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guys, before 2011 there was no S0. So Dank had a lot more freedom with the games he played at Geelong, sadly

But just being associated with Dank and Robinson is enough to bring a Governance charge against a club, according to the charge sheet. And we're not being charged with taking illegal drugs, just governance issues.

Besides, the ACC were investigating Dank for being dodgy. No reason he would wouldn't have been any different back then, he would still have been pushing the boundaries of sports science. Only way to be sure the other clubs are/were being run properly is to investigate. ;)
Sorry Lance, but I still believe the punishment should fit the crime. Hird deserves a fair trial. What exactly has he done to justify burning him at the stake?

Nothing, & he can have his fair trail, but just do it away from the club & return if & when the time is right.

Club first
The rest second.

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If we did not take any banned/illegal substances, why is the AFLPA pushing for long term health monitoring for Essendon players? Is this an AFL PR exercise ?
Its hard to argue anyone has done more for the essendon football club than James. If the club gave him up now it would destroy his love of the club that he has basically dedicated his entire life too

Plus he's got a couple of sons, hasn't he? I definitely want to see them running around in Essendon jumpers, to see them play for another team would be heartbreaking.
NLM just tweeted "Don't Give Up Before The Miracle"

And attached a picture that says "The moment you're ready to quit is usually the moment right before the miracle happens. Don't give up"

Not saying its a hidden message, but I actually really like miracles :)

Perhaps it's the miracle of the WADA appeal. :(
It's really strange. Tim Watson said that in the parents' meeting they were told that there was no evidence any player had taken Tb4. But there has to be more evidence from Essendon to back that up because the reported circumstantial evidence for Tb4 looks incontrovertible. I don't understand.
Is it? Chaters is hardly a reliable witness.
If we did not take any banned/illegal substances, why is the AFLPA pushing for long term health monitoring for Essendon players? Is this an AFL PR exercise ?

I don't want nothing to do with a deal that has Jim stepping down. Give him a 12 month suspension where he has to serve 3 months and the other 9 months are suspended sentence.

Massive fine and points this year on strictly governance issues only.

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If anyone can actually tell me what other clubs stood to gain by siding with Essendon in this matter? I mean, was it possible for them to remain neutral at all? I just don't see that what happened yesterday was 17 clubs effectively declaring war on Essendon. Others may see it that way and that is their opinion.

The question was asked if vlad would stand aside due to not being impartial. They said no
People need to understand that once you have come this far you don't just accept something to end it. It invalidates everything you were fighting for. Hird doesn't just say ok guys it's getting hard, I'll just cop the penalty. Let's end it. These things don't work that way, they give up now they are effectively destroyed.

These men have been involved in AFL football for the past 30 or so years, building reputations. That would all be gone if they just roll over now.

I understand that from a football future perspective draft picks are important. But don't underestimate the blow this club will cop of we lose two of our favourite sons and a dr who has been with us for how many decades? If they go the casualty list will be around 9. That will gut this club and take a long time to recover from.

If hird cops a sanction of anything more than 6 months he won't be back.

You seem to have forgotten that we have many players unsigned - This is more important than anything else - If some of these players leave and we lose draft picks Hird won't have much to coach.
It's really strange. Tim Watson said that in the parents' meeting they were told that there was no evidence any player had taken Tb4. But there has to be more evidence from Essendon to back that up because the reported circumstantial evidence for Tb4 looks incontrovertible. I don't understand.

This is why it's illegal for a prosecutor in a real court, to front up to court on the first day, walk out front and say- look here media, this is our evidence.

It's always going to look bad. That's a prosecutors job- the evidence is then tested, weighed up and either used or thrown out.

If that effort was pulling in court, the case would be thrown out so fast it would make your head spin.
I get where you are coming from, don't get me wrong. I could live with it if they decided to take it but I personally would not.

Reputations, even if they are over rated in society, still matter. They are all some people have in life. It is something you can spend your whole life building. Look at Dr Reid.

I strongly value my reputation.

I personally would tell them to go **** themselves (in more diplomatic words to their face of course).

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe some players would reconsider playing with us next year if Hirdy wasn't coach? It can go both ways. They have come so far and put up with so much, they may want to tell the AFL **** off to that offer.

As with Hirdy standing down, the only way I would accept this offer is if the players requested it. But even then I would not like it.

Reputations are over-rated. Hird leaves goes back to Gemba and makes millions. Dr Reid won't lose any patients from his practice. Corcoran will get another job in the sports industry. Thompson could coach anywhere in the AFL.

And they can still pursue legal action if need be.
The Players earned those points, The members paid to get those points and you saying that its part of the bargaining. Your not directing the punishment towards the right people. who ever is found guilty should have their contract remuneration halved with no prospect to move to other work in an ASADA accredited sport for a period.
reported in the australian that essendon and afl are in talks about a deal to end it that they think is loss of points and hird to stand down
no draft picks
considering all thats gone on i think thats a good deal... were not going to do anything this year in the finals...hird stands down defends his charges he gets off or a light suspension (depending on his evidence which he sounds like hes got the best to do for him) and we dont ruin next year and can make a big push towards the top 4
Reputations are over-rated. Hird leaves goes back to Gemba and makes millions. Dr Reid won't lose any patients from his practice. Corcoran will get another job in the sports industry. Thompson could coach anywhere in the AFL.

And they can still pursue legal action if need be.
You're just repeating yourself. We obviously disagree on this point. No big deal.
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