NO TROLLS Should AFL players bend the knee before each match in 2021?

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Look you have at your one man war against people having opinions.
Would you be opposed to a player advocting on the field for paedophile rights or ISIS? Why not - it's their opinion, right?
I'm not going to stop you, but dressing up cliff notes from Sky News culture wars as reasoned analysis doesn't fool anybody.
You are deliberately misrepresenting my argument, and not only that, you are yet to address it.
I'm confident you are already on the wrong side of history on this one.
As far as the immediate future I am probably inclined to agree with you. However, morality should only be judged according to contemporary standards. To presume our morality will move in X direction and so in anticipation we had best take a view in harmony with X is really adapting the presupposed uncertain moralities of tomorow today, which is exactly what you are doing. We shouldn't adjust our views in accordance with presupposed future moralities - contemporaneous standards exist for a reason.
Would you be opposed to a player advocting on the field for paedophile rights or ISIS? Why not - it's their opinion, right?

You are deliberately misrepresenting my argument, and not only that, you are yet to address it.

As far as the immediate future I am probably inclined to agree with you. However, morality should only be judged according to contemporary standards. To presume our morality will move in X direction and so in anticipation we had best take a view in harmony with X is really adapting the presupposed uncertain moralities of tomorow today, which is exactly what you are doing. We shouldn't adjust our views in accordance with presupposed future moralities - contemporaneous standards exist for a reason.
Ah, nothing says free speech more than an intolerant right winger who finds not everyone is in lockstep with their pov.

I'm not addressing your argument because it isn't an argument. You have failed to provide any evidence for your claims and you are not the arbiter of what Australian society can or cannot do. And that is the last I will say on this one - your views are disturbing to my mind and there is no benefit in giving you a platform to air them.
Ah, nothing says free speech more than an intolerant right winger who finds not everyone is in lockstep with their pov.
My argument does not hinge on 'free speech'. I have not mentioned it.
I'm not addressing your argument because it isn't an argument.
There is quite clearly an argument, and it is as follows:
>Radical politics should be kept out of sport
>Radical politics are distinct from social rituals such as ANZAC Day, because it is an established ritual supported comfortably by the majority

>The AFL players taking a knee was explicitly in support of BLM (they said so)
>The founders of BLM have explicitly said they are Marxists (on tape)

>Marxism is inherently a radical ideology
Therefore - players should not kneel
You have failed to provide any evidence for your claims
If a founder saying on a video 'we are Marxists' is not evidence, what is it?
your views are disturbing to my mind and there is no benefit in giving you a platform to air them.
Your views are disturbing to my mind, also, and for that reason I would encourage you to spread them as far and as wide as you possibly can.

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NO TROLLS Should AFL players bend the knee before each match in 2021?

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