Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

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The Murder of Rebecca Young - Ballarat

The Murder of Hannah McGuire - Ballarat * Lachie Young charged

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I wonder what evidence they have on him.

If it is strong and overwhelming he might as well fess up, show where body is and co-operate..I mean in Australia with good behaviour you can be out after 15 for murder-it´s a joke. Only 22..out before 40. Good deal.

Or perhaps the evidence isn´t pings etc and a good a lawyer is advising him to shut up cause there is a chance the evidence doesn't prove unequivocally murder.

We shall see.

Either way most laid back 22 year old country lads are not thinking about murder for one second.

Perhaps drunk off his face on drugs accidently hit her covered it up.

Or she somehow crossed him bad with something.

This case is so rare.
I think I'll wither away if it's mentioned again that this was an accident.
Have you withered Lepube ? Is that why we haven't seen you for the last few pages????

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thumbs_up Not sure about 31550 ‘s stat about 35 in Victoria but I got my info from here as well as reading up on the internet. I also did the first two units of a criminal justice degree if that counts for anything!
Both sources are analyses of serial killers (only). There is no evidence the accused in this case is a serial killer. In fact, there is quite a lot of evidence suggesting he is not. The statistics I posted above refer to an analysis of all people convicted of murder in Victoria. The average age of male murderers is 35.

You cannot use any statistics to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused in this case. That is something for a court to decide.
That book was a great read. Really interesting. I’m part way through this one.

The serial killer golden age through the 70s and 80s is over but have you noticed mass shootings and mass murders continue to rise? It's thought now that these mass shooters are simply budding serial killers with the awareness to know with modern technology, DNA, CCTV on every corner and smart phones, they'll be lucky to get away with one murder.

So they go all out.
Are people here suggesting POS is a SK due to Sissy's and XBox's friend's neighbour having been knocked unconscious while out running in the forest? I would have thought a SK would have actually killed rather than just hit them with a rock or whatever and left them.
Are people here suggesting POS is a SK due to Sissy's and XBox's friend's neighbour having been knocked unconscious while out running in the forest? I would have thought a SK would have actually killed rather than just hit them with a rock or whatever a left them.


If he's responsible for earlier attacks, it might suggest PO has been practising and escalating. If that were the case, the police may have arrested a budding serial killer.

Unless anybody else in POs orbit has disappeared?

It's been found quite a few serial killers caught in their late twenties or older, that in their history someone around them, a friend or young relative was murdered, someone died and it was resolved as misadventure, in 'mysterious circumstances' or went missing when this serial killer was in their teens.

At the time and in their teens this budding serial killer was almost invisible, as if the thought he (mostly he) could have been involved was unthinkable.

Often they get such a fright at what they've done, or they came real close to getting caught out and held accountable, it stops them for a few years until they do it again, in their mid twenties.

If he's responsible for earlier attacks, it might suggest PO has been practising and escalating. If that were the case, the police may have arrested a budding serial killer.

Unless anybody else in POs orbit has disappeared?

It's been found quite a few serial killers caught in their late twenties or older, that in their history someone around them, a friend or young relative was murdered, someone died and it was resolved as misadventure, in 'mysterious circumstances' or went missing when this serial killer was in their teens.

At the time and in their teens this budding serial killer was almost invisible, as if the thought he (mostly he) could have been involved was unthinkable.

Often they get such a fright at what they've done, or they came real close to getting caught out and held accountable, it stops them for a few years until they do it again, in their mid twenties.
Ok, so a "potential" SK?
Are people here suggesting POS is a SK due to Sissy's and XBox's friend's neighbour having been knocked unconscious while out running in the forest? I would have thought a SK would have actually killed rather than just hit them with a rock or whatever and left them.
No, but there’s no saying he’s done it before or that he would do it again if he wasn’t caught this time. Just using information at hand to try work out why this heartbreaking tragedy happened. Just like everyone else.
No, but there’s no saying he’s done it before or that he would do it again if he wasn’t caught this time. Just using information at hand to try work out why this heartbreaking tragedy happened. Just like everyone else.
A 22-year-old who has fantasies about an older woman, who has some serious mental problems
They all start somewhere.
Well until/unless we know the method of her death, it is just conjecture. It could equally be that he was a member of a gang who dare each other to attack loan running females in the forest and this one has ended in the death of the woman. Or maybe he mowed her down with his motorbike (he is known to ride in army gear). Or any number of other actions.

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A 22-year-old who has fantasies about an older woman, who has some serious mental problems
There is no evidence he is going to do 'it' again (whatever 'it'is), or that he has done 'it' before. We don't even know what 'it' is, or what evidence there is that he has done 'it'.

Anything else (fantasies, mental problems, ...) is pure speculation.

It is more important to find out exactly what happened, why, and where Samantha is first, before speculating about other possibilities.
The serial killer golden age through the 70s and 80s is over but have you noticed mass shootings and mass murders continue to rise? It's thought now that these mass shooters are simply budding serial killers with the awareness to know with modern technology, DNA, CCTV on every corner and smart phones, they'll be lucky to get away with one murder.

So they go all out.
Is there any literature on this (theory that serial killers are now mass murderers)? I'd be keen to read more
Is there any literature on this (theory that serial killers are now mass murderers)? I'd be keen to read more

It's in this board somewhere but I can't find it atm. You could start here for now, it's not direct to the study but you might find it again before I do. There's also a podcast on it somewhere.

There's some intriguing evidence that this might be the case. The rate of serial killing has, statistics show, plummeted in the past few decades, down from a high of nearly 700 killers a year in the 1980s to fewer than 100 a year in the past few years. While violent crime overall fell during that same period, the rate of serial killing fell much faster. Meanwhile, public mass shootings, Harvard researchers argue, are actually rising, in direct contrast to the general trend in violent crime overall. The two trends taken together could suggest that the kinds of people who used to be serial killers are now choosing mass shootings instead.
So there is some evidence that, for the small and deeply troubled subset of people who harbor murderous fantasies, mass shooting has eclipsed serial killing as the preferred method for acting on that urge.

I might move some of this discussion to another thread.
The serial killer golden age through the 70s and 80s is over but have you noticed mass shootings and mass murders continue to rise? It's thought now that these mass shooters are simply budding serial killers with the awareness to know with modern technology, DNA, CCTV on every corner and smart phones, they'll be lucky to get away with one murder.

So they go all out.
Yes, I've seen that claimed but I'm not sure there is any strong evidence that they are the same people. This article talks about definitions of Mass, Spree and Serial killers. Mostly different folks I think. Spree killers will be most likely to be in a psychotic episode and they kill in a mad frenzy.

Yes, I've seen that claimed but I'm not sure there is any strong evidence that they are the same people. This article talks about definitions of Mass, Spree and Serial killers. Mostly different folks I think. Spree killers will be most likely to be in a psychotic episode and they kill in a mad frenzy.

It's argued now that many, not all, mass shooters share a lot of the same characteristics as the serial killer.
Well until/unless we know the method of her death, it is just conjecture. It could equally be that he was a member of a gang who dare each other to attack loan running females in the forest and this one has ended in the death of the woman. Or maybe he mowed her down with his motorbike (he is known to ride in army gear). Or any number of other actions.

Yeah, no.
It's argued now that many, not all, mass shooters share a lot of the same characteristics as the serial killer.
Psychopaths gonna psychopath.

Even the term 'serial killer' is relatively new. They haven't been studied extensively enough to make rash generalisations. We do have few notable examples who submitted to extensive interviews with psychology experts, and there are some patterns of behaviour, but also many different types of psychopaths, and many who are yet to be identified or analysed.

I think it's fraught with danger to summarise and predict behaviour of a specific person based on observations of a few other people just because they have certain traits or experiences.
The serial killer golden age through the 70s and 80s is over but have you noticed mass shootings and mass murders continue to rise? It's thought now that these mass shooters are simply budding serial killers with the awareness to know with modern technology, DNA, CCTV on every corner and smart phones, they'll be lucky to get away with one murder.

So they go all out.
Or they get smarter
Psychopaths gonna psychopath.

Even the term 'serial killer' is relatively new. They haven't been studied extensively enough to make rash generalisations. We do have few notable examples who submitted to extensive interviews with psychology experts, and there are some patterns of behaviour, but also many different types of psychopaths, and many who are yet to be identified or analysed.

I think it's fraught with danger to summarise and predict behaviour of a specific person based on observations of a few other people just because they have certain traits or experiences.

These are arguments proposed by experts with years of extensive study.

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Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

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