I noticed Max running up high near the boundary making a big second effort against an opponent midgame last week.. It raised my eyebrow seeing such a big spindly frame so acrobatically reach and leap almost horizontally toward an opponent in an attempt to strip him of the ball. He crashed down, picked himeslf up, and went on.I get what you're saying.
I think Max made a concious decision to be more aggressive directly with opponents.
Maybe it's an act in that it doesn't come naturally to him.
But you can fake it 'til you make it.
It spoke to me in a few ways. a) given the context of him not (apparently) trying hard enough, here was an example if him having a red-hot go, I just wondered if he had received a reprimand in the long break and was responding b) I remembered my efforts at school aged 15. I could pull my sox up, and make a sustained effort for a few weeks, tops. I just thought that Max is a cool cat, and that he isnt gonna be a MItch Robinson type pile-driver for long. It just isn't sustainable.
So I thought..oh, now what? And I answered myself by saying that, he will just have to learn how to be a leading type of player, more like Ben. The portrait of of a lone tree, being swarmed by insects, animals, bullets, bombs and napalm loomed starkly. We need more Hills and NASs, and Sincs so that the kinds of passes that suit Max can be more forthcvoming. NOt talking bullets for chesties (although they'd be welcome), as defences are now so flooded there isn't space. I'm talking a combination of a short burst and those long arms are out reaching the opponents and forward momentum mitigates against the 360 degree ragdole attack.
Summary: Max can try harder, but it is not sustainable. He'll be injured. No good. New plan needed.