NO TROLLS Should AFL players bend the knee before each match in 2021?

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Sorry bud that won’t do, you should be public shamed, lose your employment and cast down by society all because I perceived, what you said to be offensive.

How dare you mock my English skills in a public forum. Terrible, terrible terrible... shame on you.
That's cancel culture. Stop it now.

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Well I’m glad finally to you are understanding the error of your ways. But, it’s too late off to the gulag with you!!!
So you admit you are perpetuating commie leftist cancel culture? Repent your sins!
Really? I dont hear complaints about immigration from the UK or NZ, hell we even actively tried to "help" those poor white farmers from Sth Africa.

Seems we only worry about it when they aren't white.

Do we have gang problems with UK or SA immigrant gangs roaming around Melbourne ****ing shit up?

You don't hear complaints about migrants from plenty of countries, not all "white" either.

You're full of crap though.

There's been plenty of complaints over the years about kiwis coming here in large numbers. Maybe you just don't listen hard enough.
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No surprise at the usual posters getting all up and offended over this.
Conservatism is basically just a day to day lurching of one angry grievance to the next.

Source: Was formerly afflicted with the disease. Hung out with too many private school drop kicks for whom it was everyone else's fault they missed the Uni course of their choice.

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we should say good bye to ANZAC day full stop

there should be no celebration of war

It is not a celebration of war. It is the complete opposite.

It is in remembrance not only of those lives lost in war but what the soldiers, support staff and families suffered not only during the war but as a result as well in a lot of cases for the rest of their lives.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.

I find your post abhorrent and your lack of respect for the fallen and their families beyond disgusting.

There are many veterans and their families that believe rather than federation on 1st of January 1901 that Anzac day is the real date that not only was our country internationally recognised as being a country in and of itself rather than just an off shoot of the english empire.

Anzac day also recognises the combined sacrifice and brotherhood with which we share with New Zealanders and the sacrifices and bonds which were made that hold our countries so closely together today.
Sorry Wosh - I should not have sworn at what’s his name earlier.
Sometimes it’s hard not to, I wanna swear at a whatshisname at least 3 times a day, that’s why you have the good old filter :D

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NO TROLLS Should AFL players bend the knee before each match in 2021?

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