Remove Sam Newman from the Hall of Fame petition.

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I don't care what anyone says, I'm going to boo the Welcome to Country when it comes on during the game at the local RSL. I'm sure this totally normal and not insane behaviour will go over well with the silent majority there.
Sam Newman is in the hall of fame for his football career. His politcal opinions should have nothing to do with it.

Do you want Margaret Court Arena to be renamed too?

Where do we draw the line?

Shoud we ban everyone you disagree with on a social/politcal issue?
Yeah I’d like that renamed.

<<<In 1970, Court kicked things off by praising South Africa’s apartheid policy (“South Africans have this thing better organised than any other country, particularly America,” she said. “I love South Africa. I’ll go back there any time.”)>>>

That and her absolute awfulness to lgtbiq folk - funk her.

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We should be able to separate the two things.
It's not about us, the fans, I mean besides me fans are idiots. It's about the AFL, if you promote "No to racismo," how can you induct a "racist," and keep him in the HoF without looking like hypocrites? Maybe him being in the HoF proves that he isn't a racist?

What happens to a fan caught making racist comments at a game these days?
So much hate and discrimination from such an all inclusive champion of the people:rolleyes:
Interesting to reflect on the nature v nurture debate. Wrong side of the blanket dna v growing up among the royals

Surely you don’t mean the Royal ‘we’ here?

Newman has one quality which is loyalty to his class. He is the quintessential, gormless, inbred, upper class twit so well satirised in Monty Python and Blackadder.
Gormless..he calls Don that every week lol

Good word gormless…
For those at the game, if someone near you boos the WTC - call them out, abuse them and expose them immediately. Don't let these No voters ruin a great day for the rest of us

“Abuse them” …that’s great. Let’s cause even more aggressive angst and violence in public places.

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At least the No voters showed enough decency to do that, I'll give them that at least. Would love to know what they were thinking during the WTC

This may shock you, but there are people who may be against Constitutional change but who are supportive of Welcome to Country ceremonies.

The referendum is about a specific constitutional question, it’s not a nationwide vote on whether the country approves of all things indigenous or not.
This may shock you, but there are people who may be against Constitutional change but who are supportive of Welcome to Country ceremonies.

The referendum is about a specific constitutional question, it’s not a nationwide vote on whether the country approves of all things indigenous or not.

It would be extremely rare - when it comes to ignorance, where there is smoke - fire isn't far behind
Sam Newman is an old dinosaur with a microphone. Irrespective, nobody listens to him. Did anyone boo the welcome to country ceremony?

He's that old racist grandpa most of us had. Let's not cancel every old dinosaur just because we disagree with them on a social issue.
He's that old racist grandpa most of us had. Let's not cancel every old dinosaur just because we disagree with them on a social issue.
What's his excuse? My granddads fought in WWII which understandably left a few scars, his whole life has been one of privilege.
What's his excuse? My granddads fought in WWII which understandably left a few scars, his whole life has been one of privilege.
I don't feel that he needs an excuse. My preference is to see open and robust debate rather than silencing views we don't like.

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Remove Sam Newman from the Hall of Fame petition.

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