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Not one little bit? C'mon mate not even the most one-eyed supporter would say that out loud. This didn't all start at afl hq. The story was there to begin with, now there's just debate how it was handled.
yeah as me whole family for all of time have repeatedly told me you cant make your christmas puddin catch fire without heaps of brandy
I see the AFL have shit themselves with their points, and draft pick penalties and have now offered this according to Tony Sheahan (who has been spot on this saga. He also said points and picks are off the punishment list. FWIW, I disagree with the proposed punishment, especially the Doc Reid part):
Tony Sheahan@TonySheahan
AFL said to have offered Essendon an early plea; Hird suspended for 12 months, Corcoran & Reid 3 months with Bomber Thompson a fine.
If our coach wasn't Hird I would take that.
I see the AFL have shit themselves with their points, and draft pick penalties and have now offered this according to Tony Sheahan (who has been spot on this saga. He also said points and picks are off the punishment list. FWIW, I disagree with the proposed punishment, especially the Doc Reid part):
Tony Sheahan@TonySheahan
AFL said to have offered Essendon an early plea; Hird suspended for 12 months, Corcoran & Reid 3 months with Bomber Thompson a fine.

I far as any suspensions go, I think Doc Reid summed that up very well when he heard they were going to charge him.

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Think Hird and the EFC are delaying the inevitable. Sure some say here this will still be playing out over Summer so HEY guess what the AFL WILL DO?,strip All our points for 2014,lose Membership,Sponsers and bring this great club to it's knees! Hird and Co may feel they have a case but SOMEONE has severely ****** THIS ALL UP and we have to pay the price so lets do it NOW,NOT NEXT YEAR!
Not one little bit? C'mon mate not even the most one-eyed supporter would say that out loud. This didn't all start at afl hq. The story was there to begin with, now there's just debate how it was handled.

Realistically, Hird in his role as the senior coach has done nothing wrong.

His injection of whatever is irrelevant (infact it may cost the afl because they released his medical info publically, which I'm not sure is exactly kosher). As far as we know he was adamant in his putting the players welfare above all else, and was just pushing for the club to pursue areas where we thought we could gain a legal edge, I'm sure he's not the first.

He is a stand up individual, has been so all my life, and until something comes to light to suggest otherwise he has my complete backing, as he should yours
I see the AFL have shit themselves with their points, and draft pick penalties and have now offered this according to Tony Sheahan (who has been spot on this saga. He also said points and picks are off the punishment list. FWIW, I disagree with the proposed punishment, especially the Doc Reid part):
Tony Sheahan@TonySheahan
AFL said to have offered Essendon an early plea; Hird suspended for 12 months, Corcoran & Reid 3 months with Bomber Thompson a fine.

Interesting, if true.

One step in the right direction.
Not one little bit? C'mon mate not even the most one-eyed supporter would say that out loud. This didn't all start at afl hq. The story was there to begin with, now there's just debate how it was handled.

I haven't seen anything to suggest this is Hird's fault, much less that he should be the number one villain and target for the AFL. What have you seen that suggests that he's guilty in any way for what happened?

Not being a smart ars, just want to see plain hard facts that show why Hird or anyone else should be punished here. If it comes down to just governance then that's a club issue, and it should be a club penalty, not singling out remaining individuals at the club just because all those responsible have left.
A SENIOR AFL executive threatened to leak details of damaging allegations against Essendon and coach James Hird unless the club agreed to accept the charges against them.

It is understood that in the heat of recent protracted negotiations between the club and the AFL, AFL deputy chief executive Gillon McLachlan stunned observers by issuing the ultimatum.
The AFL's tough approach during negotiations helped to scuttle any chance of the supplements dispute being resolved without court action. Essendon president Paul Little has described the AFL attitude as "belligerent".
The details of Mr McLachlan's threat -- which the AFL made good on this week when it released its 34-page "statement of grounds" against the club, Hird, assistant coach Mark Thompson, football manager Danny Corcoran and club doctor Bruce Reid -- emerged as Hird initiated legal action against the league.

In a writ lodged in the Victorian Supreme Court, Hird is seeking a permanent injunction against AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou and the AFL Commission hearing the charges against him.
Hird and Essendon want the AFL to appoint a retired judge to hear the case.
Hird's writ also takes aim at Mr McLachlan's conduct.
Hird claims in the writ that during a meeting on February 5, the day Essendon publicly revealed concerns about its 2012 supplements program, Mr McLachlan told him he knew Essendon players had taken performance-enhancing drugs, the Australian Crime Commission was about to hand down a report and that the club should ask the AFL and the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority to investigate.
Hird claims Mr McLachlan told him: "If you come forward earlier and invite ASADA to investigate, then the investigation will look better for you."
Hird claims that a day before his conversation with Mr McLachlan, Mr Demetriou told then Essendon president David Evans that Bombers players had taken performance-enhancing drugs.
"Evans communicated the Demetriou tip-off to Hird and other Essendon officials including Danny Corcoran and Ian Robson," the writ claims.
Mr Demetriou has previously denied tipping off Essendon about the ACC investigation. Mr McLachlan did not respond to questions from The Australian.
ACC chief John Lawler said he was aware of Hird's writ. "Given legal proceedings have been initiated, it would be inappropriate for the ACC to make any further statement at this time," he said.
Under the ACC Act, the crime commission can provide information from investigations to private-sector bodies such as the AFL. However, strict confidentiality requirements are attached to the sharing of ACC information.
So far the ASADA investigation has not found that any Essendon player had a doping case to answer. Extensive material gathered by ASADA now forms the basis of AFL disciplinary charges against Essendon and its officials for conduct unbecoming or prejudicial to the interests of the AFL.
The AFL, resigned to a long, bitter legal fight with Essendon and Hird over culpability for the 2012 season supplements program, received strong endorsement from other clubs yesterday.
After a meeting of presidents from the 17 other clubs, Western Bulldogs president Peter Gordon said the rest of the competition was firm in its support for the AFL Commission and Mr Demetriou's executive team.

Hahahaha you should have leaked more shit Gillon, it would make it even funnier seeing you locked up you tool

but it's nice to see we are getting into the heads of the AFL, make no mistake we are playing the game our way now
I see the AFL have shit themselves with their points, and draft pick penalties and have now offered this according to Tony Sheahan (who has been spot on this saga. He also said points and picks are off the punishment list. FWIW, I disagree with the proposed punishment, especially the Doc Reid part):
Tony Sheahan@TonySheahan
AFL said to have offered Essendon an early plea; Hird suspended for 12 months, Corcoran & Reid 3 months with Bomber Thompson a fine.

Call me stupid but I still wouldn't take it. Really only willing to accept a fine at this point, and thats all I'd take

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If people believe that the media and the AFL are running some kind of smear campaign, I'd love their opinions on the motivations of the AFL. Why would the AFL have an interest in damaging the EFC?

This alone is why everything has just become deadly serious - the AFL and the EFC both share a common interest. The AFL would not conspire to harm the EFC - doing so is the equivalent of self-harm.

Unless there is some motivation I'm missing? Are they bumping us off for a Tassie Team? Someone please enlighten :)
If people believe that the media and the AFL are running some kind of smear campaign, I'd love their opinions on the motivations of the AFL. Why would the AFL have an interest in damaging the EFC?

This alone is why everything has just become deadly serious - the AFL and the EFC both share a common interest. The AFL would not conspire to harm the EFC - doing so is the equivalent of self-harm.

Unless there is some motivation I'm missing? Are they bumping us off for a Tassie Team? Someone please enlighten :)

In short:

1. They went out on a limb with the ACC investigations
2. They need to therefore appear to be "tough on drugs"
3. If they find Essendon not guilty they look mighty ****ing stupid
4. Essendon were not interested in being punished because the AFL feel like it, so now the AFL are reacting like a petulant child
Hahahaha you should have leaked more shit Gillon, it would make it even funnier seeing you locked up you tool

but it's nice to see we are getting into the heads of the AFL, make no mistake we are playing the game our way now

A few more stories like this and it is going to get really ugly and really fast for the AFL.

The AFL have botched this and the latest 'deal' is just as bad as the rest. They want heads.. they simply will not get them.

The deal must be for a FINE only for governance issues. Full Stop. End of Story.
I see the AFL have shit themselves with their points, and draft pick penalties and have now offered this according to Tony Sheahan (who has been spot on this saga. He also said points and picks are off the punishment list. FWIW, I disagree with the proposed punishment, especially the Doc Reid part):
Tony Sheahan@TonySheahan
AFL said to have offered Essendon an early plea; Hird suspended for 12 months, Corcoran & Reid 3 months with Bomber Thompson a fine.

Please accept this offer and run.

We get to keep the most important parts; points/draft picks.

Sheahan has been spot on with his information.
If people believe that the media and the AFL are running some kind of smear campaign, I'd love their opinions on the motivations of the AFL. Why would the AFL have an interest in damaging the EFC?

This alone is why everything has just become deadly serious - the AFL and the EFC both share a common interest. The AFL would not conspire to harm the EFC - doing so is the equivalent of self-harm.

Unless there is some motivation I'm missing? Are they bumping us off for a Tassie Team? Someone please enlighten :)

Another new member. Welcome Friend.

The AFL have an interest in proving the are allmighty and powerful and can do what they like. The AFL have an interest in making sure their CEO isn't thrown in jail for leaking classified information. The media just wants to sell newspapers.

I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts in the game day forums and other threads.
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