What do people think of this party? They are registered with the Australian Electoral Commission and will contect the next federal election. Would you consider voting for them?
The Stable Population Party is committed to a stable, sustainable, open and tolerant Australia.
The key objectives of the Stable Population Party are as follows:
To stabilise Australia's population as soon as practicably possible, aiming for a population of around 23-26 million through to 2050; and
To provide leadership and support to other countries experiencing rapid population growth, so as to help them stabilise their populations, and thus help stabilise global population.
Core values:
To enhance the prosperity of all Australians, our children and grandchildren, and create a better quality of life for all, the Stable Population Party upholds the following core values:
1. Sustainable living
2. Egalitarian democracy
3. Fiscal responsibility
4. Global citizenship
5. Productive innovation
The Stable Population Party is committed to a stable, sustainable, open and tolerant Australia.
The key objectives of the Stable Population Party are as follows:
To stabilise Australia's population as soon as practicably possible, aiming for a population of around 23-26 million through to 2050; and
To provide leadership and support to other countries experiencing rapid population growth, so as to help them stabilise their populations, and thus help stabilise global population.
Core values:
To enhance the prosperity of all Australians, our children and grandchildren, and create a better quality of life for all, the Stable Population Party upholds the following core values:
1. Sustainable living
2. Egalitarian democracy
3. Fiscal responsibility
4. Global citizenship
5. Productive innovation