Feedback Quick questions you couldn't find an answer for...

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Did you ever figure out why I didn't get the Brown Dog badge?
Nope. I can't see any reason. I don't think I can manually award it either but I will check now.

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If you have replied to a thread, it will automatically turn notifications on.

Do you see something like this ? View attachment 2043480

in this thread i see this

if someone quotes you or tags you that notification has nothing to do with the thread itself

In your preferences you can customise what you received notifications on but there isn't a way to mute a thread

ok can i mute responses to one of my posts?
Chief I am somehow stuck with desktop view on my mobile. Is there a way I can change this back? Thx!
I do not know.

Is it the same when you log out? That might tell us it's a forum account setting.

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