Tanoca, McKenney, Tanoca Valley
Upper Gilsenee FA: Deveha, Duya Duya, Angham, Middlegrove, Baron Chevon, Hamaslek, Stemport
Lower Gilsenee FA: West Lirmi Floginati, Normalnd Bridge, Taghlay, Gilsenee River, West Lirmi Bantist, Gilsenee Camp, Garn
Lirmi FL: Provincial, North Lirmi, Trades
Western Tarkyne FA: Werido, Rhilpisa South, Cutting Hill, Rumbano, Haebrew
Eastern Tarkyne FA: Barangan, Ebso Thaase, Kinselim, Pengard
Northern Meckons FA: Paisen, Kalrahem, Kingdom Junction, Outback District, Coralie
Southern Meckons FA: Tittybong, Spotswood Lake, Fulmina, Southback, Bournades

Season 24:​

Granica FL: Sotogar, Okeala, Granica, Muhosransk
Temple Plains FL: Keptin, Membling, Shamba
Shea Plains FL: Kudykina, Shea Village, Shea Collective, Craighead
Maprako FA: Maprako West, Batalha's Hill, Ollies NP, Maprako
Snowfields FA: Berholm, Iresa, Samolcamp, Coletra, Shedlesa, Erustelo, Snogard, Rhilpisa North
Rhilpisa FA: Bainlea, Freddy's Bridge, Rhilpisa Road, Rhilpisa, Canalands, Renown
Tindoo FL: Tindoo Bridge, Tindoo Sharks, Dunmilin, Shawmindo, Tindoo Barracudas
Tanoca FL: Lower Tanoca, McKenney, Kiranissa, Tanoca Valley
Upper Gilsenee FA: Baron Chevon, Middlegrove, Hamaslek, Deveha, Duya Duya, Stemport, Angham
Lower Gilsenee FA: Normland Bridge, West Lirmi Bantist, Taghlay, Garn, West Lirmi Floginati, Gilsenee Camp, Gilsenee River
Lirmi FL: North Lirmi, Lirmi Provincial, Lirmi Trades
Western Tarkyne FA: Rhilpisa South, Werido, Rumbano, Haebrew, Cutting Hill
Eastern Tarkyne FA: Pengard, Barangan, Ebso Thaase, Kinselim
Northern Meckons FA: Paisen, Outback District, Kingdom Junction, Kalrahem, Coralie
Southern Meckons FA: Spotswood Lake, Fulmina, Southback, Tittybong, Bournades (final season)

Season 25:​

Granica FL: Sotogar, Granica, Okeala, Muhosransk
Temple Plains FL: Membling, Shamba, Temple (debut), Keptin
Shea Plains FL: Shea Village, Shea Collective, Craighead, Kudykina
Maprako FA: Ollies NP, Maprako, Batalha's Hill, Maprako West
Snowfields FA: Rhilpisa North, Samolcamp, Snogard, Berholm, Shedlesa, Eustelo, Iresa, Coletra
Rhilpisa FA: Canalands, Freddy's Bridge, Bainlea, Rhilpisa, Renown, Rhilpisa Road
Tindoo FL: Tindoo Bridge, Shawmindo, Tindoo Sharks, Dunmilin, Tindoo Barracudas
Tanoca FL: Kiranissa, Lower Tanoca, McKenney, Tanoca Valley
Upper Gilsenee FA: Duya Duya, Stemport, Baron Chevon, Hamaslek, Middlegrove, Deveha, Angham
Lower Gilsenee FA: Normland Bridge, Taghlay, West Lirmi Bantist, West Lirmi Floginati, Gilsenee Camp, Garn, Gilsenee River
Lirmi FL: North Lirmi, Lirmi Provincial, Lirmi Trades
Western Tarkyne FA: Rhilpisa South, Haebrew, Cutting Hill, Werido, Rumbano
Eastern Tarkyne FA: Ebso Thaase, Pengard, Kinselim, Barangan
Northern Meckons FA: Paisen, Coralie, Kalrahem, Outback District, Kingdom Junction
Southern Meckons FA: Southback, Tittybong, Fulmina, Spotswood Lake

Season 26:​

Granica FL: Granica, Okeala, Muhosransk, Sotogar
Temple Plains FL: Shamba, Membling, Keptin, Temple
Shea Plains FL: Shea Collective, Craighead, Kudykina, Shea Village
Maprako FA: Maprako, Ollies NP, Batalha's Hill, Maprako West
Snowfields FA: Rhilpisa North, Samolcamp, Erustelo, Coletra, Shedlesa, Berholm, Snogard, Iresa (final season)
Rhilpisa FA: Canalands, Freddy's Bridge, Rhilpisa, Bainlea, Rhilpisa Road, Renown
Tindoo FL: Shawmindo, Tindoo Sharks, Dunmilin, Tindoo Bridge, Tindoo Barracudas
Tanoca FL: Kiranissa, McKenney, Tanoca Valley, Lower Tanoca
Upper Gilsenee FA: Duya Duya, Middlegrove, Stemport, Deveha, Hamaslek, Angham, Baron Chevon
Lower Gilsenee FA: West Lirmi Bantist, West Lirmi Floginati, Gilsenee Camp (final season), Normland Bridge, Taghlay, Gilsenee River, Garn
Lirmi FL: Lirmi Provincial, Lirmi Trades, North Lirmi
Western Tarkyne FA: Haebrew, Cutting Hill, Rhilpisa South, Rumbano (final season), Werido
Eastern Tarkyne FA: Ebso Thaase, Kinselim, Barangan, Pengard
Northern Meckons FA: Outback District, Paisen, Kalrahem, Kingdom Junction, Coralie
Southern Meckons FA: Southback, Spotswood Lake, Tittybong, Fulmina

Season 27:​

Granica FL: Sotogar, Muhosransk, Granica, Okeala
Temple Plains FL: Keptin, Membling, Shamba, Temple
Shea Plains FL: Kudykina, Craighead, Shea Village, Shea Collective
Maprako FA: Ollies NP, Erustelo, Coletra, Shedlesa, Batalha's Hill, Snogard, Maprako, Maprako West
Rhilpisa FA: Canalands, Freddy's Bridge, Berholm, Renown, Rhilpisa Road (final season), Bainlea (final season), Rhilpisa, Rhilpisa North
Tindoo FL: Dunmilin, Tindoo Barracudas, Tindoo Sharks, Shawmindo, Tindoo Bridge
Tanoca FL: Kiranissa (final season), Lower Tanoca, Tanoca Valley, McKenney (final season)
Upper Gilsenee FA: Stemport, Middlegrove, Duya Duya, Deveha, Angham, Baron Chevon, Hamaslek
Lower Gilsenee FA: Taghlay, Garn, West Lirmi Bantist, Normland Bridge, Gilsenee River, West Lirmi Floginati
Lirmi FL: North Lirmi, Lirmi Trades, Lirmi Provincial
Western Tarkyne FA: Rhilpisa South, Haebrew, Cutting Hill, Werido
Eastern Tarkyne FA: Barangan, Pengard (final season), Ebso Thaase, Kinselim (final season)
Northern Meckons FA: Paisen, Kingdom Junction, Samolcamp, Outback District, Coralie, Kalrahem
Southern Meckons FA: Tittybong, Southback, Spotswood Lake, Fulmina
Anyway, I should put you on the hot seat. If there really was a town called Membling that had a footy/qooty club, what do you think the nickname/mascot would be?
Membling Mud Crabs

Season 28:​

Granica FL: Muhosransk, Okeala, Sotogar, Granica
Temple Plains FL: Temple, Keptin (final season), Membling, Shamba
Shea Plains FL: Shea Collective, Kudykina, Craighead, Shea Village
Maprako FA: Erustelo (final season), Maprako, Ollies NP, Snogard, Shedlesa, Batalha's Hill, Maprako West (final season), Coletra
Rhilpisa FA: Canalands, Rhilpisa, Renown, Berholm, Rhilpisa South, Freddy's Bridge, Rhilpisa North, Bainlea-Rhilpisa Rd
Tindoo FL: Tindoo Sharks, Dunmilin, Kiranissa-McKenney, Shawmindo, Lower Tanoca, Tanoca Valley, Tindoo Barracudas, Tindoo Bridge
Upper Gilsenee FA: Middlegrove, Duya Duya, Stemport, Angham, Deveha, Baron Chevon, Hamaslek (final season)
Lower Gilsenee FA: Taghlay, West Lirmi Bantist, Normland Bridge, Gilsenee River, West Lirmi Floginati, Garn
Lirmi FL: Haebrew, Lirmi Provincial, North Lirmi, Werido, Lirmi Trades, Barangan, Cutting Hill
Northern Meckons FA: Southback, Samolcamp, Kalrahem, Outback District, Paisen, Kingdom Junction, Coralie
Southern Meckons FA: Ebso Thaase, Spotswood Lake, Tittybong, Fulmina
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Season 29:​

Granica FL: Sotogar, Granica, Muhosransk, Okeala
Temple Plains FL: Keptin-Erustelo, Membling, Shamba, Temple
Shea Plains FL: Kudykina, Shea Collective, Craighead, Shea Village
Maprako FA: Shedlesa, Snogard, Maprako, Batalha's Hill, Ollies NP, Coletra
Rhilpisa FA: Renown, Rhilpisa South, Canalands, Rhilpisa, Rhilpisa North, Bainlea-Rhilpisa Rd, Freddy's Bridge, Berholm
Tindoo FL: Kiranissa-McKenney, Tindoo Sharks, Lower Tanoca, Tindoo Barracudas, Shawmindo, Dunmilin, Tindoo Bridge, Tanoca Valley
Upper Gilsenee FA: Stemport, Middlegrove, Duya Duya, Baron Chevon, Angham, Deveha
Lower Gilsenee FA: West Lirmi Bantist, Garn, Taghlay, Normland Bridge (final season), Gilsenee River, West Lirmi Floginati
Lirmi FL: Lirmi Provincial, Haebrew (final season), Lirmi Trades, Werido, Barangan, North Lirmi, Cutting Hill (final season)
Northern Meckons FA: Kingdom Junction, Southback, Kalrahem, Paisen, Samolcamp, Coralie, Outback District (final season)
Southern Meckons FA: Ebso Thaase (final season), Tittybong, Fulmina, Spotswood Lake (final season)

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