Competition Rate the Opposition MVP - Season 37 Edition

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Round 6 vs. Swamprats

3 - Ant Bear
2 - damicky
1 - philreich

Thread 4.5/5, much fun had by all. Got a bit quiet at times.

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Round 7 vs the Furies.

3. James Colorado - For a wealth of science info and music material.
2. omgfridge - Dinged for forgetting to post team sheet on time but a legend otherwise.
1. ShaunDuggan - Lively on gameday much to his disappointment.

Overall - 4.5/5. A shining example of quality over quantity are the Furies.

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You might need to see a doctor about that.
Episode 4 Hello GIF by The Simpsons
R7 v. GC Royals

3 - grumbleguts, Dr. Feelgood of the week.
2 - Footypie32, not a heavy poster, but tickled my... FUNNY bone.
1 - GreyCrow, carried the load while teammates slept.

HM Cadsky, keeping the motley crew together.

Thread 4/5, plenty of fun and games.
Round 7 v Phawks

3. Tarkyn_24 - just another quality week for a legend of the competition.
2. Callums_Guns - I love what C_G has done for the Hawks. Active week, wouldn't take me up on the av bet though!
1. por_please_ya - lead from the front, always a positive presence in the thread.

HM to TY24, active week and posted well.

Thread 3.5/5

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