Rizzo's Best Bets

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my guess would be he's lost other peoples money pretty big time at the track...

just sayin'

It wouldn't matter if he lost peoples money.
All he owed them was tips.

Re. Fuster - No one cares what you think, post under your real username and people might take notice.

Getting worse and worse for Rizzo now. Twitter action, activity on BF and still no reply :eek:

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from rizzo:

"I'm not sure what you mean? I currently have no internet access with my computer being fixed... The only access I cna get it at work with bigfooty and my website blocked by filters. As soon as I get my computer back I will be sorting some stuff out. Are you owed money?"

sounds like a scam to me...
Sorry guys,

I have had computer problems (as you can see by me not being on bigfooty, despite being a moderater). I emailed people I was doing premium form for over christmas to keep them updated, but I didn't have anyones records. Your money is fine and with Clint still having family issues, money paid in will be returned as soon as possible.
sounds like a scam to me...

Yeah... A real scam... Everyone who had paid got their form no worries... I get computer issues and I am running off with peoples money :rolleyes:
I can see the tmz headline now, 'Star of Van Wilder, Ryan Reynolds linked to internet scam'. :p

In all seriousness though, i can definitely see why everyone is pissed off. He's offered a service which everyone has paid for and he's vanished without an explanation. He's logged on in the mean time, probably lurks this thread and reads everything posted but doesn't at least come and assure everyone their money will be returned. If it were me and it was any other paid for service i guarantee i'd be raising hell. It's a little harder because it's rizzo and there's a familiarity.

Anyway, i'm sure there's a good reason and it's all legit. Just a shame he hasn't had the decency to explain.

I would have explained if I had the chance, all this stuff replays terrible on my website, something which I have worked hard to build up over the last few months. The premium form sold well, and the last thing I want to do it have people not trusting me with their money. If people have a serious problem with their money I can understand, and I probably should have found a way to come on earlier, but working long hours knocking off and then having no computer access this close to christmas is hard.

As I said, refunds are going to be handed out for the dogs subscribers. I am figuring out how much is owed to who at the moment.

I am happy to talk to anyone on the phone, feel free to pm me your number and I can give you a call.
For the record... this was sent 11/12/2010 (via email)

"Hi guys,

I won't be able to send through premium form today. My computer has shit itself. Hope to be back for next week.


Then this on Saturday:
Hi guys,

my computer still isn't fixed (which is why the site hasn't been updated). I am happy to give you a refund, or will give you February premium form for free to make up for these two weeks... Feel free to let me know what you will like

I know this has looked bad on my behalf (I am actually sitting at my neighbours computer who I have met once before to sort this out), but I can assure you there was nothing shifty going on.

To be honest, I didn't realise I would walk into such a shitstorm with it, although I have probably learned a valuable lesson over the last two weeks. Being a moderator on here (with admins having my contact details), I hope would give you some trust that I wasn't going to run off with your money (or spend it at the track, every cent I have made from premium form is being put into getting the website professionally built).

As soon as I get details from the greyhound side of things, money outstanding will be returned.
Didn't he send you a message?

I'm surprised he didn't send you all his tips whilst he was at it. He is a self proclaimed maestro of betting.

Oh yeah he did. Which led me to going something like "Oh ****, shit has hit the fan" (I honestly and now very naively understand how quickly it can turn to poo). I honestly thought when the site wasn't being updated that you would all realise I didn't have a computer and not that I had run off with your hard earned $$$

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Didn't he send you a message?

I'm surprised he didn't send you all his tips whilst he was at it. He is a self proclaimed maestro of betting.

you dont need to stalk me buddy, just come to windsor castle any given saturday night and we can have a beer...

i'll give you some hot tips while we're there ;)

ps. hardly self proclaimed, all my bets are there for all to see...
Thanks Rizzo, appreciate it.

Just got worried as i didn't get any of the emails.

Yeah, I would have emailed the greyhound subscribers, but Clint has all those records and he has some other stuff he needs to sort out at the moment. I will sort out who is owed what and will give full refunds once I have nutted it all out.
dont listen to the haters rizzo. you're doing a good job buddy, computer issues are always going to happen.

anyone with half a brain could see that the issues were preventing you from being online, no tweets etc.

im sure everyone will be accounted for in due time
I thought people were getting upset because he was online using twitter, facebook etc and the fact he was online at bigfooty
the doctor is on the money...

this is 2k10, sif you cant get online somehow... if you're running a genuine business, you'd make the effort...

"It doesn't matter what his story is as long as those involved get what is owed to them."

not only are they owed the money, but they are owed the time they went without that money, so some form of interest would be in order...
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