Media Sun Ra presents The Beez HOTTEST 100 ..... with a little help from GWS Goose. SFA / S35.

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Comfortably in the Top 50, on #48 is another damn OOB. Yes it's Greenery. A Freo supporter.

Freo supporters. They are all the same person in SFA ? That's what I've head anyhow. Which one is it though ?

I wish you Green Dreams.

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Making #47 his own is the Royal hotchilli who is also a Norf supporter and Tarryn Thomas sponsor.

Good on you for still believing .....

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Have you ever heard the expression "Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one" ?

ClarkeM from the Wonders comes to mind when I ponder the wisdom of that pearl.

He goes for the Pies so I'll include something else in here before his lullaby ....... 46th place is all yours friend.

Collingwood dumb.jpeg

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Who made it to #45 may well you ask ? Because nothing is gonna save that Coney Island campaigner Dinsdale apart from the fact
he's a mod so I need to be real careful here.

Everyone loves Dinsdale. I mean, really. Ashes fan too so what's not to like ?

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At #44 is someone I think everyone knows ? No ? Well they play for the Dragons ? Figured it out yet ?

OK. Sorry. It's T2B_ who is also another Carlton supporter ..........


But don't let that put you off.

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When you are hitting #41 in only your 2nd season of SFA you need to be doing a lot right which doesn't explain
how spudmaster of the CIWs made it to these lofty heights. Rigged votes, I hear you say ? Spud is a Hawks fan
in the Kennett camp so nudge, nadge, wink, wank, say no more. Must have lost a bet recently on the avatar unless
is trying to make friends with Kennedy Parker or they're alting each other now ? Deep, I know.

Here we go into the future and check out spudmaster in the year 3000.

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Next we move on to #40 and it's an electronic robotic orangutang who lives on a fruit called durians.
Durians are covered in sharp spines and have a pungent smell. For some reason pantskyle's team mates
at Coney Island put up with this putrid stench akin to rotting flesh.


or ?

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Scraping into 39th place is a Baghdad Bomber of some repute, namely Kilroy. If you ever need someone to
have a "sniff around" for you - he's your guy. On the QT of course.

To quote Senor M: "Don't worry - Kilroy will save the day."

He moonlights as a DJ but that's just a cover. He's still got believers though. Somehow.


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And now a message from our sponsors at Thai Life Insurance ......

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Next up @ #38 we have Dragon and Blues fan PhenomenalV1.

They are well known around the SFA as a fantasy wrestling promoter / aficionado.

As long as nobody is getting hurt, where is the harm I say ?

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Now we come to #37 and it is SFA Legand and freshly minted Bombers skipper Pugsley.

He's almost universally loved however has been known to annoy a few with his tenacity.

He goes for the Crows and is related to Don Dunstan which explains his preference for hot pants.

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Next on the chopping block we have Las Vegas Bear and S35 ALL-SFA Fullback JoshWoodenSpoon coming in at #36.

Goes for the Weagles but for some reason (?) keeps an eye on Freo. Now that is an extreme take on parochialism
if you were to ask me, but I'm not sure so, we move on.

JWS has been known to be a handful for many SFA forwards, or should that be a spoonful ?

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Rocketing up the charts is one of my personal favourites. At #35 with exactly 250 votes I present the incomparable Sun Ra.

Not much else I can say here ......... I remain but a humble servant to the Baghdad Bombers and the wider SFA community.

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Now we come to number 34 - yep it's serial_thrilla - them of Freo and the Dragons FFC and another Werewolfer ..... god help me.

Plays for WA in SoO. See - I do my homework. Probs I could do more for a background but wgafa ?

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Media Sun Ra presents The Beez HOTTEST 100 ..... with a little help from GWS Goose. SFA / S35.

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