If a packet of cigarettes costs (round number) $5 to sell to produce, but there is $18 worth of taxes per pack;
Rough numbers - 1,000,000 smokers in Australia?
Average 1 packet a day = 365,000,000 packs.
365,000,000 x $18 = $6,570,000,000.00 worth of tax contributed to state and federal governments.
19,000,000 people employed in Australia, you have to pay around an extra $380 a year in tax to subsidise it.
I'm not willing to do that to stop people from making a personal choice.
You realise that smoking costs the Australian healthcare system an estimated $31.5 billion dollars
Edit: Well, not so according to this article: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/opi...of-blowing-smoke/story-fnhulhjj-1226689781351