Competition Rate the Opposition MVP - Season 37 Edition

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Round 5 v Warriors

It's always fun against them and it's two teams that make Sweet FA fun. 4/5

Tough to give votes as far too many miss out, so apologies to the many.

3) TheInjuryFactory Quality over quantity.
2) Dinsdale someone who enjoys quality quaffing.
1) Tonga Bob quantity over quality.

Special mention to a fellow Novocastrian Ocha905. Can't wait until Sheedy sets up a team there and they have to play on the Number One Sportsground

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Round 5 v Warriors

It's always fun against them and it's two teams that make Sweet FA fun. 4/5

Tough to give votes as far too many miss out, so apologies to the many.

3) TheInjuryFactory Quality over quantity.
2) Dinsdale someone who enjoys quality quaffing.
1) Tonga Bob quantity over quality.

Special mention to a fellow Novocastrian Ocha905. Can't wait until Sheedy sets up a team there and they have to play on the Number One Sportsground
MayTheNorthBeWithU another Novacastrian! You guys might actually be able to set up your own qooty team and meet up to the read game text.

Thoughts? Tigerturbulance Mrs Turbo
Rookie votes
V Gumbies
3: Falconista consistent and fun!

2: cats_09 great early when was around and made the thread enjoyable

1: Barrybran ( quaLity over quantity. Cracked me up so gets a vote)

HM: beez - wittty with a little sting.🐝
HM: GWS Goose - really fun when around.

Thread: 4.5/5 cruisey and enjoyable week. Thanks Gumbies!
Round 5 v Furies

3. James Colorado - a favourite of mine around these parts and always delivers. Particular fan of the sexually gesticulating on the train chat.
2. Frederico_WA - tireless role for much of the week in driving the thread on the Furies side of things. Also signed for the Wonders!
1. Frothies Mcveigh - always good to link with one of my favourite ex-co-skips. Funny and relevant, a delight to be around.

Thread 4/5. Definitely a week of quality over quantity. Had a great time!
Ophidian Old Boys
The following are temporary votes until actual votes can be confirmed.
3. @DemurePrincess *
2. @kenneyswarriors *
1. @Robertio *
Ugh, fine. I'll help you out this one time.

3. EJW
2. Fleabane
1. Turbo

Thread score 1/5 unless 0 is an option.
Ugh, fine. I'll help you out this one time.

3. EJW
2. Fleabane
1. Turbo

Thread score 1/5 unless 0 is an option.
That's the spirit!

Newcastle threaten to leave The Allies & create new SOO Team

Canberra threatens to leave The Allies also & merge With Newcastle to create a more superior entity ;)

Thoughts HARPSichord, damicky, MayTheNorthBeWithU and other wonderful friends from Newcastle & Canberra.

high roller laughing GIF

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Ugh, fine. I'll help you out this one time.

3. EJW
2. Fleabane
1. Turbo

Thread score 1/5 unless 0 is an option.
Have to laugh, it was pretty wretched. Still, had its moments and there were parts that were so bad they were good.
Round 5 v Furies

3. James Colorado - a favourite of mine around these parts and always delivers. Particular fan of the sexually gesticulating on the train chat.
2. Frederico_WA - tireless role for much of the week in driving the thread on the Furies side of things. Also signed for the Wonders!
1. Frothies Mcveigh - always good to link with one of my favourite ex-co-skips. Funny and relevant, a delight to be around.

Thread 4/5. Definitely a week of quality over quantity. Had a great time!
AnUltimateRessie put me down as the 3 votes and I’ll think about coming back next season.
R.5 v Furies

3. James Colorado - invariably fun.
2. omgfridge tasty posts, just like Marron
1. Frederico_WA wahwah always puts in and enjoyed his diverse contribution

HM to our ex Skip Frothies Mcveigh

Thread was a solid enjoyable 3.5/5. It was also reassuring to see NaturalDisaster is alive but concerning to hear he is feasting on whale. Surely this is a baseless rumour.

Oh yep. Must give a shout out to Pickitt for achieving a 3M - a Magic, Melting Moment.
I enjoyed the thread against the OOB's my fave thread so far. 4/5

3. thewizardmelon
2. Robertio
1. Braklet (even know he named about 8 players and I wasn't one)

Just about all the OOB's, lots of good contributions from the Turbo's, Demure Princess, BlueRoan, EJW and others.
Bears vs Bombers
3. Pugsley
2. Kilroy
1. Jabba73

Could have been in any order but was a good thread. I liked the way they treated us like prisoners rather than qootballers.
Thread 4/5

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Competition Rate the Opposition MVP - Season 37 Edition

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