Game Day Rnd 3 - Carlton v Collingwood Game Day Discussion

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So, it's 17 scoring shots to 15. 41 to 38 inside 50s. We aren't as far out of it as it seems, although that 10 goal streak by them hurt us a lot.

When we get the ball moving we look ok. Just oo many passengers and piss poor defensive efforts. Sigh
Might be staying the obvious here but players look down on confidence. No spark at all.

Feel like this starts at the top as well.
Excuse me?

Sorry, but I'm not some blind fanboi. I believe I have enough experience to know when I see a good footballer and an average one. An average player having a good night when we're getting thumped by a below average team doesn't justify his position in our side.

I call a spade a spade. He's had a great result tonight, good on him, he'll keep his spot for a month now and you can enjoy watching him kick 4 goals in a game again. I still think that apart from the second half of the 3rd quarter he was terrible. But he's done his job and slotted 4 goals now so as I said, we'll keep him in for the next month.

Blue, you actually have a great grasp on the game, but no matter what Levi does, you will never be satisfied.

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Last year many pundits had the Blues finishing last and we proved them wrong. This season many again have us finishing last. I suspect it will be a tough gig for us to prove them wrong again. Doggies too good to not find another gear or two. The Kangas already found good form knocking over the Saints. The Lions??? Blues likely to be playing catch up on the ladder for the rest of the season.
Great summary. Kid in his third game is playing about 10 minutes a quarter as a small forward in a side getting thrashed. Must be his fault
He's running around like a chook with its head cut off. Absolute liability n indicative of why we are getting flogged by a fellow bottom 4 team. With Polson n Lamb we are practically playing 20 v 22
You are a dead set peanut Blue.

4 goals by the way

Sorry, what's that?

You want to call me names now. Oh I'm so offended. How could you hurt my feelings.

Levi has been terrible, TERRIBLE. He has one good game (which really wasn't that good until the 3rd quarter) and now I'm a peanut? LMFAO We'll see where your courage goes throughout the year when he spuds it up and doesn't kick 3-4 goals because I guarantee you he won't be kicking mini bags like this very often (if ever again for the rest of the season) and then we'll see how loud you beat your drum.
Marchbanks nearly got more stats than weiters. Pls Drop weiters mullet lamb dow and polson back to the twos. They need to work on a few things. Im sure we can cover them until we call them back up. Jones holds on by a whisker
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