Games & Recreation Song Contest Part XXIII, Host: por_please_ya, Theme: MEDITERRANEAN, Votes Due: Sunday AEDT

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Coming in 2nd with 34 votes and 0 Billys is: pg.lost - Ikaros, as nominated by JHF1870Votes [2,5,5,3,3,3,4,2,2,5]

Which means
Coming in 1st with 41 votes and 0 Billys is: Talking Heads - Girlfriend is Better, as nominated by WAbulldogVotes [5,4,4,4,2,5,2,4,3,3,5]

ArtistSongRoundThemeNominated ByVotesBillyPos
Frank ZappaMagic Fingers?MagicDinsdale102DQ
James Taylor MoveMagic Eyes?MagicFossie 320022
Big Black DeltaRoost?Magicomgfridge1021
Van MorrisonMagic Time?Magicraskolnikov6020
Lou ReedThis Magic Moment?MagicAristotle Pickett7017
Dmitriy SevostyanovMagical Fantasy?MagicDemurePrincess7017
Jon McKielHex?MagicLunchlady Doris7017
Kyrylo StetsenkoOh, how, how??MagicOcha9058116
AqualungStrange & Beautiful (I'll Put a Spell On You)?Magicpor_please_ya8015
Raven MaizeThe Real Life?MagicChipmunk10314
Electric WizardFuneralopolis?MagicRaveneyes11313
The SmileThe Slip?MagicLoonerty12111
Kendji GiracLes yeux de la mama?MagicMWPP13110
WhodiniMagic's Wand?Magicspinynorman1419
DOPE LEMONGOLDEN WOLF?Magictubbsfarquhar1606
Insane Clown PosseHokus Pokus?Magicspudmaster2265
The Illusory ExplainerThis is Where I Disappear?MagicRiviat3014
The PoliceEvery Little Thing She Does Is Magic?MagicBFew3003
Talking HeadsGirlfriend is Better?MagicWAbulldog4101

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5 Wolfmother - Witchcraft
4 The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
3 Talking Heads - Girlfriend Is Better (from Stop Making Sense
2 pg.lost - Ikaros - Versus
1 Hex - Jon McKiel

Billy - Insane Clown Posse - Hokus Pokus

Thanks for the 5 lady xx

I knew you'd give me votes! LOL
5: Insane Clown Posse - Hokus Pokus spudmaster
4: Whodini - Magic’s Wand spinynorman
3: Aqualung - Strange & Beautiful (I’ll Put A Spell On You) por_please_ya
2: Sunbeam - Magic RedmanWasHere
1: The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic BFew

BM: The Illusory Explainer - This Is Where I Disappear Riviat

5: Hokus Pokus - Insane Clown Posse spudmaster
4: Stooge - Oakhead Ulahoopski
3: Ikaros - pg.lost JHF1870
2: This is where I disappear - The Illusory Explainer Riviat
1: Strange and Beautiful - Aqualung por_please_ya

BM: The real life - Raven Maize Chipmunk

I swear, it's nothing personal, Chipmunk. I always seem to billy your choice.
Bending Hectic by The Smile was on the Spotify playlist that Ula posted, but it seems fridge changed to Big Black Delta?

It doesn't make a difference, but I did vote for it.
I didn't realise Ula had made a Spotify playlist
5 The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic BFew

4 The Illusery Explainer - This Is Where I Disappear Riviat

3 Kendji Girac - Les yeux de la mama MWPP

2 Whodini - Magic’s Wand spinynorman

1 Electric Wizard - Funeralopolis Raveneyes

BM Sunbeam - Magic RedmanWasHere

pg.lost - "Ikaros" JHF1870
4: Raven Maize - "The Real Life" Chipmunk
3: Dope Lemon - "Golden Wolf" TubbsFarquhar
2: The Illusory Explainer - "This Is Where I Disappear" Riviat
1: Kendji Girac - "Les yeux de la mama" MWPP

BM: Frank Zappa - "Magic Fingers" ew Dinsdale

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5. Talking Heads - Girlfriend is Better WAbulldog
4. pg.lost - Ikaros JHF1870
3. The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic BFew
2. The Smile - Bending Hectic ??? (I guess Riv gave my votes to Loonerty instead)
1. Wolfmother - Witchcraft Grockadoc

Billy: Insane Clown Posse - Hokus Hokus spudmaster

I swear, it's nothing personal, Chipmunk. I always seem to billy your choice.
This is me with spudmaster, although I doubt I'm the only one who regular billies him, haha.
5 Police 10 BFew 3rd
4 Talking Heads 10 WAbulldog 1st
3 Stooge Oakhead 10 Ulahoopski 8th nice never heard of them
2 Wolfmother 9 Grockadoc 7th
1 Van Morrison 8.9 raskolnikov 20th so I don't go to hell

HM Illusory Explainer, Ikaros
Was the magic in this round the fact that all of you thought women artists don't exist?

5: Kendji Girac - "Les yeux de la mama" MWPP 10th
4: The Illusory Explainer - "This Is Where I Disappear" Riviat 4th (did you end up raffling my Billy btw?)
3: Dope Lemon - "Golden Wolf" TubbsFarquhar 6th
2: Whodini - "Magic's Wand" spinynorman 9th
1: Raven Maize - 'The Real Life" Chipmunk 14th
Theme: Best songs of the 2020s so far

Nominated a song you think is the best in the 2020s up to this point.

No previous podiums
Noms due Monday 9pm VIC time
Votes due Wednesday 10pm VIC time

Apologies if the theme is too basic, stumped with ideas.
We are halfway through the 2020s I guess so this makes sense.

5: Hokus Pokus - Insane Clown Posse spudmaster
4: Stooge - Oakhead Ulahoopski
3: Ikaros - pg.lost JHF1870
2: This is where I disappear - The Illusory Explainer Riviat
1: Strange and Beautiful - Aqualung por_please_ya

BM: The real life - Raven Maize Chipmunk

I swear, it's nothing personal, Chipmunk. I always seem to billy your choice.

No worries, it is personal in that it seems like that my musical style doesn’t appeal to you for now (which is natural as I would expect everyone to nom broadly consistent songs from theme to theme), but I don’t think you have a picture of my avatar and are throwing darts at it every round 😂

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Games & Recreation Song Contest Part XXIII, Host: por_please_ya, Theme: MEDITERRANEAN, Votes Due: Sunday AEDT

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