SFL – MSJFL proposed merger. Has the VAFA been stiffed?

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Crikey, never thought I would see TWO Roosters arguing with each other on BF, one could say we have a C*ck fight happening.

Just to settle them down, they may like this one:

An old farmer decided it was time to get a new rooster for his hens.
The current rooster was still doing an okay job, but he was getting on in years. And the farmer figured getting a new rooster couldn't hurt anything. So he buys a young **** from the local rooster emporium, and turns him loose in the barn yard. Well, the old rooster sees the young one strutting around and he gets a little worried.
So, they're trying to replace me, thinks the old rooster. I've got to do something about this. He walks up to the new bird and says, "So you're the new stud in town?
I bet you really think you're hot stuff, don't you? Well I'm not ready for the chopping block yet. I'll bet I'm still the better bird. And to prove it, I challenge you to a race around that hen house over there. We'll run around it ten times and whoever finishes first gets to have all the hens for himself."

Well, the young rooster was a proud sort, and he definitely thought he was more than a match for the old guy. "You're on," said the young rooster. "And since I know I'm so great, I'll even give you a head start of half a lap. I'll still win easy," said the young rooster. So the two roosters go over to the hen house to start the race with all the hens gathering around to watch. The race begins and all the hens start cheering the roosters on. After the first lap, the old rooster is still maintaining his lead. After the second lap, the old guy's lead has slipped a little but he's still hanging in there. Unfortunately the old rooster's lead continues to slip each time around, and by the fifth lap he's just barely in front of the young rooster.

By now the farmer has heard all the commotion. He runs into the house, gets his shotgun, and runs out to the barn yard figuring a fox or something is after his chickens. When he gets there, he sees the two roosters running around the hen house, with the old rooster still slightly in the lead. He immediately takes his shotgun, aims, fires, and blows the young rooster away. As he walks away slowly, he says to himself "Damn, that's the third gay rooster I've bought this month."
A c*#k fight indeed. Well played CC. No I actually respect my fellow roosters generally balanced postings. It’s just we have a slightly differing view on this particular point. I am not anti SFL and am on record as saying they have made ground in recent years. But they have made a mess of this and their reputation has suffered. You might even call it a monumental C*%k up!
I think that in the end a certain person at the SFL thought he could do what he wanted as he had ties at the AFL. This then turned against them all when the clubs at the MSJFL started to fight back. No one wanted this to be front page news: -

Senior Football League tries to take over junior football league.

If anything let's hope that the MSJFL learn from this and become stronger for the experience as to not let this happen again.:thumbsu:

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They have stepped in. They are supporting the MSJFL in their moves to restructure and re-energise their league. Expect a full time CEO to be in place early in the New Year.

Well I hope they advertise as i will have a crack at the job and they will only have to pay me half the $$.

Tried 2 times to get onto the VAFA board, but like me old fella could not raise any interest.

Love to get some CHANGE-MANAGEMENT guy's onto VAFA board ( in terms of infrastructure, fixturing, sponsorship, player contracts, ground allocations and club management accountability).

However I will apply to the MSJFL if that comes out as i reckon we can re-brand the MSJFL and make it the FIRST CHOICE JUNIOR SPORT in the SE suburbs (hello AFL, stuff $$ on non-skill NRL players, I will deliver you 30-50 skilled 16-18 YO footballers year in - year out to cater for the expanded league by 2012.

May even get 'Lady Snake' to get on board, she will get the place going.
I think that in the end a certain person at the SFL thought he could do what he wanted as he had ties at the AFL. This then turned against them all when the clubs at the MSJFL started to fight back. No one wanted this to be front page news: -

Senior Football League tries to take over junior football league.

If anything let's hope that the MSJFL learn from this and become stronger for the experience as to not let this happen again.:thumbsu:

Is it true Holdsworth copped an earful from an official from a Div 1 club at the AGM?

Bentleigh must be wondering what they've walked into.
Is it true Holdsworth copped an earful from an official from a Div 1 club at the AGM?

Bentleigh must be wondering what they've walked into.

He certainly pulled out his A-Game in sales pitches to get us to come across that's for sure. Personally I don't think it wouldn't matter our club re the take over bid debacle, as I think our club would be one of those previously mentioned, who's pleased in the SFL trying to strengthen it's standings in metro senior/junior footy.

We were rumoured to be one of the breakaway teams in the splinter comp
He certainly pulled out his A-Game in sales pitches to get us to come across that's for sure. Personally I don't think it wouldn't matter our club re the take over bid debacle, as I think our club would be one of those previously mentioned, who's pleased in the SFL trying to strengthen it's standings in metro senior/junior footy.

We were rumoured to be one of the breakaway teams in the splinter comp

Fish, with all respect I know a few old Bentleigh Stalwarts are shaking in their boots at the moment.

You state as major reason shifting to SFL "who's pleased in the SFL trying to strengthen it's standings in metro senior/junior footy" - so where has VAFA failed to do this and more importantly what have the SFL done to convince Gazza and Kenny that SFL are heading down the right track??. ..If they switched over to SFL on the back of MSJFL coming over then someone has obviously mis-read the script or silly enough to sign up prior to it actually happening. No wonder a few old players at Bentleigh are very very worried about the move to SFL now.

Also, how can you be Rumoured to be a breakaway team when in fact you ARE?

I give you guy's 2 years and then back into D4.
Fish, with all respect I know a few old Bentleigh Stalwarts are shaking in their boots at the moment.

You state as major reason shifting to SFL "who's pleased in the SFL trying to strengthen it's standings in metro senior/junior footy" - so where has VAFA failed to do this and more importantly what have the SFL done to convince Gazza and Kenny that SFL are heading down the right track??. ..If they switched over to SFL on the back of MSJFL coming over then someone has obviously mis-read the script or silly enough to sign up prior to it actually happening. No wonder a few old players at Bentleigh are very very worried about the move to SFL now.

Also, how can you be Rumoured to be a breakaway team when in fact you ARE?

I give you guy's 2 years and then back into D4.

I was refering more to that Leader article that stated that our juniors had joined the proposed breakaway SJFL. I haven't spoken to anyone from the juniors about it yet, so i can't confirm whether this was true

BTW do you actually know "Gazza" & "Kenny" or did you just look up our club details on the website & make an assumption as to their nick names, as nobody actually calls them by that :eek:

Moving back to the SFL was a huge decision, so you're guess that a couple of people have reservations is pretty much a given anyway, not everyone likes change. It was a decision that took three years to make, so I doubt we'll be just dipping our big toe in the water & decide that its too cold & get out. Opting out of the VAFA actaully was mainly driven by our prez with a strong push from the junior who are the future of the club, so we have to look after them.

Without going into too much detail, moving back to the SFL will be a massive windfall for the clubs bottom line, so the likes of Chadstone, Box Hill North & Eley Park can breathe a sigh of relief as we won't be joining them this side of the year 2020.

*waits for some VAFA posters' scoffing at everything I've said

The MSJFL is moving forward into 2011 with the appointment of Joe Morsello as Football Operations Administration Officer.

This looks to be the first step by appointing an Operations officer this will mean that they no longer require assistance from the SFL.

2nd Step is to tell a certain umpire that he is no longer required and to stay at the SFL.

Fresh start means getting rid of all the people that assisted the furor in this mindless attempt of a takeover.
Anyone care to guess were Joe was working during the course of his Sports Admin traineeship?

Anyone? anyone?

Oh yes, of course, with Michael, Jeremy and Benny at the VAFA!

Well done Joe.:thumbsu:
I was refering more to that Leader article that stated that our juniors had joined the proposed breakaway SJFL. I haven't spoken to anyone from the juniors about it yet, so i can't confirm whether this was true

BTW do you actually know "Gazza" & "Kenny" or did you just look up our club details on the website & make an assumption as to their nick names, as nobody actually calls them by that :eek:

Moving back to the SFL was a huge decision, so you're guess that a couple of people have reservations is pretty much a given anyway, not everyone likes change. It was a decision that took three years to make, so I doubt we'll be just dipping our big toe in the water & decide that its too cold & get out. Opting out of the VAFA actaully was mainly driven by our prez with a strong push from the junior who are the future of the club, so we have to look after them.

Without going into too much detail, moving back to the SFL will be a massive windfall for the clubs bottom line, so the likes of Chadstone, Box Hill North & Eley Park can breathe a sigh of relief as we won't be joining them this side of the year 2020.

*waits for some VAFA posters' scoffing at everything I've said

Don’t judge us so harshly “Fish”. Sure we have posters here who are more interested in baiting than debating. However, you’ll find them on your new board too. But some of us are a tad more measured.;)

It’s prudent management on the part of your club to be mindful of its best interests. If that’s perceived to be with the SFL then so be it. Personally, I think it’s error of judgement to go to a lesser competition both organisationally and in football quality, but I wish you well. BTW, I say that in the knowledge that the SFL, to its credit, has made improvements in both those areas in recent years.

I’m not so sure the ‘junior’ element is so relevant now though. It will be a long time before the MSJFL forgets the deeds indulged in by the SFL. In fact, I’d suggest it will be just a working relationship between the two bodies so long as two people remain in the corridors of power at the SFL.

It’s great to see Joe Morsello get the Football Operations post with the MSJFL. Hopefully the VAFA will grasp the opportunity to restore the close ties it had with the MSJFL in bygone years, taking them to a new level. There will never be a better opportunity particularly with two former SFL heavyweights now in the VAFA ranks.

Best of luck with your move to an inferior competition. Sorry, couldn’t resist.

“Bounce the Ball”. You are quite correct. There was a clear conflict of interest last year IMHO. Since the gent involved has thrown his lot in with the SFL I hope he sticks with that role as continuing with the two is untenable and I’d imagine too many bridges have been burned with the VAFA for him to continue with the MSJFL.
I was refering more to that Leader article that stated that our juniors had joined the proposed breakaway SJFL. I haven't spoken to anyone from the juniors about it yet, so i can't confirm whether this was true

[SIZE=+2]BTW do you actually know "Gazza" & "Kenny" or did you just look up our club details on the website & make an assumption as to their nick names, as nobody actually calls them by that[/SIZE] :eek:

Moving back to the SFL was a huge decision, so you're guess that a couple of people have reservations is pretty much a given anyway, not everyone likes change. It was a decision that took three years to make, so I doubt we'll be just dipping our big toe in the water & decide that its too cold & get out. Opting out of the VAFA actaully was mainly driven by our prez with a strong push from the junior who are the future of the club, so we have to look after them.

Without going into too much detail, moving back to the SFL will be a massive windfall for the clubs bottom line, so the likes of Chadstone, Box Hill North & Eley Park can breathe a sigh of relief as we won't be joining them this side of the year 2020.

*waits for some VAFA posters' scoffing at everything I've said

We know. One of our regulars - Uncle Mick - hit that target some time ago.

The insighful one has asked me to extend seasons greetings to the amateur team. That includes our troll and all his aliases.

Merry Xmas.

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The latest news is the Southern Football League has been sending out emails denigrating the new MSJFL Operations Manager, out to the clubs who expressed interest in the break-away competition. The SFL have really lost the plot now. All the positive work they had done over the past few years has gone out the window. It appears the SFL management are fighting for their jobs now. They’re in self-destruction mode. Quite funny actually!
The latest news is the Southern Football League has been sending out emails denigrating the new MSJFL Operations Manager, out to the clubs who expressed interest in the break-away competition. The SFL have really lost the plot now. All the positive work they had done over the past few years has gone out the window. It appears the SFL management are fighting for their jobs now. They’re in self-destruction mode. Quite funny actually!

Holdsworth must be really feeling the pressure. They just got too big for their boots and are paying the price.

Go away you pain!!


You've contributed three one line posts in this thread. All snipes. Get a life.:thumbsdown:

You've contributed three one line posts in this thread. All snipes. Get a life.:thumbsdown:[/QUOTE]

Your a joke VA, why don't you look at Watchful Eyes contribution to the VAFA boards, he (CV) critiques/has a go at all non-HR posters - what has he ever contributed to these boards?

You take the time to check Beac's post's why don't ya look at WE's? - Oh, that's right your from HR as well - silly me.
Your a joke VA, why don't you look at Watchful Eyes contribution to the VAFA boards, he (CV) critiques/has a go at all non-HR posters - what has he ever contributed to these boards?

You take the time to check Beac's post's why don't ya look at WE's? - Oh, that's right your from HR as well - silly me.

Yellow Card and we haven't commenced 2011 yet.:eek: Give our best to "Gazza" and "Kenny" and all your other internet friends.

The latest news is the Southern Football League has been sending out emails denigrating the new MSJFL Operations Manager, out to the clubs who expressed interest in the break-away competition. The SFL have really lost the plot now. All the positive work they had done over the past few years has gone out the window. It appears the SFL management are fighting for their jobs now. They’re in self-destruction mode. Quite funny actually!

Story is the VAFA are more than happy to help him out when ever he needs help. The break with the SFL and the revamping of the operation could be the making of the MSJFL.
Yellow Card and we haven't commenced 2011 yet.:eek: Give our best to "Gazza" and "Kenny" and all your other internet friends.

Story is the VAFA are more than happy to help him out when ever he needs help. The break with the SFL and the revamping of the operation could be the making of the MSJFL.

31 May 2010, 15:43 #604
Erek Shun
BigFooty Apprentice

Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Melbourne
Re: B Section 2010 - Part 1
I had a job in Bentleigh so I dropped in to have a squiz at the Oakleigh v Old Haileybury clash on Sat. There wasn’t much in it on the scoreboard while I was there but O.H looked classier. Bigger as well with Ford taking a number of big grabs. Gotta hand it to Oakleigh they really have a crack. One thing that had me buffaloed was why Voss was allowed to roam around as a loose man in the back half, wandering up forward when he felt like it unmanned.

P.S Lerve your work Watchful.

Still sticking up for Watchful CV.

Your pathetic!
I was refering more to that Leader article that stated that our juniors had joined the proposed breakaway SJFL. I haven't spoken to anyone from the juniors about it yet, so i can't confirm whether this was true

BTW do you actually know "Gazza" & "Kenny" or did you just look up our club details on the website & make an assumption as to their nick names, as nobody actually calls them by that :eek:

Moving back to the SFL was a huge decision, so you're guess that a couple of people have reservations is pretty much a given anyway, not everyone likes change. It was a decision that took three years to make, so I doubt we'll be just dipping our big toe in the water & decide that its too cold & get out. Opting out of the VAFA actaully was mainly driven by our prez with a strong push from the junior who are the future of the club, so we have to look after them.

Without going into too much detail, moving back to the SFL will be a massive windfall for the clubs bottom line, so the likes of Chadstone, Box Hill North & Eley Park can breathe a sigh of relief as we won't be joining them this side of the year 2020.

*waits for some VAFA posters' scoffing at everything I've said

You mean he made out to be a friend of someone he didn't know at all.:confused:

It's probably a good time to move away rom the Moorabbin Saints name to something along the lines of Southeast Junior Football League. More in keeping with the times.
You mean he made out to be a friend of someone he didn't know at all.:confused:

It's probably a good time to move away rom the Moorabbin Saints name to something along the lines of Southeast Junior Football League. More in keeping with the times.
That name is already taken now.
Dandenong Districts Junior FL is now named Southeast Juniors.
Check out the update from the MSJFL website: http://www.sportingpulse.com/get_file.cgi?id=1199009

"Following robust debate by the full IB, it was resolved to locate the administration staff and infrastructure at the SFL offices in Linton Street for the 2011 season only."

So the SFL offer was superior to the VAFA offer?

Back to where we didnt want it to be, yet somehow it is!
After all the madness over the last 4-6 months, MSJFL Admin is at the SFL again!!??
Interesting development that I imagine won't go down too well at VAFA HQ.

Somewhat contradictory as I read it. On the one hand they claim the MSJFL, although to be located at Linton Street, would be entirely independent of the SFL yet they seemed to be leaning very much toward to the SFL when it came to what was on offer in terms of administrative support.

Clearly the proposal the VAFA put on the table didn't match that of the SFL so far as most of the interim board were concerned. Though clearly not unanimous as the reference to the heated discussion demonstrates.

Let's hope the VAFA maintains a helpful presence around the MSJFL in order to ensure common sense prevails and the MSJFL doesn't just become a handmaiden to the SFL as was - and probably still is - the SFL plan.

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SFL – MSJFL proposed merger. Has the VAFA been stiffed?

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