Event SFAEW Season 38: Round 14 On Now!

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BarryBran nails BigChippa52 with a springboard moonsault.
Blacky counts: One, two, in the ropes...
BarryBran uses an enzuigiri on BigChippa52.
BarryBran goes for a senton, but BigChippa52 gets his knees up.
BigChippa52 hits a bodyslam on BarryBran.
BigChippa52 goes for a back suplex, but BarryBran counters it with a facerake.
BarryBran executes a dropkick against BigChippa52.
BarryBran takes BigChippa52 down with a bodyslam.
BarryBran goes for a senton, but BigChippa52 rolls out of the way.
BigChippa52 performs a vertical suplex against BarryBran.
BigChippa52 uses a clothesline on BarryBran.
BigChippa52 takes BarryBran down with a bodyslam.
BigChippa52 tags out to HARPSichord.
HARPSichord and BigChippa52 hit BarryBran with a double bodyslam.
HARPSichord and BigChippa52 hit BarryBran with a double forearm to the back.
BigChippa52 leaves the ring.
HARPSichord performs a kick to the head against BarryBran.
HARPSichord executes a reverse neckbreaker against BarryBran.
HARPSichord seemingly enjoys the boos.
HARPSichord executes a basement dropkick against BarryBran.
HARPSichord hits a kneelift on BarryBran.
HARPSichord attempts an armdrag takedown, but BarryBran counters it with a lariat.
BarryBran tags out to Tonga Bob.
Tonga Bob and BarryBran whip HARPSichord into the ropes.
They hit HARPSichord with a double elbowsmash.
BigChippa52 enters the ring, but gets cut off.
BarryBran uses a dropkick on HARPSichord.
Tonga Bob attempts a release German suplex, but HARPSichord counters it with a backward kick.
BarryBran leaves the ring.
HARPSichord tries a back suplex, but Tonga Bob blocks it.
Tonga Bob runs into the ropes.
Tonga Bob performs a lariat against HARPSichord.
Tonga Bob executes a kick to the head against HARPSichord.
Tonga Bob tries a kick to the head, but HARPSichord ducks out of the way.
HARPSichord goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but Tonga Bob counters it with a facerake.
Tonga Bob whips HARPSichord into the ropes.
Tonga Bob hits HARPSichord with a clothesline.
HARPSichord falls out of the ring.
Blacky counts: one, two, three, HARPSichord reenters the ring.
Tonga Bob performs a swinging side slam against HARPSichord.
Tonga Bob tries a short clothesline, but HARPSichord counters it with a crucifix.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
HARPSichord tags out to BigChippa52.
BigChippa52 attempts a headlock takedown, but Tonga Bob counters it with a back suplex.
In turn, BigChippa52 counters it with a facerake.
BigChippa52 throws Tonga Bob out of the ring.
BigChippa52 rolls out under the bottom rope.
BigChippa52 goes for the Big Chip Stunner, but Tonga Bob blocks it.
BigChippa52 performs a backdrop against Tonga Bob.
Blacky counts: 1.
BigChippa52 throws Tonga Bob back into the ring.
BigChippa52 executes the Big Chip Stunner on Tonga Bob.
The cheers for BigChippa52 are drowning out the boos.
BigChippa52 goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
BigChippa52 performs a spinebuster against Tonga Bob.
BigChippa52 executes an elbowsmash against Tonga Bob.
BigChippa52 uses a punch on Tonga Bob.
BigChippa52 whips Tonga Bob into the turnbuckle.
BigChippa52 charges into the corner, but Tonga Bob lifts his leg.
Tonga Bob throws BigChippa52 out of the ring.
Blacky counts: one, two, BigChippa52 reenters the ring.
Tonga Bob executes a lariat against BigChippa52.
Tonga Bob gives the sign for the Game Over.
Tonga Bob executes the Game Over on BigChippa52.
Blacky checks BigChippa52's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up!
BigChippa52 fights his way out of the hold after 17 seconds.
BigChippa52 uses a vertical suplex on Tonga Bob.
BigChippa52 kicks Tonga Bob.
BigChippa52 punches Tonga Bob.
The cheers for BigChippa52 are drowning out the boos.
BigChippa52 runs into the ropes.
BigChippa52 misses with a clothesline.
BigChippa52 misses with an elbow.
Tonga Bob misses with a kick.
BigChippa52 executes a vertical splash ring rope clothesline against Tonga Bob.
BigChippa52 runs into the ropes.
BigChippa52 hits Tonga Bob with a shoulderblock.
BigChippa52 runs into the ropes.
BigChippa52 misses with a shoulderblock.
BigChippa52 uses a clothesline on Tonga Bob.
BigChippa52 executes a kneelift against Tonga Bob.
BigChippa52 performs a forearm to the back against Tonga Bob.
BigChippa52 tries a vertical suplex, but Tonga Bob reverses it.
Tonga Bob executes a kneelift against BigChippa52.
Tonga Bob attempts a spinebuster slam, but BigChippa52 counters it with a lariat.
BigChippa52 runs into the ropes.
Tonga Bob nails BigChippa52 with a Samoan Drop.
Tonga Bob is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Tonga Bob attempts a flapjack, but BigChippa52 counters it with a lariat.
The crowd is wildly cheering BigChippa52 with only a few scattered boos audible.
BigChippa52 whips Tonga Bob into the ropes.
Tonga Bob misses with a clothesline.
BigChippa52 hits Tonga Bob with a shoulderblock.
BigChippa52 tries a kick to the midsection, but Tonga Bob blocks it.
Tonga Bob runs into the ropes.
Tonga Bob attempts a lariat, but BigChippa52 blocks it.
BigChippa52 attempts a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but Tonga Bob blocks it.
Tonga Bob throws BigChippa52 over the top rope.
Tonga Bob goes outside.
Tonga Bob attempts a short clothesline, but BigChippa52 ducks out of the way.
BigChippa52 reenters the ring.
Tonga Bob rolls back in under the bottom rope.
BigChippa52 whips Tonga Bob into the ropes.
Tonga Bob tries a spinning leg lariat, but BigChippa52 steps out of the way.
BigChippa52 runs into the ropes.
BigChippa52 hits Tonga Bob with a kick.
BigChippa52 attempts to place Tonga Bob on the turnbuckle, but Tonga Bob blocks it.
BigChippa52 whips Tonga Bob into the ropes.
Tonga Bob executes a Vader attack against BigChippa52.
The cheers for Tonga Bob are drowning out the boos.
Tonga Bob throws BigChippa52 into the turnbuckle, but BigChippa52 reverses it.
BigChippa52 runs shoulder-first into the corner.
BigChippa52 punches Tonga Bob.
Tonga Bob punches BigChippa52.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Tonga Bob.
Tonga Bob punches BigChippa52.
Tonga Bob chops BigChippa52.
BigChippa52 hits Tonga Bob.
BigChippa52 doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Tonga Bob chops BigChippa52.
The boos are resurfacing again.
Tonga Bob whips BigChippa52 into the ropes.
BigChippa52 hits Tonga Bob with a shoulderblock.
BigChippa52 executes the Big Chip Stunner on Tonga Bob.
The boos are resurfacing again.
BigChippa52 goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, three.

The winners are BigChippa52 and HARPSichord. Time of match: 0:19:59
Sim Rating: *** 1/2

We've got ourselves a match that Chippa's been begging for since the start of the season!

In a couple of weeks, Hold Me, Thrilla_Me will be defending their Tag Team Championships against Musical Root Beer!
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Celebrity Lol GIF by Big Brother Australia

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Event SFAEW Season 38: Round 14 On Now!

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