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costume perfect loops GIF
There’s literally no point doing a recruitment drive while the league is in its current state, do you only read one sentence and make your entire argument from there?

I would encourage you to read the entire post first next time.

The league isn’t appealing to outsiders at the moment & any recruitment efforts currently will either add to the Boomer Spam or be turned off by the few who dominate discussion after discussion.

Once the league evolves, then recruitment will be easy as people will want to participate. But while we have the 100+ post a week general discussion spammers this place will struggle to grow participation numbers
Why don’t you start your own League on discord or something? You could call it the Logan’s Run League.
If this place is going to thrive long term it should be focusing on younger contributors, not making “pop culture” references that are as out of date as the decor at Northcote Plaza
I'ma start with the TokTinks about how I can't afford a house!

Doin' my bit!

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Reverse And You GIF by HyperX

This is week one of the season, yet multiple posters have lost all sense of originality already.

Time for the league to evolve
Excuse me, could you please explain by using 'Another'.
Pointing out that your catch all ageism, is highly relevant to a discussion.
What were you saying before about the same ol same ol memes.....but that is what you do continually isn't it like in yr reply to me above.
Saying it's time for the league to evolve yet you use stale consumerist arguments that do not further your cause, nor do they appeal to anyone to engage for long, then there's the stereotyping anyone who replies or should question the statement you make.
I'd say the evolutionary imperative is within you, rather than casting around for external 'false flag issues'.
Who are the posters you accuse of above, all I see is the same guy pushing the same gripe and never getting over themselves. I'd get out of your own way if you think you are in any way an 'original' or that you have something unique to offer the world that no one has ever seen before.
And now I'll disengage too.
Might be a good idea rather than pointing fingers and moaning to do some attractive media yourself and start a recruiting drive for the kind of people you want then. Or are you not over being spoon fed yet?
He just whinges from the back stalls and never does anything.

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Imagine how triggered one has to be to spend your time writing this garbage while your AFL team is playing.
Multitasking aint that hard, you might want to try it sometime to stretch that narrow faculty of yours.
If this place is going to thrive long term it should be focusing on younger contributors, not making “pop culture” references that are as out of date as the decor at Northcote Plaza
lol how many young people do you know know what a blog is, or a forum (that isn't reddit or maybe 4chan).

i was watching the movie "The Hate U Give" and i had to explain to my class what tumblr was/is.
Imagine how triggered one has to be to spend your time writing this garbage while your AFL team is playing
Multitasking aint that hard, you might want to try it sometime to stretch that narrow faculty of yours.

Just because people can multitask doesn’t mean that they need to be.

Ultimately BigFooty is an AFL forum. We all signed up because we love the sport. Anyone who takes the Sweet FA that seriously that they have to respond to messages during their teams AFL game is taking this place way too seriously.

Another example of why the 100+ post a week club doesn’t understand why the league is slowly dying. It’s supposed to be a fun game, not become your entire personality to the point of overtakes your enjoyment for your AFL club (especially when it’s playing Friday night footy and you’re in the Top 4)
Just because people can multitask doesn’t mean that they need to be.

Ultimately BigFooty is an AFL forum. We all signed up because we love the sport. Anyone who takes the Sweet FA that seriously that they have to respond to messages during their teams AFL game is taking this place way too seriously.

Another example of why the 100+ post a week club doesn’t understand why the league is slowly dying. It’s supposed to be a fun game, not become your entire personality to the point of overtakes your enjoyment for your AFL club (especially when it’s playing Friday night footy and you’re in the Top 4)
Mate, the guy supports Carlton. How much farking fun do you reckon he’s had in the last 20+ years? Easy for you being a tigers fan
Mate, the guy supports Carlton. How much farking fun do you reckon he’s had in the last 20+ years? Easy for you being a tigers fan

To be fair—- at the time BLUEALLTHRU posted his team was 20 points up against Port Adelaide. It’s one of Carlton’s biggest moments in the past 20 years.

I would have been celebrating as the major moment that it was rather than spending time responding to nerds like me on BigFooty if I was in his position.
To be fair—- at the time BLUEALLTHRU posted his team was 20 points up against Port Adelaide. It’s one of Carlton’s biggest moments in the past 20 years.

I would have been celebrating as the major moment that it was rather than spending time responding to nerds like me on BigFooty if I was in his position.
He knew, man, he knew! The giants broke them 4 weeks ago in the cauldron that is Engie
Just because people can multitask doesn’t mean that they need to be.

Ultimately BigFooty is an AFL forum. We all signed up because we love the sport. Anyone who takes the Sweet FA that seriously that they have to respond to messages during their teams AFL game is taking this place way too seriously.

Another example of why the 100+ post a week club doesn’t understand why the league is slowly dying. It’s supposed to be a fun game, not become your entire personality to the point of overtakes your enjoyment for your AFL club (especially when it’s playing Friday night footy and you’re in the Top 4)
You and fun doesn't look right.
You and fun doesn't look right.

Hacking Work From Home GIF

Does this look like more fun to you than watching your AFL Team when they are a Top 4 club and leading on Friday night footy?

Seriously—- how much have I gotten under the skin of some people here for them to dedicate time responding to me instead of watching footy
Hacking Work From Home GIF

Does this look like more fun to you than watching your AFL Team when they are a Top 4 club and leading on Friday night footy?

Seriously—- how much have I gotten under the skin of some people here for them to dedicate time responding to me instead of watching footy
I reckon you'll have one of those heads you just have to punch no matter what's going on.
I reckon you'll have one of those heads you just have to punch no matter what's going on.

If you’re choosing to respond violently to a stranger online rather than enjoying your team play on a Friday night, you should really consider seeking professional assistance.

That much anger is not good for anyone.

You take this place way too seriously, you can enjoy this place without it taking over your entire life. If you took a step back, stopped posting 100+ a week every week and realised that you actually have a life beyond BigFooty you might be a bit happier mate.

Log off for a few days and remember that there’s a world out there beyond BigFooty. It’ll do you good mate
If you’re choosing to respond violently to a stranger online rather than enjoying your team play on a Friday night, you should really consider seeking professional assistance.

That much anger is not good for anyone.

You take this place way too seriously, you can enjoy this place without it taking over your entire life. If you took a step back, stopped posting 100+ a week every week and realised that you actually have a life beyond BigFooty you might be a bit happier mate.

Log off for a few days and remember that there’s a world out there beyond BigFooty. It’ll do you good mate
Rehashing old material now, best you head off to Discord and start your own league with whatever age you want.
Rehashing old material now, best you head off to Discord and start your own league with whatever age you want.

Now Robertio is pulling out the

Reverse And You GIF by HyperX

How is it after 8 seasons in the league and thousands of posts that this is the best response you can come up with?

Think about it for a moment mate—- imagine showing a typical match thread you’re in to someone outside the league. Do you think they’d want to read your sh*t 100+ times a week?

Some of your team mates don’t even want to read that much spam from you. You need to slow down & let others have a chance to contribute— or you’ll end up like Raz and posting an entire page of posts without anyone responding.

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