Scott on Carey - Hun story

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Sorry EH, but that's rubbish. What better example is there forthe young kids of today than the mistakes of the best footballer to ever play the game.

I wondered when this old chestnut would rear it's ever predictable head.

You are just buying another lie utilised to justify corporate agendas.

If a young kid turns out to be an abuser of women because of the non existence of a media circus surrounding an AFL footballer that they don't not know, and will likely never meet, then the kids parents are morons and unfit to raise children. The child is a loser already. It never got off the starting blocks.

In other words, it's a bullshit justification. Complete crap.

This is another thing that PR types are only too aware about. If you want to subconsciously manipulate people, tie their children in to an agenda.
I think the fact that The King didnt comment was because he understood the purpose of the video. IMHO I believe he would wish it had been there when he started.

It is hard for him, nobody wants to be constantly reminded about the past, especially if moments you regret are highlighted. He has said his peace before and there is nothing more for him to add about it. He has moved forwards with his life.

He wont be the first or last person to have regrets. The point of the dvd is not to embarrass him or anyone else that have made mistakes during their lives, it is to educate kids so we avoid them making the same mistakes.
yes, you could probably document the Ducks life and use it as case study for all things good and bad in our game.

Im pretty sure the Ducks learnt from his mistakes. Hard not to when youre reminded every 15 minutes. And Im sure he'll wear that.

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I wondered when this old chestnut would rear it's ever predictable head.

You are just buying another lie utilised to justify corporate agendas.

If a young kid turns out to be an abuser of women because of a media circus surrounding an AFL footballer that they don not know, and will likely never meet, then the kids parents are morons and unfit to raise children. The child is a loser already. It never got off the starting blocks.

In other words, it's a bullshit justification. Complete crap.

This is another thing that PR types are only too aware about. If you want to subconsciously manipulate people, tie their children in to an agenda.

There is a lot of research I believe that suggest this behaviour is heavily influenced by upbringing. Nobody has DNA which says you will be abusive, it is conditioning and how you are brought up has a massive impact in your conditioning.

But, I will leave it the psychological experts to argue that case. :p
There is a lot of research I believe that suggest this behaviour is heavily influenced by upbringing. Nobody has DNA which says you will be abusive, it is conditioning and how you are brought up has a massive impact in your conditioning.


When those kids mess up later in life, what do we do?

Stigmatise and imprison them.

But, I will leave it the psychological experts to argue that case. :p

Violence, addictions, psychopathic tendencies, you name it.

Human beings are very unique creatures in nature in that we develop most of our behaviours after childbirth, due to the size of the human brain..

Most of natures other creatures are insulated inside the whomb etc., during this crucial developmental phase.

Mess with that early human programming and you end up with problems.

A book on that exact subject that I can't recommend highly enough:

I will not attempt to be a psychologist either, except to say that it's not JUST upbringing. Despite what the modern science says, genes also have plenty to do with it. I know of multiple cases where kids have grown up in the same family, received the same upbringing as their siblings, yet turned out very different for whatever reason.

But the issue here is NOT that anyone is defendin Carey's actions. He has stuffed up enough times and it's been so well documented, that we as a club probably shouldn't be the ones bringing it back up for media attention.
But the issue here is NOT that anyone is defendin Carey's actions. He has stuffed up enough times and it's been so well documented, that we as a club probably shouldn't be the ones bringing it back up for media attention.


We have our best win in years and we provoke them into writing another negative piece after dealing with yesterday's debacle.

We love Wayne and we love Stevo. And we're sorry it happened, nothing more needs to be said.
I will not attempt to be a psychologist either, except to say that it's not JUST upbringing. Despite what the modern science says, genes also have plenty to do with it. I know of multiple cases where kids have grown up in the same family, received the same upbringing as their siblings, yet turned out very different for whatever reason.

But the issue here is NOT that anyone is defendin Carey's actions. He has stuffed up enough times and it's been so well documented, that we as a club probably shouldn't be the ones bringing it back up for media attention.

I don't think that we did that.

At worst what we have done is careless, but using Carey as an example in a training DVD intended for AFL players, I wouldn't call it bringing it back up.

We cannot protect him from the media they will latch onto anything about him because it sells. We can alter how we as a club approach things, however there is nothing to say we or the AFL didn't seek consent from Carey to use his experience as an example in the beginning.

Duck is a big boy and has and will defend himself where required in the media the fact that he didn't says to me he doesn't see it as an issue, and does not want to give the muck raking journos anything further.

The DVD is a positive(education about social issues always is), the media well they seek the sensationalistic headline because it creates interest.
It's great that this initiative was launched from Arden St. It's great that we have such a focus on being socially responsible. But if anyone was going to bring up Carey's past indescretions, I'd rather it was Sam Lane, Caro Wilson or whoever else, rather than our own senior coach, who should be focussed on the game anyway. We shouldn't be the ones feeding them these kind of headlines.

Wonder why we didn't use this as a chance to also remind the public that making sexual videos with a rubber chicken is also inapropriate?
Maybe we did.

No doubt this will be the source of some "hard hitting journalism" next week.


Thank god we have Brad Scott, imagine Laidley:eek:

Ironic. Brad just had a classical Laidley moment right there (or were you being sarcastic?).

Wayne stuffed up in a manner that is still unfortuantely all too common in society, i'm not apologising for him on that spectrum, but he has well and truly served his penance in regards to taking on the sins of mankind. He's served the penance of 100,000 men.

Enough is enough. It's time they found another poster boy.

I hope the club steers well away from this stuff in future.
It's great that this initiative was launched from Arden St. It's great that we have such a focus on being socially responsible. But if anyone was going to bring up Carey's past indescretions, I'd rather it was Sam Lane, Caro Wilson or whoever else, rather than our own senior coach, who should be focussed on the game anyway. We shouldn't be the ones feeding them these kind of headlines.

Wonder why we didn't use this as a chance to also remind the public that making sexual videos with a rubber chicken is also inapropriate?

We shouldn't say anything in any of these areas unless we're backed into a corner on something negative? I'm very happy for Brad or anyone at North to get on the front foot to show we're a club that wants to make a positive influence beyond winning games.

I doubt taking five minutes to make a sensible point about how bad things can get if you lose control of your life will distract Brad from any match, and illustrating what North stands for is part of his job too.

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Nothing to do with being backed into a corner. The issues happened a while ago, have been dealt with on a number of levels, and I just fail to see the point for our club to be bringing them back up to the surface. Why do it?
No doubt this will be the source of some "hard hitting journalism" next week.


Ironic. Brad just had a classical Laidley moment right there (or were you being sarcastic?).

Wayne stuffed up in a manner that is still unfortuantely all too common in society, i'm not apologising for him on that spectrum, but he has well and truly served his penance in regards to taking on the sins of mankind. He's served the penance of 100,000 men.

Enough is enough. It's time they found another poster boy.

I hope the club steers well away from this stuff in future.
Sarcasm who me :rolleyes:
I hope the club steers well away from this stuff in future.

How precisely do we steer away from AFL contractual obligations in an area that we are pushing heavily off our own bat.

FFS - Scott didn't even name Carey.

Give the bloke and the club a break mate.
I dont think this article or issue reflects badly on NMFC at all, in fact the opposite.

We are claiming we are "socially responsible" and any reasonable person would realise its a proactive step and a good thing, especially with what transpired years ago.

In fact, I doubt Carey would even be offended by Scotts comments - if the Duck is "rehabilitated" (as he claims), he would agree that mud sticks and that abuse to women is a serious issue - and why he has to work harder than anyone to get credibility as person back........which seems the case as he is seems to be doing really well in the media and keeping out of trouble.
Watch the interview of Mike Sheahn with Archer in his open mike. The players do not like the reunions,
He didn't actually say that. What he was that the players enjoy catching up with each other but there is an awkward tension in the air, and so the occasion is not as joyous as it should be.
Their accurate, measured comments - carey wouldnt take offence to that. His own actions have caused that perception, which is not gonna go away. Perhaps Brad didnt need to make raise it in the public.
Joey7 said:
Perhaps Brad didnt need to make raise it in the public.

He didnt, it was a training video for afl footballers, if the f'wit journo had put effort into writing a decent non sensationalised article rather than the tip heap he's served up, 99% of those interested in afl wouldnt of even known what was Said
He didn't actually say that. What he was that the players enjoy catching up with each other but there is an awkward tension in the air, and so the occasion is not as joyous as it should be.

He said he likes that aspect of catching up with the guys but he doesn't look forward to them and the players find them awkward. That is a sad state for a multiple premiership era group of players.

tbh even as a supporter I have found the whole scenario awkward, hard to deal with, hard to figure out what i feel exactly or understand the players. It takes two to tango and they have strung up one party and have forgiven the other, the one that made commitments.

If it was me, I would be more filthy with my partner than my friend.
One in three Australian women will experience physical or sexual violence at some point in her life. One in three. Think about that for a minute.

The AFL does a lot wrong, but when it comes to working with its entirely male playing group on issues like this, I would argue it does more right than wrong. And for those who think it's overkill, I'll say it again - one in three.

This video was made over a year ago. It's one of a number of interventions the AFL has been involved with. It might not change behavior in everyone - but it might make some stop and think. Or seek help. Or wonder about their mates. And here is what I reckon - if this video helps just one of the thousands of women who will be hit, punched, glassed, r*ped, beaten or otherwise abused this year avoid that fate, then I'd argue that in the greater scheme of things, the question of how Brad Scott talks about Wayne Carey or anyone else is completely irrelevant.
The issue is that Brad is our senior coach. He very well may lead us to our fifth flag.
Why OS is pissed off is the Herald Sun has made it out to seem that Brad is bagging Wayne for all he did and that theres a rift or some anomosity toward one another.
The Herald Sun is searching for a headline.
They saw Wayne welcomed back to the club and us bringing him home, but now there trying to make it out as if there is a rift between senior coach and past legend.

Women being abused does not sell papers.

A fake stoush between the senior coach of North Melbourne and their greatest, arguable the games greatest player- does.

**** the Herald Sun and **** the journalist who wrote it. **********.
One in three Australian women will experience physical or sexual violence at some point in her life. One in three. Think about that for a minute.

The AFL does a lot wrong, but when it comes to working with its entirely male playing group on issues like this, I would argue it does more right than wrong. And for those who think it's overkill, I'll say it again - one in three.

This video was made over a year ago. It's one of a number of interventions the AFL has been involved with. It might not change behavior in everyone - but it might make some stop and think. Or seek help. Or wonder about their mates. And here is what I reckon - if this video helps just one of the thousands of women who will be hit, punched, glassed, r*ped, beaten or otherwise abused this year avoid that fate, then I'd argue that in the greater scheme of things, the question of how Brad Scott talks about Wayne Carey or anyone else is completely irrelevant.

tbh even as a supporter I have found the whole scenario awkward, hard to deal with, hard to figure out what i feel exactly or understand the players. It takes two to tango and they have strung up one party and have forgiven the other, the one that made commitments.

If it was me, I would be more filthy with my partner than my friend.

This is exactly how I feel.
Yes Wayne stuffed up but it takes 2 to Tango and the other party has got off totally blameless (despite it not being the first time - except the other party the other time wasnt as high profile and left the club under a cloud of secrecy and not as publicly as Wayne)

I blame her just as much if not more than Wayne for destroying what should have been a group of mates that should never have been parted

My contempt for her will remain for ever despite the fact that Anthony chose to take her back

So what Brad said is true it will remain forever which is really really sad

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Scott on Carey - Hun story

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