MRP / Trib. Sniper Houston - 5 Weeks

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Don’t think you read my post correctly. Yep they were both out of order and copped their whack.

My comment towards dog act was for Nicks calling it as such and the fans, a dog act is a king hit or something behind play.

My post was against people celebrating a suspension, I think it is in poor taste.
A dog act can be at any time not just behind play.

Be as misguidedly magnanimous as you like, but make no mistake, this was a dog act.

I unashamedly celebrate this suspension with unbridled glee.

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Kind of sick of hearing how Houston is a good bloke
"Houston is a great guy and a fair player, he just bumped a guy in the chest once. Also knocking Rankine out is justified because Rankine bumped a guy in the chest once therefore he is a dirty dog."
"Houston is a great guy and a fair player, he just bumped a guy in the chest once. Also knocking Rankine out is justified because Rankine bumped a guy in the chest once therefore he is a dirty dog."

The amount of #portlogic floating about at the moment is next level.
Is it any wonder?

Koch said both clubs had to be considered with what they said leading up to Showdowns.

“Good old-fashioned banter is one thing … but when you look back at that (Rachele) discussion, could it be seen as really elitist crap, denigrating, almost poor-shaming...?

“There is the lighthearted Crows fans are the chardonnay set and that sort of thing, but where do you draw the line?

“I know this is not right, but I’m just using it as an example of lighthearted banter towards a supporter group and then it becoming personal, you don’t say, the Crows are a wealthy supporter group because they’re white-collar criminals and rip off the workers.

So according to Koch:
  • Port calling Crows chardonnay sippers = light hearted banter
  • Crows saying Port have no teeth = elitist crap, denigrating, poor shaming ...
Koch can supply the dick that Houston should eat.
"Houston is a great guy and a fair player, he just bumped a guy in the chest once. Also knocking Rankine out is justified because Rankine bumped a guy in the chest once therefore he is a dirty dog."


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The thing is that this is not an isolated incident either, there's been about five or six of these types of incidents over the years where Port players have knocked out Crows players in Showdowns.

Nathan Bassett in two different games, Luke Jericho, James Begley, Ned McHenry and Rankine and that's just the ones that I can think of, there's likely to be even more.

Yet Port supporters continually deflect and play the victim card and claim we're the problem.
Dont forget Pepper Pigs front on attack of Keane in pre season.Jake Kelly in SD 48, Galluci SD 47 Smith and Hammil in SD 50.

Its a wonder this trend has not received more attention.

Its just one of the reasons i hate this bunch of thugs and arseholes.
Maybe they did.
The appeal implies the apology isn't geniuine and more weeks should be added.
Given that they basically accused him of perjury with their reasoning, it's not hard to think that they considered his remorse to be little more than crocodile tears.
Maybe they did.
The appeal implies the apology isn't geniuine and more weeks should be added.
Even if he does get 4 weeks, Port are not going to win an away Prelim Final, which is what it would take for Houston to play again for Port, ie a GF.

Port would need to (play r24) lose in W1, win in W2 and win away in W3.
Can't believe the ****wits have appealed. So much for caring about the welfare of Rankine.

Honestly did you expect anything less? Literally all ****ing week it's been 'Danny is such a lovely man and he's struggling'.

They could not give two shits about Rankine and never did.
Can't believe the ****wits have appealed. So much for caring about the welfare of Rankine.

Honestly did you expect anything less? Literally all ****ing week it's been 'Danny is such a lovely man and he's struggling'.

They could not give two shits about Rankine and never did.
This is the level of stupidity on their board about why they should appeal ......


The two weren't even remotely comparable.
I agree one was in play one was behind the footy

And before I am carded my point is simply this

Our perspective on Houston is not dissimilar to your perspective on the Rankine hitting starcevich perhaps bear that in mind

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MRP / Trib. Sniper Houston - 5 Weeks

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