Should Gay AFL Players come out?

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Immoral behavior. Believe it or not a lot of people and players in the AFL still have good Christian values.

to be fair Im not sure god discriminates, for example.

Three friends -- two straight guys and a gay guy -- and their significant others were on a cruise. A tidal wave came up and swamped the ship; they all drowned, and next thing you know, they're standing before St. Peter.

First came one of the straight guys and his wife. St. Peter shook his head sadly. "I can't let you in. You loved money too much. You loved it so much, you even married a woman named Penny."

Then came the second straight guy. "Sorry, can't let you in, either. You loved food too much. You loved to eat so much, you even married a woman named Candy!"

The gay guy turned to his boyfriend and whispered nervously, "It doesn't look good, Dick."

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toeknee - I don't go around wondering whose gay and who isn't. I take people on face value and what they do in their beds at night is their own business. But if a guy tells me he is gay or I suspect they may be that doesn't change the way I act towards them. He is still the same bloke.

I don't want to ponder the thought of homosexuality as an "expression of maleness".

I was talking about how various males (regardless of sexuality) express their masculinity, not their homosexuality. Talk about throwing your pearls to swine. You are living proof that homophobia is as rampant as ever. Your whole estimation of the gay Community is Roland Rocchiccioli on the footy show? You are a top bloke eh? :rolleyes:

How one expresses love is less important than ones ability to express it. You sir know nothing of love, just self gratification
I was talking about how various males (regardless of sexuality) express their masculinity, not their homosexuality. Talk about throwing your pearls to swine. You are living proof that homophobia is as rampant as ever. Your whole estimation of the gay Community is Roland Rocchiccioli on the footy show? You are a top bloke eh? :rolleyes:

You're selling me way short.

The Roland R. type is the 'safe' portrayal of gays, as a result of the politically pressured declassification of homosexuality as an illness in the early 70's. Except that's not quite true...if you're at ease with your homosexuality, the medical fraternity deems you healthy, but if it causes you distress, you are officially disordered. Hence Hollywood's preferred portrayal of "healthy" gays.

You're no different to the gay lobby...anyone who holds a contrary view is tarred with the same brush - "bigot", "homophobe", "small-minded".

**** off you self-righteous ****.
You're selling me way short.

The Roland R. type is the 'safe' portrayal of gays, as a result of the politically pressured declassification of homosexuality as an illness in the early 70's. Except that's not quite true...if you're at ease with your homosexuality, the medical fraternity deems you healthy, but if it causes you distress, you are officially disordered. Hence Hollywood's favoured portrayal of "healthy" gays.

WTF mate, I'm all for you being comfortable with yourself being straight, and not comfortable with homosexuality, but to throw this garbage up that homosexuality is an illness!?!?!??!?


Surely you don't really prescribe to that, do you?
One of the world's best horror writers and film director Clive Barker is gay, his works don't exactly fit into the 'perceived' gay male sterotype.

Part of the problem is Hollywood still makes shameful sterotypes in movies of certain ethnic groups like Muslims and of course they love taking the piss out of homoseuals. I remember the scene in The Heartbreak Kid, where some gay guy cracks the shits in melodramatic fashion, when Ben Stiller asked him if he was a wedding planner.
As long as Hollywood thinks its okay to make fun out of homosexuals, esp gay males, then Homophobia will always be part of society, esp for impressionable youth.
Immoral behavior. Believe it or not a lot of people and players in the AFL still have good Christian values. I'm know a lot of people like that would feel very uncomfortable and it's not fair on them. Another pressing issue would be how are us as parents supposed to broach the subject with our children. Yep I can really see this working out well for everyone :rolleyes:

i sincerely hope this is a tongue in cheek comment... if not:

1. homosexuality is not immoral, persecution for someone elses lifestyle is. calling homosexuality immoral is not a display of 'good christian values'.

2. there are over 600 species of animals who are regularly observed having same sex relations, whether pairing for life or sexually. as humans are the only animals (according to christian ideals) with free will, that means the perfect God christians worship has knowingly created creatures with no choice but to act out homosexual coupling. therefore, it cannot be against 'good christian values', as it is in many cases, by 'Gods design.

3. the christian church has been responsible for some heinous wrongdoings over the years. the crusades, the spanish inquisition and the current persecution of people who are born gay. why would anyone choose to couple with a person of the same sex when it leads to secrecy and homophobia? that is like saying every homosexual is a masochist who craves the hardships of growing up gay.

4. christians preach living well, and loving one another, start practicing what you preach and leave your immoral value judgements in your head. or change them, fast.

i hope to 'God' one of your kids is not struggling with homosexuality right now. might have to send them to a good ol' fashioned christian straight camp were a life of self loathing surely awaits.
To answer the OP and without having read anything other than the last few posts, in short my answer is no.

It has no relevance to what they do for a living, it has nothing to do with anyone else, it serves no purpose other than to makes headlines for a few days and for people on sites like this to make their crude comments and then for media to be able to say for the next ten years 'Joe Bloggs, the first gay AFL player' (similar to how they label other players) and to top it off I hate this crap where a minority of the gay faction believe that they are living in denial by not 'coming out'.

Why do people like Jeff Kennett continue to throw this sort of crap up on a semi regular basis - if a player choose to come out, good for him, but it should be on his terms not because it's the 'right thing to do'.
I'm speechless, I'm not going to say a word against you, and I've worked in mental health alongside Psychiatrists, Forensic Psychologists and Clinical Nurse Consultants dealing with specifically behavioural, personality disorders and mental illness... and I am speechless.

I can tell you this archaic thinking, which is thankfully no longer among professionals, is sadly what contributes to self harm and suicide of too many young men and women.

well said :thumbsu:

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The great aussie TV movie The King - The Graham Kennedy story, shows how wrong and offensive and hurtful Ron The Bear's comments are.

Gra Gra was easily the best live comedian and entertainer Australia ever had, but was a tortured soul privately, terrified his homosexuality would be made public, and hence his career over.

The days of high profile people/celebrities too scared to come public with their orientation should be behind us, alas not...
all i got from that NARTH article is: 'its developmental for these reasons, and even when it isnt, it still is'.

They're pretty hardcore and in some cases the battle is deeply personal, with its origins going back decades. I also suspect their opinions are fuelled by their Christian beliefs. Very possibly a case of seeing what they want to see, which I freely admit may apply to my opinions also. Numerous examples on both sides of the debate. Psychology's not an exact science.

This maybe be off-topic but since your at it, why don't you give us your enlightened opinion on how the media is over sensationalizing the opinion of racism in the community?

As you suggest, off topic.

I wouldn't bother barmy44, you are truly throwing your pearls to swine with that one.

Oink oink.
As you suggest, off topic.

Oink oink.

Ronald, you are starting to come across as someone with severe mental health issues yourself.

I could excuse your attitude if you were a naive teenager, but I suspect your an educated 40 year old plus bloke, which makes your comments even more deplorable.
Ronald, you are starting to come across as someone with severe mental health issues yourself.

I could excuse your attitude if you were a naive teenager, but I suspect your an educated 40 year old plus bloke, which makes your comments even more deplorable.

This is the wall you inevitably come up against whenever an attempt is made to discuss the topic rationally. Personal attacks.

Perhaps do some reading on the controversy surrounding the changes to the DSM in 1974 and get back to me with your findings. Here's an impartial primer to get you started.
Perhaps do some reading on the controversy surrounding the changes to the DSM in 1974 and get back to me with your findings. Here's a primer to get you started.

It was struck off the DSM because it was never a mental illness to begin with and thankfully people began to understand this fact. Besides things have moved on a bit since 1974 (as it is now 2012 in case you hadn't realised) and one would suggest you maybe get with times.

besides it seems somewhat ironic that a guy who calls himself "The Bear" is against homosexuality in the first place. After all aren't "Bears" a sub culture of the gay Community? Woof Woof!
It was struck off the DSM because it was never a mental illness to begin with and thankfully people began to understand this fact. Besides things have moved on a bit since 1974 (as it is now 2012 in case you hadn't realised) and one would suggest you maybe get with times.


They're pretty hardcore and in some cases the battle is deeply personal, with its origins going back decades. I also suspect their opinions are fuelled by their Christian beliefs.

after i posted what you were replying to, i left the house. on my way down the driveway i wondered whether NARTH would adhere to christian beliefs. right there is why you should not base an opinion that homosexuality is a curable disorder on NARTH.

every 'straight camp' is fuelled by christian morality and hatred towards homosexuals.

if they are an organisation with christian beliefs, their views on homosexuals should never be considered.
after i posted what you were replying to, i left the house. on my way down the driveway i wondered whether NARTH would adhere to christian beliefs. right there is why you should not base an opinion that homosexuality is a curable disorder on NARTH.

every 'straight camp' is fuelled by christian morality and hatred towards homosexuals.

if they are an organisation with christian beliefs, their views on homosexuals should never be considered.

It's clearly resistant to 'treatment'. So is psychopathy/sociopathy.

Although I'm not a churchgoer and don't adhere to a specific religion, Christian beliefs have no doubt had an influence on my own. Opposition on religious grounds is difficult to argue logically, hence the church is under siege from gay people. You only have to read the scathing responses to newspaper articles concerning gay marriage - and they're the ones that pass muster with the editors. On the other hand, it's perfectly understandable that gays would feel hatred towards an institution that essentially rejects them, or at least their lifestyles.
It's clearly resistant to 'treatment'. So is psychopathy/sociopathy.

Although I'm not a churchgoer and don't adhere to a specific religion, Christian beliefs have no doubt had an influence on my own. Opposition on religious grounds is difficult to argue logically, hence the church is under siege from gay people. You only have to read the scathing responses to newspaper articles concerning gay marriage - and they're the ones that pass muster with the editors. On the other hand, it's perfectly understandable that gays would feel hatred towards an institution that essentially rejects them, or at least their lifestyles.

Mostly church people don't reject gay people - just a loud minority - and mostly gay people don't hate church people either. In fact, a large number of people are faithful churchgoers and also gay - can you believe it?
Lol at Ron tenuously clinging to the fact that Homsexuality is a scientific disorder and/or inherently immoral.

Despite admitting to it going against the overwhelming consensus of Scientists and admitting to not being a Christian.

Ron, youre a homophobe blindly clinging to discredited Science and the views of a religion you dont even belong to to justify your views and bigotry.

If you cant see this mate, you have even worse problems that homophobia.

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Should Gay AFL Players come out?

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