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The best one is probably Hector Bellerin, because he's into clothes and actually likes strips. The anecdote of him printing off leaks and taking them to school resonates a bit.
Chooky Fowler's is alright too as is Zola's – but that's just because Zola is a cool ass Italian.
The worst one is without doubt Gareth Bale. Personality of a dead rat.
The guy who does it is knows his kit and has a good style but he's an awful interviewer; he never follows up questions and he always asks the most generic things. It's infuriating. Never ceases to amaze me how nonplussed footballers are about kits too.
CFS is amazing now too. They have physical stores in Manny and London and a half-regular one in Liverpool. A couple of years ago I got to visit the warehouse and had to DM them and organise it. You can't do that anymore. Pretty amazing to touch a Thierry Henry match worn from the Invincibles season, feel the Australia spew strip, somehow see a Marconi Stallions on the rack.
I just went through and watched a bunch of them before, realised I'd never actually heard Bellerin speak. Was like listening to Majak Daw for the first time lol.