Everyone wants an emu!
Pheasant farm pate is delicious
My mum was given a couple of Emu's back in the day.
Of course she didn't have the right fencing for them.
Mostly they stayed in , but i remember once they jumped over to the Neigbours.
I went over, and was able , one at a time , to herd them into a corner.
I found out that when they tried to run past, you could push down on their backs.
Their legs aren't as strong as they look, because birds are pretty light, and they just pushed down onto the ground like a big chicken.
Then i could pick them up from behind, pinning the upper part of their leg against their chest, the forelegs kicking like the blazes.
From there i could just throw them over the fence.
Some time after that, they got out onto a road, and people called the council.
Some guy calling himself a Ranger ( dogcatcher i'd call him ) had a rod with a loop of cable in the end and managed to catch them.
He put a bag over their heads and took them back to my mum's place.
Both were dead on arrival. 100% fail rate Mr Ranger.
I don't really believe the crap you hear about how dangerous they are, though i guess these ones weren't very aggressive.