Sexual assault allegations

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Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

It doesn't make any sense. Who would reject sexual advances from our Premiership players? I know I wouldn't.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

If the allegations are true, I do hope the players are sacked, Footballers should not be immune to the law, fame and $$$ gets into people's head too easily.

Do you honestly think it is though? Like someone previously stated, I'm sure the players were breifed on this sort of thing before they were let out to party.
Until I see anything concrete, I'm going to treat it as some dumb bitch trying to get 15min of fame or trying to get a quick buck.
Remember, innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Shout out to all opposition posters. Any trolls with be met with a nice hit from the banhammer. Feel free to post here respectfully though.

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Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Do you honestly think it is though? Like someone previously stated, I'm sure the players were breifed on this sort of thing before they were let out to party.
Until I see anything concrete, I'm going to treat it as some dumb bitch trying to get 15min of fame or trying to get a quick buck.
Remember, innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.

I don't know what to think, I hope the allegations are false however if they are true I do hope our players get punished, this kind of behavior is not acceptable and our players need to know that.

I am hoping the "victim" is similar to the girl in the Chapman incident though.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations


So there's a a 'type' is there? Really, really bad form.

Don't assume this allegation is/isn't true
Don't try to imagine who has/hasn't been named

It's an awful thing to have happened if true, and a disgraceful act if it's been fabricated. At this stage, though, implicating or insinuating players in this way is truly Caroline Wilson-like in its vacuousness and potential to damage.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

You just can't know and it's useless (if not damaging) to speculate.

So in other words, this thread, like the majority on this forum, are not worth being started to begin with?
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

As much as I dislike Collingwood, you have deserved this flag and your time in the sun. With an NRL story apparently about to break and the game come crashing down again the AFL could have benefited. Really hope it isn't true.

Atleast we know if there is any truth to this Eddie will put a hole the size of a bullet in the guys head.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

To be fair, random people posting on BigFooty is hardly going to ruin anyone's career.

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Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Why would you even write that? 2 guys getting into a cab is evidence enough to put it out there on a public forum?

Support our boys for goodness sake.
When something has been proven then there is someone accountable. Until then dropping names does nothing for anyone.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Mate if your gonna quote a deleted post or one that is about to be what I do and block the names with ***** & ******
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

That is true, posting names may not ruin careers but you could still get sued.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Mate if your gonna quote a deleted post or one that is about to be what I do and block the names with ***** & ******

I have also edited mine.
Wasn't very clever of me to quote.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Done. If posters haven't picked up on the theme - do not speculate on players when we don't know anything about the incident, if true etc.

It is slanderous and really poor form.

Secondly, as per Smiddaz comments, any trolling will see you take a long crimson journey into the netherworld.
Re: F!@#ing Great... sex assault allegations

Bit hard to ignore it mate...These players need to know that they aren't above anyone else...As was said in an interview "Maxwell pulled us all aside before our first day and said 'I dont care what number pick or where you came from, you are all equal from this point forward'"

All players should realise that they aren't special just cause they play footy, they are the same as the rest of us when it comes to law and order

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Sexual assault allegations

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