Movie Star Wars: The Last Jedi. - THREAD PART 1 - *SPOILERS and RUMORS* - Cont. in Part 2

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I agree there was no wow moment.

  1. Pod Race, final lightsabre duel, dual of the fates.
  2. ... nothing comes to mind for this one either. Maybe the cool noise those bombs that Jango drops make?
  3. Order 66 scene, final lightsabre duel on mustafar.
  4. All of it.
  5. The whole damn thing.
  6. Final part of the Han rescue starting with Luke igniting his sabre, the space battle, when Luke snaps in the lightsabre fight and the accompanying music.
  7. Han - Kylo scene.
Rogue One: The entire Skariff part.
Kylo killing Snoke then teaming up with Rey to kill the royal guards was my wow moment but I thought there could have been another with Kylo fighting Luke that they wasted.

Episode two I'd go the Geanosis arena battle.
Let's be real, anything besides Rogue 1 and Eps 4, 5 and 6 don't really count as Star Wars.

Thank you conglomerate Disney overlords.
Even Rogue One everybody just acts imcompently for entire movie until the end.

But all of its Star Wars to me.
Even Rogue One everybody just acts imcompently for entire movie until the end.

But all of its Star Wars to me.
Agree - but Rogue One looked and felt like Star Wars. Aesthetically, it was the best Star Wars movie since ROTJ - it's just a shame the story wasn't top notch.
Kylo killing Snoke then teaming up with Rey to kill the royal guards was my wow moment but I thought there could have been another with Kylo fighting Luke that they wasted.

Episode two I'd go the Geanosis arena battle.

Thought the choreography and direction was pretty average.
- the first order seem no different to the imperials, they have total control yet still no clue how they took over the whole galaxy in 30 years since being beaten by the original rebels. Still no real clarity on events as to why the galaxy got to where its got as of ep7.

Agreed. The First Order isn't explained fully at all. I have some ideas on it however. I haven't seen The Last Jedi yet, but I was under the impression that the Rebels and the New Republic are different entities, and that the New Republic are using these Rebels as their proxy paramilitary force for areas outside their jurisdiction. They can wage war without declaring it, and with no oversight from the new Senate.

The First Order are an Imperial remnant force that fled the New Republic and regrouped to invade/annex areas beyond the New Republic's control.

But yeah. Could have been explained a whole lot better in the first movie.
Let's be real, anything besides Rogue 1 and Eps 4, 5 and 6 don't really count as Star Wars.

Thank you conglomerate Disney overlords.
Rogue 1 was shit except for the Vader moment.

Episode 3 was good except for some horrific dialogue.
Didn't mind episode 7 that much.
Agreed. The First Order isn't explained fully at all. I have some ideas on it however. I haven't seen The Last Jedi yet, but I was under the impression that the Rebels and the New Republic are different entities, and that the New Republic are using these Rebels as their proxy paramilitary force for areas outside their jurisdiction. They can wage war without declaring it, and with no oversight from the new Senate.

The First Order are an Imperial remnant force that fled the New Republic and regrouped to invade/annex areas beyond the New Republic's control.

But yeah. Could have been explained a whole lot better in the first movie.

I'd advise staying out of this thread then :p

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Rogue 1 was shit except for the Vader moment.

Episode 3 was good except for some horrific dialogue.
Didn't mind episode 7 that much.
Episode 7 whilst relatively fine for mine adds nothing new except for maybe diversity and I gain nothing from it. Despite Rogue one being shit, it gives me the Darth Vader scene so it's automatically better.
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I didn’t like it. Just didn’t feel like a Star Wars movie. felt like if Harry Potter and battle star galactica had a kid, this would be it.

Finns side plot was absolutely useless and added nothing to the movie, literally nothing.
Finns side plot wouldn't have happened had vice admiral bitch mouth just told Poe her plans instead of acting all stuck up. The empire also wouldn't have tracked had she done that as well.
I feel this movie isn't being as well received as Force Awakens, at least amongst people here on this forum. Interesting. What could this mean in the bigger picture?
Yeah. A Star Wars nerd I know offline has already blurted out the gist of things, so the gaff's blown already as far as I'm concerned. The nothingness of Snoke seems to be the shittiest thing of all so far from what I hear.
Yep. People are shit and love spoiling stuff for people. I heard there was someone on BigFooty putting TLJ spoilers in random threads. Hopefully that's all cleared up now. This kind of thing is the exact reason going to midnight launch is worth it, even if I am tired at work today....
I feel this movie isn't being as well received as Force Awakens, at least amongst people here on this forum. Interesting. What could this mean in the bigger picture?
I loved TFA on release, and still enjoy it now. The fact that TLJ is getting such criticism so soon after release makes me think it's headed to the bottom of the list with Attack of the Clones long term.
Agreed. The First Order isn't explained fully at all. I have some ideas on it however. I haven't seen The Last Jedi yet, but I was under the impression that the Rebels and the New Republic are different entities, and that the New Republic are using these Rebels as their proxy paramilitary force for areas outside their jurisdiction. They can wage war without declaring it, and with no oversight from the new Senate.

The First Order are an Imperial remnant force that fled the New Republic and regrouped to invade/annex areas beyond the New Republic's control.

But yeah. Could have been explained a whole lot better in the first movie.
Yeah that's pretty much it, in the force awakens I never got why the first order destroyed the rebublic instead of the resistance. Why wouldn't you destroy the guys who are an actual threat first instead of the guys that are already too scared to attack directly?
There's too much negativity in here so instead here's a list of thing that were awesome:

(I'm assuming spoiler tags shouldn't be necessary in this thread anymore)

- focussing on and humanising Rose's sister and her desperate struggle to drop the bombs (and resulting epic 'splosions)
- everything between Luke and Rey on the island
- everything between Kylo and Rey on the island
- Luke reunions with Chewie, R2, Leia and Yoda
- the Snoke twist and resulting fight scene
- the hyperspace suicide ploy (probably my overall highlight, absolutely impeccably filmed)
- Finn's Phasma smackdown
- the Luke confrontation and twist (the imagery was brilliant)
- Rey's rock lifting
- Rey and Poe finally meeting (Rey's smile, yes please)

OK, y'all go back to whinging now ;)
I'm just really deflated with Luke dying. It's cooked the sequel trilogy for me. It didn't need to happen and is clearly a boardroom decision forced on the makers by suits to get him out of the way so they can push their own characters and merchandise.

Think about how much of the Force that Luke would have drained from the well of life (which creates it and makes it grow) in order to astrally project and manifest what appeared to everyone else to be a physical body.

Then think about the price that needed to be paid in order for him to achieve this. He didn’t die. He realised that his path wasn’t to shut himself off from it, but to embrace it completely and let it consume him. What he told Rey was wrong. The Force never belonged to a true Jedi. A true Jedi belongs to the Force...which is what happened. Now he’ll live forever like Yoda and Obi Wan.
The suicide ship was magnificent, it really was one of the best visually things to happen in Star Wars ever. However, whilst it looked epic that was it. We didn't care enough about Snoke's ship or the rebel cruiser for its impact to be substantial enough.

I’ve actually had some time to process this, and now I understand that this movie is genius. It’s a Star Wars movie with an actual story beyond what is actually happening.

It was a tale of what it actually means to be a hero, and what it means to be a servant of the Force. The whole point of it was that being a hero and doing the right thing isn’t about saving the day and being “the guy”, because that is ultimately an act of selfishness. As Luke said, the Force does not belong to the Jedi or the Sith. It comes from all things, so it belongs to all things, and a group of people trying to horde that knowledge like some esoteric secret is wrong.

Poe ignoring orders to take down a dreadnaught didn’t make him a hero, but a slave to his own ego. He was finally shown what true heroism and courage was by the admiral who only made a suicide run when it was clear that she couldn’t draw the attention away from the transports anymore.

Finn and Rose ultimately DID do the most good out of anyone in the entire movie - they lit the spark of hope in the slaves, freed those racing horse like things who were being abused and trashed the casino which was built on the blood and suffering of others. Everything Finn did was about being selfless - he was leaving the ship not to run away but to protect Rey, he volunteered to do something dangerous because it would protect people, and his sacrifice against the battering ram cannon, even though it didn’t succeed, wasn’t about destroying lives but saving them.

As for Rey and Kylo Ren - Luke said it himself. Great light equals great darkness. The Jedi gave birth to the Sith. The more powerful Rey becomes, the more powerful Kylo Ren becomes. When Snoke died, the Force required balance, so Luke had to ascend and become one with the Force.

As Yoda said - it’s the ability to rise from the ashes of failure that make one a master, because failure is the greatest teacher. Rey might be powerful, but ultimately all Jedi/Sith power comes from the dark side, because it is selfish - even if used for good. That’s why a true Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defence - they are meant to be about protecting life. When Luke says “This isn’t going to go the way you think” when Rey is talking about “saving” Kylo, he doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t try...he meant that she should ask herself how important one person is compared to the lives of others. Even if Ren did return to the light, then what? Vader did and killed Palpatine and the conflict didn’t end, because the Force creates balance.

That’s why Luke was trying to teach her why the Jedi, as a concept, needed to die. Just because they can do something, doesn’t mean they should.

This movie is by far the deepest Star Wars movie yet. Which is probably why when you first leave the cinema you’re like “WTF?”

For people who have seen TLJ, does it feel fresh and a unique story for once instead of just another rehash?
Sorry man, whilst those messages might be there it doesn't make the movie better because it has 'messages'.

Let's be real, anything besides Rogue 1 and Eps 4, 5 and 6 don't really count as Star Wars.

Thank you conglomerate Disney overlords.
The prequels are better than 7 and 8. (come at me)

Way more original content.
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