Media Sun Ra presents The Beez HOTTEST 100 ..... with a little help from GWS Goose. SFA / S35.

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Next on the menu, coming in at 76th place in proceedings was the Captain of the Furbys - yes, it's Pickitt.

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Now we are getting to the business end of things, sharing 74th place is master shooper, Saints victim, Wordle Nerd and ex-Bomber
and now a CIW player ....... yep, it's CursingFijian. A big ukulele fanboi, no idea why he love the ukulele so much, must be a cultural
thing, so here we go ........ from one of your fellow Fijians .......

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On #73, all on his baby lonesome is Smartys Power of the qooty team abbreviated as GCR, as opposed to CSR or CCR.

I hear they like to look out their back door ....... I've heard of eyes in the back of your head but this is ridiculous ....

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Sharing #71 is the Royal who also is a Hawks fan, the poor dear. Worse he's from Tully in FNQ where it rains
a lot and it's a popular place for ex-Cons to hide out and start over. Good luck with your "new life" grumbleguts !

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The other superstar coming in at #71 is filth fan, Royal and Song Contest Nerd Ulahoopski.

Grace Jones told me she likes your User Name .......

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We have a dead heat on 69 with the emphasis on the heat - Mooch of the Roys I'll deal with first. A Queenslander and Brions
believer. Can Smoking Joe Daniher bring home the bacon when he's a vegan hipster who punches cones ? Who knows and who cares.

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The other 69er we have here is S35 OOB Premiership Flog Star U2tigers. Strongly opinionated but harebrained so we at the Bombers go easy on him.

One of your soon to be ex-team mates (Braklet) gave me the sad news the OOBs are giving you the flick - straight from the horse's mouth (Mrs Turbo).

Take care friend ....... Robertio suggested this for you .......

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On #67, we have, wait for it, two more ....... from the Furbies we have one of the top S35 Rookies - yep it's bloody Frederico_WA.
He's about to be sad again tomorrow when the Saints drive his Weagles to Poundtown.

Let's see what he's whipping up in the kitchen, shall we ?

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Sharing the love of #67 is someone who stays up watching The Ashes, Swamprat jackster83 who also manages to follow the Crows.

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Standing alone at #66 is Callums_Guns who was shafted by the OOBs mid season in a trade to the Demons, thus making
damn sure he's not a Premiership Player in S35. Too bad, but what's that they say about if you lie down with snakes, you'll
wake up with fleas ? Some such thing or other ........

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In 65th place, another unfortunate Pie 4 Life, another Werewolf School Holiday Programme player / inmate. (Seriously wtf ?)
A filth dragon. Say no more.

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At 64 we have SarahSmiles from the Royals and sadly another Sqawker. There is only one vid 4U .......

At 1:22 you are advised by Oates to "Get your dick out of your heart." Sage advice I'd say .......

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Sharing the honours at 62nd place is none other than the S35 Rising Star, let's hear it for Membling from the Royals.

Should have won the EKA but it is a "cursed award" so just as well you didn't. If you don't know what the curse is, I'll
let you in on a little secret ........... YOU get to hang shit on MayTheNorthBeWithU all next season. Just ask Mrs Turbo
if you don't believe me ......... because YOU are .........

................... they're not.

Cadsky ? Your opinion ?
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Also making #62 is the Furies ShaunDuggan, famous playwright, actor, friend or Morrissey, etc.

Your dad Barry is very proud ......

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The big news is 61st place which goes to Mrs Turbo from the OOBs. Who could forget she took out the EKA last year.
If you did, just ask her and she'll tell you all about it. Congrats on the maiden flag this year darling and lets hope
it's a one and only occurrence. As the better half of SFA's Power Couple, I'm sure she'd give a shout out to Tigerturbulance
here because ..... make love your qoal.

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Finally we have an appearance of a Phoenix player - step up to #60 MP_, you have earned it.

Another of these Werewolf School Holiday program nuffies ....... goes for the Koshies.

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With #59 all to themselves is the proud Wonderer HARPSichord who also gets the daily double for being a Norf fan.

I played the "Rocksichord" on this one which is kinda a bit like a "Harpsichord", so I dedicate this one to you buddy.

Enjoy your Moonship Journey .........

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Who made it to #58 you ask ? Well it's SFA's resident Dragon in Sheep's clothing Strigoi !

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Now for #57 and we are talking another OOBs poaching recruit who somehow (?) is now a Premiership Player.
Oh yeah, talking 'bout Braklet right now. A handbagger to boot as well as a Seppo. What's not to like ?

Anyways there is one way to fix this varmint ........

EDIT: Braklet RU offended ?
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We have two entering the equation at Ol'55 - the first is the runaway S35 Fred Award winner, the acceptable face of the Bombers,
Ladies and Gentlemen and others, give it up for gab213 !!! You are a star mate.

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For Number 54 we are honoured to be in the presence of S33 Rising Star winner DragoDelph from the Dragons.

Here is a picture CursingFijian took of DragoDelph anointing me in S34. Ahhhh ....... those were the days ........

1. rising star medal handover.jpg

Anyway DragoDelph without any further farting around ...........

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Zooming in on The Beez at #53 is the new boy / old boy in town .... The Majestic plays for The Phoenix and says he played in the SFA many moons ago.

Trouble is nobody remembers him or believes him. He's from Tasmania so maybe it's his cousin and/or son who has cracked his BF password ?

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At 52nd place may I present, from the Royals, it's GreyCrow from Snowtown SA.

A BigFooty Death List player so there you go.

Also a cannibal ......... sorry to say.

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Media Sun Ra presents The Beez HOTTEST 100 ..... with a little help from GWS Goose. SFA / S35.

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