Rules Score Review (ARC) Thread - Lions v Tigers Elimination

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Taking Richmond out of the discussion, is anyone concerned about the AFL's idea regarding getting rid of the soft call?

I think its quite concerning that the AFL's secret bunker will have control of the vision & final say over what the goal umpire thinks it was. It means the AFL has the ability to manipulate results and that should worry every supporter no matter who you barrack for or what team you dislike.

What's the point of having goal umpires if their decision wont matter if a field umpire deems it worthy of an ARC call? Thinking about all the decisions made this year alone where there was "insufficient evidence to overturn". Now we are going to have vision and massive supporter out cry when its too blurry to see or difficult to see a decision. It basically means they haven't fixed this problem at all just moved it from an actual umpire on the ground to someone sitting on a chair in a room.

I get it mistakes by the goal umpire can and do happen but dont tell me the ARC doesnt get it wrong either. The AFL have NFI what they are doing and once again changing rules on the hop when they are caught out.
Reading up on it seems the goal umpire can say "I have no idea what that was" if they are out of position such as the Lynch one here. It's not that they are getting rid of the soft call aspect. Will be interesting to see how it goes though.
Reading up on it seems the goal umpire can say "I have no idea what that was" if they are out of position such as the Lynch one here. It's not that they are getting rid of the soft call aspect. Will be interesting to see how it goes though.

You want to hope so but with the AFL they change their interpretation on matters all the time and I have no doubt the next .... I think it was touched but im not so sure, they will get it wrong.
You want to hope so but with the AFL they change their interpretation on matters all the time and I have no doubt the next .... I think it was touched but im not so sure, they will get it wrong.
But that's not what they are bringing in at all. It's "I have no idea if the ball was touched as a player was in my way completely blocking my view, therefore I cannot give a soft call on this situation."

Not sure how the ARC will rule on it after that, but that's it's purpose.

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But that's not what they are bringing in at all. It's "I have no idea if the ball was touched as a player was in my way completely blocking my view, therefore I cannot give a soft call on this situation."

Not sure how the ARC will rule on it after that, but that's it's purpose.

It is clear from the vision the ball was in fact touched.


Carlton lose by 1 point
The only additional footage I have seen is the "fan" vision. Which if you pause at about 0.12 seems to show the ball behind the goal post rather than over it.
View attachment 1506957
On its way back down after going over the post?
Did we ever get a link to a document showing the rules or guidelines for the score review system?

I don't believe this thread is still going
But to answer your question
This AFL document PDF is only for the "on field officials" being goal/boundary. Their is another for Unpires

From my POV, two or three cameras at different angles and with a better frame rate (indeed an entirely different method of processing images) than the human brain is MUCH better than one angle from the ground through a human eye.

I don't see how there could be an argument against this but if there is I'm all ears.

This cannot be too relevant here surely. Sportsmen are known to perceive and react within around 0.1 seconds to a randomly moving ball/punch or whatever. The naked human eye is well capable of discerning whether an object has moved and on what track it has moved with incredible precision when it is alert to the possibility of this happening in advance. Enough precision to take a slips catch in cricket with the ball moving near 90mph for example. The goal umpire knows in advance there is an incoming kick and he must watch for the path of the ball. He is actually trained and also presumably tested to do this well, better than an average person. The umpire will have a certain error rate. The seemingly quite primitive ARC technology will have an error rate as well. What would be good to know if whether the ARC is actually more accurate than the trained naked eye in this scenario with the ball above the height of the post, given the limited technology. If it isn’t known to be clearly more accurate, then you would have to ask wtf are they doing using it in preference to the umpire’s call. I would not be confident the AFL actually knows the ARC is more accurate. If they do know then they need to explain what evidence this knowledge is based on, to promote acceptance of the ARC system.
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Dude from 15 metres away under the post can't judge the exact location of a fast moving object as well as multiple camera angles with freeze frame.

Seems pretty logical to me.

A lot of things we imagine to be true are not true. This is why we require a better explanation.

The cameras have huge disadvantages compared to the umpire because they were a lot further than 15 metres away and had nowhere near as good an angle. Their only advantages are they can replay/freeze and there are 3 of them on different angles. And both of those advantages are somewhat ameliorated by lack of perfect synchronisation and frame rate issues.
If you study it the shadow of the ball pass's in front of the post, it is quick but is there. Point for mine.
If all else fails maybe Tom Lynch should come clean and tells us what he thinks. A petition Richmond fans? You can bet he knows and should come clean

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A lot of things we imagine to be true are not true. This is why we require a better explanation.

The cameras have huge disadvantages compared to the umpire because they were a lot further than 15 metres away and had nowhere near as good an angle. Their only advantages are they can replay/freeze and there are 3 of them on different angles. And both of those advantages are somewhat ameliorated by lack of perfect synchronisation and frame rate issues.
Huh? You think one human is inferior to three cameras with zoom and freeze frame?

It's obviously not the case. Obviously.
Huh? You think one human is inferior to three cameras with zoom and freeze frame?

It's obviously not the case. Obviously.

I don’t know and would not presume to. That is why it should be tested and explained. As I explained the umpire has certain advantages and the cameras have certain advantages. How can you be so certain which is the telling advantage?
Their only advantages are they can replay/freeze and there are 3 of them on different angles.

If only that was exactly what you needed to determine if the ball was in line with the post...

Oh wait.
Let me know when you find some studies that show you're right against all logic.

How can a person who is not stating a case be right or wrong?

Unless you think it is wrong to want a detailed explanation and evidence from the AFL as to why they believe the current ARC system is more accurate than the umpire’s naked eye in these circumstances.
How can a person who is not stating a case be right or wrong?

Unless you think it is wrong to want a detailed explanation and evidence from the AFL as to why they believe the current ARC system is more accurate than the umpire’s naked eye in these circumstances.
How could it possibly be better than three camera angles and experienced people stepping through frames one by one?

It defies all logic.
How could it possibly be better than three camera angles and experienced people stepping through frames one by one?

It defies all logic.

However improbable you think it might be it will remain entirely possible in my mind unless we are shown solid reasons to believe otherwise.

It doesn’t defy all logic at all. If it is so logical that the ARC is more accurate than the goal umpire in these cases then it should be a very simple matter for the AFL to establish that. Which is all we want, a full explanation of all the calculations and reasonings and assumptions that went into the decision.
If you study it the shadow of the ball pass's in front of the post, it is quick but is there. Point for mine.
If all else fails maybe Tom Lynch should come clean and tells us what he thinks. A petition Richmond fans? You can bet he knows and should come clean
Lynch has already come out and said he wasn't sure cause he lost the ball in the lights. Also explains the confused look on his face immediately post kick.
Don't forget you also lost because you didn't win enough games to get a double chance. So many blown games, to s**t teams. You weren't good enough to finish higher than 7th, which meant you had to go interstate for an elimination game, which you weren't good enough to win. I love that the Tigs keep looking outwardly for answers, instead of inwardly at all the ways they threw away their season.
No shit we blew some games this year. We also got dudded out of 3 (Sydney no 50m penalty call to tie it up, Lions ARC overrule, and how could you forget Sniper Stewart's pissweak gutless act to take out our best clearance player).

We should've finished higher, but didn't. Doesn't take anything away from the point that the ARC majorly ****ed up and cost us a final. Who knows, if things went differently we could've been playing our finals bunnies the Cats this week. Luckily for you we're not there.
No s**t we blew some games this year. We also got dudded out of 3 (Sydney no 50m penalty call to tie it up, Lions ARC overrule, and how could you forget Sniper Stewart's pissweak gutless act to take out our best clearance player).

We should've finished higher, but didn't. Doesn't take anything away from the point that the ARC majorly *ed up and cost us a final. Who knows, if things went differently we could've been playing our finals bunnies the Cats this week. Luckily for you we're not there.
Sydney won the game fair and square. The bullshit free was paid 70m away, he couldn’t even hear the whistle with all the noise.

You weren’t good enough this year, no one has dudded you.

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Rules Score Review (ARC) Thread - Lions v Tigers Elimination

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