Seconds Footy for the APS

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wfootystarc said:
couldn't agree more, the MGS boys are a bunch of soft footballers
who don't know what it means when you say contested possession.
They should pack up now, give up and enter a league more suitable to their standard,

You've hit the nail right on the head their footystar, MGS are a pack of donut punchers who need to recognise their limitations. To do your gut running, head over the ball, hard tackles is not what MGS coaches expect, they expect to sit out the back of the pack, fly from the side of marking contests and no 2nd or 3rd efforts.

Who can blame the coaches though? They're working with soft footballers.

As for PJ23's remarks, typical grammar boy, as a smarter man than me once said; "the dumb one always resorts to physical violence". Good luck PJ, as 2nds football is only a dream for you, i hear the mighty 5ths are travelling well under your guidance.
chooker said:
You've hit the nail right on the head their footystar, MGS are a pack of donut punchers who need to recognise their limitations. To do your gut running, head over the ball, hard tackles is not what MGS coaches expect, they expect to sit out the back of the pack, fly from the side of marking contests and no 2nd or 3rd efforts.

Who can blame the coaches though? They're working with soft footballers.

As for PJ23's remarks, typical grammar boy, as a smarter man than me once said; "the dumb one always resorts to physical violence". Good luck PJ, as 2nds football is only a dream for you, i hear the mighty 5ths are travelling well under your guidance.

Very true....apart from Hawkins, they have very little, if any, toughness at all.

Vance is a small man trapped inside a big man's body. For someone his size, he really has no idea how to throw his body around.

The less said about X.Ellis, the better. Didn't commit himself to the Hawks this year. Could he be the worst Top 3 pick in the drafts short history?

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pj23 said:
you tell me what number you wear and what school you play for and ill show you how :D:D:D:Ding soft we are

Goodness gracious me, how incredibly tough of you! :rolleyes:
dont worry pj23, i know exactly who he is and who he plays for. and he can expect some extra attention for grammar when we meet, all in the fairness of play though.

unfortunatly for him, this weekend 'gobbies' alliances lie with her brother and old boyfriend when she will be out at todd road watching the mgs two's take on geelong college. and rumor has it they will be doing a little 'catching up' after the game... who knows what will eventuate. so will carter, now is the time you should go and have a sook to her about seeing other people, or maybe, just keep on not speaking to her...seems to be working really well for you guys:thumbsdown:. and change your name, its not hard to read backwards. i suggest you name one be: reknaw. see if u can figure that one out big fella.

have a nice day;)
Chugga said:
Could he be the worst Top 3 pick in the drafts short history?

Chugga i think you could be on the money hear. But in regard to the worst number 1 draft pick in the last decade, that would have to go to Travis Johnstone. Given he is usually quite a decent kick of the football when he gets it, unfortunetly he doesn't get the footy. Averaging under 50 dream team points this season, he really does not know what to do when confronted with a tagger. Trapper cannot and doesn't know how to win a hard ball, so will rarely touch the footy. I would go as far to say that he is even worse than Clive Waterhouse, who was a number one draft pick at Fremantle back in the day. However I do respect that fact that Trapper is an addicted gambler who is already in debt tens of thousands of dollars to Simon Beasley!
Worst top draft pick ever! thats probably the worst 'assumption' i have ever heard. How on earth can you say that mate,
A) He hasn't matured fully and when does im sure he will be a gun
B) He hasnt been given the oppotunity to play AFL yet but he will in the near future

Thanks a fair dinkum outragous call mate.
Every club would have him if they had the oppotunity. Including Geelong
How does one make such an assumption about Xavier Ellis when he hasn't played a game for anyone all season, let alone Hawthorn. He is devastated by his broken foot and desperate to get back out there. We'll see just how bad he is when he plays in the APS finals this year and in the AFL next....Rising Star is my prediction. And finally, why are we talking about Xav in a seconds forum?
pj23 said:
the only hard thing about scotch footy is their ***** when they are in the showers together after the game
I'm sure you would know what a hard knob in you feels like when in the shower
pj23 said:
who said my remarks involved phyisical violence give me your number and team and ill show you tough footy or phyisical violence you can have your pick you batty boy

PJ, that is a typical MGS boy's reply. Likes to snipe other people from behind.

No-one at MGS has played tough footy in their life, so you wouldn't know what it involved.

Just a quick question, was i around the mark when i said you play 5ths footy?
jcats#6 said:
Picked up S.Gobbo last weekend just to let everyone know....(wfootystarc)

He is distraught at the news of jcats picking up S.Gobbo last weekend, but relieved to realise jcats copped sloppy seconds of himself, that is not so cool to even think about.

That is one thing we must credit all those Grammar boys with who live in Toorak and South Yarra. They do provide some very attractive mums and sisters, for which the rest of us must be truly thankful.

PJ, pick up a real woman like Cardia, Phoebe or Loz and then come back and speak to us. We do not give a :D:D:D:D about your opinion, it is the biggest load of crap I have read in all my life.
bonnetboy said:
He is distraught at the news of jcats picking up S.Gobbo last weekend, but relieved to realise jcats copped sloppy seconds of himself, that is not so cool to even think about.

That is one thing we must credit all those Grammar boys with who live in Toorak and South Yarra. They do provide some very attractive mums and sisters, for which the rest of us must be truly thankful.

PJ, pick up a real woman like Cardia, Phoebe or Loz and then come back and speak to us. We do not give a :D:D:D:D about your opinion, it is the biggest load of crap I have read in all my life.

Finally, a voice of reason!

The only thing jcats#6 has going for him is that he barracks for Geelong, because he certainly doesn't have women. Sloppy seconds, how would you feel? :p

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wfootystarc said:

where shall i start.rumor has it that stef's old boyfriend went back to her house a few weekends back. but he wont say what happened because stef was scared carter would crack it. ontop of that carters old girlfriend lib hutton is being unconstesdly handballed around the mgs two's
wat a shame
Probably for the first 5 minutes, like last year. Then, i would imagine, it got boring when you're losing by 6+ goals.
bonnetboy said:
Young JB is a star, both on the field as he demonstrated on the field on Saturday but also with the women off the field. JB is known to take away most of the better looking women from our own well reknown Brougham, Tolson, Bowman, Sherwen, Marks, Chook (all of them) and the General Smith until he became so whipped. Particular mention most go to Sherwen for picking up the worst chicks, but hot in pursuit is Lozza Bowman with Cardia coming in a distance third i'm afraid, lift your game mate! Thought young Barracoota of the Year 11 variety put in a good performance which is likely to tickle the fancy of the firsts selection panel in a way new to Scotch.

shut up bonnet boy no one wants to hear ur gay predictions and stories. Tell us something wed like to know like why u are called bonnet boy, think i can guess;)
loveit20 said:
shut up bonnet boy no one wants to hear ur gay predictions and stories. Tell us something wed like to know like why u are called bonnet boy, think i can guess;)

No-one wants to hear your pathetic Western Australian junk, so get back to doing what you WA's do best...

- Running away from the police
- Drugs
- Mafia
chooker said:
Probably for the first 5 minutes, like last year. Then, i would imagine, it got boring when you're losing by 6+ goals.

True, and to think that useless mob thought they were a chance :confused:

Plank of wood >>>> Vance
Chugga said:
No-one wants to hear your pathetic Western Australian junk, so get back to doing what you WA's do best...

- Running away from the police
- Drugs
- Mafia

You forgot beating melbourne football teams every week. But everything else is pritty accurate.
Plank of wood >>>> Vance[/QUOTE]
ummmm chugga maybe u should make FIRST'S then start talking about players that are better than u mate, another scotch :D:D:D:Da in yr 12 that is jealous of everything about the boys at mgs similar to will carter/plev eyyy ??
I too think bonnetboy should shut up with his ridiculous stories and predictions. Unless we all want to hear the story about how he got the nickname bonnetboy... I also agree with Chugga, go back to the 19th century lifestyle in WA where you all believe you are better than us Victorians. But then again thats, what the psychologists say, an "inferiority complex". If there were any people smart enough in your small seperated society to know what that meant, i would be extremely suprised. It is a joke that Western Australia was made part of our great country with delinquents like yourself living there.

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Seconds Footy for the APS

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