Other Super Bowl 42 with Steve, Ed, SBS and Sen

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C'mon, dude, it's a great thing that's happened to Steve, he's lapping it up, and also, it's great to have Steve and Ed feel welcome to come to this board and share their stories, info, and have a chat with us all around.

Don’t get me wrong, Steve and Ed come over as stand up guys, as shown by Steve not staying anonymous on Big Footy. And Steve doesn’t talk down to any of you regulars on this board, as well as his radio show.
It’s great for him being at the Super Bowl, and his lapping it up makes me, and I’ll bet others, envious; however, the premise of my post is in regards to being on SEN, in particular KB’s show. It’s no big deal, just thought it was a little lame.

If Steve had of cross-promoted himself being on Doran’s show 45 minutes later to do the Business of Sports segment, I wouldn’t have posted anything. Even then, while canvassing the benefits to the city (economically arguable), and the price of hotel accommodation, and the cost of TV ads, Steve didn’t know the face value of a Super Bowl ticket. I’ll always hold Steve and his buddy Wyatt "Earp" to a higher standard.

This is the best sport in the world and the NFL is the best run competition in the world, which is why its policies have been replicated VFL/AFL bosses from Jack Hamilton to Andrew Demetriou. I’ve used to be ostracized by friends for liking gridiron almost to the point of having bar fights over it. I still maintain Joey Browner (Vikings/Bucs) and Andre Tippet (Patriots) would’ve destroyed Ron Andrews (Ess/Coll) and Mark Jackson (you know the one) in seconds. You see, "they’re wimps in pads and helmets," I was always told. As I said, barroom opinion.

Steve and Ed have a voice in the Oz media and it’s incumbent on them to explain to the SEN listeners how this stuff works. I will guarantee you on Monday, KB will cheekily ask Piffy Smith (loathes American football) if he’s going to watch the Super Bowl, which will incite a piffy dismissive response from Smith. This is why Smith and others like Trevor Grant and Michael Davis (another hater) are clueless in regards to the principles of professional sport embraced in Australia. During one of Kieran Perkins’ Olympic swims Davis couldn’t understand why the American journos were watching an NFL game instead. Clueless!

Business of Sport: The Tampa Bay Buccaneers were one of the most financially successful teams in the NFL under the blundering Hugh Culverhouse in the 80’s and didn’t appear on MNF once in ten years while playing abysmally. The Niners under Eddie Debartolo were one of the most successful teams in world sports appearing the maximum allowed of 3 times per year on MNF during that period and were one of the least financially successful.

Who am I to criticize "Uriah Heep" Salisbury? Nobody. I just thought his segments were a little lame, and understandably self indulgent. I expect more from him.:)
Don’t get me wrong, Steve and Ed come over as stand up guys, as shown by Steve not staying anonymous on Big Footy. And Steve doesn’t talk down to any of you regulars on this board, as well as his radio show.
It’s great for him being at the Super Bowl, and his lapping it up makes me, and I’ll bet others, envious; however, the premise of my post is in regards to being on SEN, in particular KB’s show. It’s no big deal, just thought it was a little lame.

If Steve had of cross-promoted himself being on Doran’s show 45 minutes later to do the Business of Sports segment, I wouldn’t have posted anything. Even then, while canvassing the benefits to the city (economically arguable), and the price of hotel accommodation, and the cost of TV ads, Steve didn’t know the face value of a Super Bowl ticket. I’ll always hold Steve and his buddy Wyatt "Earp" to a higher standard.

This is the best sport in the world and the NFL is the best run competition in the world, which is why its policies have been replicated VFL/AFL bosses from Jack Hamilton to Andrew Demetriou. I’ve used to be ostracized by friends for liking gridiron almost to the point of having bar fights over it. I still maintain Joey Browner (Vikings/Bucs) and Andre Tippet (Patriots) would’ve destroyed Ron Andrews (Ess/Coll) and Mark Jackson (you know the one) in seconds. You see, "they’re wimps in pads and helmets," I was always told. As I said, barroom opinion.

Steve and Ed have a voice in the Oz media and it’s incumbent on them to explain to the SEN listeners how this stuff works. I will guarantee you on Monday, KB will cheekily ask Piffy Smith (loathes American football) if he’s going to watch the Super Bowl, which will incite a piffy dismissive response from Smith. This is why Smith and others like Trevor Grant and Michael Davis (another hater) are clueless in regards to the principles of professional sport embraced in Australia. During one of Kieran Perkins’ Olympic swims Davis couldn’t understand why the American journos were watching an NFL game instead. Clueless!

Business of Sport: The Tampa Bay Buccaneers were one of the most financially successful teams in the NFL under the blundering Hugh Culverhouse in the 80’s and didn’t appear on MNF once in ten years while playing abysmally. The Niners under Eddie Debartolo were one of the most successful teams in world sports appearing the maximum allowed of 3 times per year on MNF during that period and were one of the least financially successful.

Who am I to criticize "Uriah Heep" Salisbury? Nobody. I just thought his segments were a little lame, and understandably self indulgent. I expect more from him.:)

That was a great post montybrasco. NOW I understand you better!

Ok, first up....totally agree about the perception here of American Football. While that infuriates all those with intelligence, the thing is, it's just the way it is here. It's an ignorant target audience that US sports and US sports journalists have to deal with, and address. I mean that generally speaking.

Also, it has a lot to do with anti-Americanism here in Australia. I often hear people tell me about their holiday in the States and just hoe into the insults of Americans, the culture, etc. Very defensive here, very aggressive, very 'superiority complex'.

I agree that Ed and Steve would be held to a higher standard by informed people such as yourself, and other gridiron lovers. Maybe part of their program edict (from higher up) is that they're not to confuse the australian public out there, or to try to embrace them as much as possible in their discussions about american sports, finding analogies, etc, and dumbing it down for them, in order that more interest happens in their show from non-americans and non-american sports lovers. Possibly too, the radio shows that Steve might be guest on, they might run thru with him beforehand what he wants to talk about or tell him to focus on the frivolous things instead because those shows are a different target audience.

I cant say for sure, but that's what I would guess is the reason for that. However, for the born in the usa show, there's no reason for them to dumb it down because probably most fans of the show would be informed listeners and/or ex-pat americans etc. I honestly havent ever heard a segment of the born in the usa program to know what the edict of the show is - to dumb it down for aussies or not.

But otherwise, i liked your post and in-depth explanation of 'what you meant' a lot. Thumbs up for you for that post.
Don’t get me wrong, Steve and Ed come over as stand up guys, as shown by Steve not staying anonymous on Big Footy. And Steve doesn’t talk down to any of you regulars on this board, as well as his radio show.
It’s great for him being at the Super Bowl, and his lapping it up makes me, and I’ll bet others, envious; however, the premise of my post is in regards to being on SEN, in particular KB’s show. It’s no big deal, just thought it was a little lame.

If Steve had of cross-promoted himself being on Doran’s show 45 minutes later to do the Business of Sports segment, I wouldn’t have posted anything. Even then, while canvassing the benefits to the city (economically arguable), and the price of hotel accommodation, and the cost of TV ads, Steve didn’t know the face value of a Super Bowl ticket. I’ll always hold Steve and his buddy Wyatt "Earp" to a higher standard.

This is the best sport in the world and the NFL is the best run competition in the world, which is why its policies have been replicated VFL/AFL bosses from Jack Hamilton to Andrew Demetriou. I’ve used to be ostracized by friends for liking gridiron almost to the point of having bar fights over it. I still maintain Joey Browner (Vikings/Bucs) and Andre Tippet (Patriots) would’ve destroyed Ron Andrews (Ess/Coll) and Mark Jackson (you know the one) in seconds. You see, "they’re wimps in pads and helmets," I was always told. As I said, barroom opinion.

Steve and Ed have a voice in the Oz media and it’s incumbent on them to explain to the SEN listeners how this stuff works. I will guarantee you on Monday, KB will cheekily ask Piffy Smith (loathes American football) if he’s going to watch the Super Bowl, which will incite a piffy dismissive response from Smith. This is why Smith and others like Trevor Grant and Michael Davis (another hater) are clueless in regards to the principles of professional sport embraced in Australia. During one of Kieran Perkins’ Olympic swims Davis couldn’t understand why the American journos were watching an NFL game instead. Clueless!

Business of Sport: The Tampa Bay Buccaneers were one of the most financially successful teams in the NFL under the blundering Hugh Culverhouse in the 80’s and didn’t appear on MNF once in ten years while playing abysmally. The Niners under Eddie Debartolo were one of the most successful teams in world sports appearing the maximum allowed of 3 times per year on MNF during that period and were one of the least financially successful.

Who am I to criticize "Uriah Heep" Salisbury? Nobody. I just thought his segments were a little lame, and understandably self indulgent. I expect more from him.:)


Not surprised the KB spot was lame. Sorry, man. I knew I was doing Business of Sport on GO an hour later and wanted to to steer clear of any of the business stuff because Mark and Dan put time into their segment.

For penance, I will only ask hard hitting, seriously journalistic questions tomorrow.

There are likely assumptions being made about my trip over here and I would guess most are wrong. This trip is not being sponsored. I took my idea to a few potentials and they were not interested. That means, aside from SBS
getting me my media pass, every thing else is coming out of my own pocket. So, I see this as a pleasure trip more than a business trip.

I am more than happy to promote the game, the event and to the audience in Aus, especially the haters. When I hear alot of them ....I realize most of those people have never lived over there, so you take their opinions with a grain of salt.

Why do you call me Uriah Heap?


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Agree matty and gg and sjsdu... Its funny becuase the government has taken a couple of steps to become 'Americanised'... Even most Aussies don't know how American they really are lol...

I used to get shit for wearing NFL guernseys out like 'What is it with all this American shit' which I know isn't too bad but its just weird really... As if its cool to hate EVERYTHING to do with America...

And I do believe that the program is meant to aim at Australians who most likely don't have much contact with American sports... These sports shows know that the people who love these sports beyond all belief already have good outlets for the sport and most likely preferred focussed discussion on only one or two sports... I think 'Born in the USA" is a way to get Australians to understand at least some aspect of the sport and for them to try and get into it... As such, it is on after AFL broadcasts, so anyone who just happens to leave their radio on will get a good feed on American sports... Thats how I first discovered the program over the net ;)...
And another thing montybrasco....

You're a very smart guy about knowing things, knowing tidbits of info relating to the business side of sports, etc. But you may not be a good journalist. Meanwhile, Steve could be a great journalist, but just not completely aware of every tidbit of info relating to the business of sports, the price of superbowl ticket, or that the buccs were financially more successful than the niners.

Shit, there's plenty that many of us real knowledgable about the sport dont know, or info that's erroneous. Or I'll say something happened in 1981 when it happened in 1982. Again, Im not a journalist tho, and there are many of us who don't have an enclyopediac mind.

Im not insulting you, btw. But that I understand why you are saying you hold Ed and Steve to a higher standard. You're a very informed person, and so whenever ANY journalist (be they US sports journo or just any news journo) dumbs down things to the audience or makes factual errors about something, then Im sure it would get under your skin.

Shit, I learn all the time from everyone. There's plenty of stuff I dont know or dont get into real nitty-gritty.

But it's not bad either to constructively criticize someone, in the hopes the higher standard is reached. I DO understand your post, it's cool. At the same time, I'm more forgiving. I also want to make people fee welcome on this board....which I am just an equal person here as everyone else. I aint anything, no mod, regular so what. You're all and we're all welcome to be astute or dunces, knowledgable or uninformed, a master or an apprentice....about american football.
Top post gg. MB I think you're being very harsh on Steve. I'm not one to normally blow smoke up someone's arse but I think Steve and Ed's show is a huge step forward for US sports fans here in Oz.

When I started following the NFL in the early 90's I had only Tuesday edition of USA Today and Don Lane Show for my fix. I didn't even know how to properly pronounce some players' names if they had not appeared on Lane's show.

To even think 5-10 years ago that we would have a weekly 2 hour show on AM radio devoted to US sports was unthinkable.

Personally i couldn't give a stuff about the financial windfall to Arizona, TV broadcasters, the half time entertainment or any correlation to Aussie sports, which I think is a form of dumbing down. It's all fluff to me in SB week. I just want news on the players, coaches, fans and maybe a couple of anecdotes. I read on sports business issues on various sports but most of it bores me shitless. That's why I don't listen to Doran's Business of Sport segment (and the fact Doran bores me shitless)
Oh dear, "Uriah Heep" is on Doran again and now seems to be going backwards, like the Niners. Everyone loves ya, Steve, just reckon you can do better, and you will have to if you’re going if you want ESPN to give you a job - as you mused about to Doran yesterday. Didn’t mean to piss you off, though. In the words of Jim Rome - I’m out. ;)
Steve all I want to know about is if you hit some of the events during Bowl week. Any dirty goss would be gold. Would love to know what Michael Irving is sniffing. If it's true that Micheal Vick and the Juice will be calling the game for Con TV and if Daunte Culpepper is really hosting a boat party!? Might be a good place to find a slump buster!
ESPN doesn't demand excellence in journalism at all.
Take Jemelle Hill.....a total and absolute shocking journalist, mind, and person at that.
There are many on ESPN that are just atrocious, like really disgusting types, and ESPN laps them up, good for getting hits on their site is all they care about.
For those that are interested the BITUSA/OWWAT/ANS Superbowl party will be on at the Feddish Bar from 10am Monday Morning. It's free to get in, the game is on the big screen and there are rumours of an all you can eat brekkie for $10.

Also the bar will be open from 10 for all those that want to get an early start. Franka and myself (the BITUSA B Team) will be there and obviously we will get to see Ed and Steve on the telly.

Feel free to drop in and watch some or all of the game.
Guys. Very interesting discussion with regard to US sport and its place in the Australian media, as well as Steve's preparation (or non preparation) for a segment on KB. I have no problems at all with you guys holding Steve or myself to a higher standard. We claim to be "Australia's foremost experts on US sport" so we have to deliver most, if not all, of the time. Keep in mind, however, that we try to cover ALL US sports and are given - at most - two and a half hours a week to do so. That means NFL, NBA, college sports, baseball, NHL, even a bit of NASCAR, tennis, golf and sometimes MLS. And we're often put on the spot with a "question without notice" by the other presenters. Compare that to what most of the other guys on SEN need to know...AFL, cricket, a little bit of EPL, and a little bit of whatever sport the Aussie du jour is doing well in (golf, WNBA, etc). Trust me, my NRL or La Liga knowledge is as good as anyone's at SEN, but that doesn't really matter. And by the way, I'm not complaining. I love what I do. But the occasional slip up happens, and when I get stuff wrong I'm usually corrected by a listener (!). When I worked at SBS, we had about 80% less of the audience that Channel 9 or Channel 7 had, but if I butchered a Croatian or Czech name, I'd be crucified by the viewers. If Tony Jones or Tim Watson does it, no one cares. Steve and I certainly make our share of screw ups. And we don't mind being held to a higher standard, especially when our audience is as well informed as any on Australian sports radio. Peace out.
Hit the Maxim Party last night and it was as good as advertised. We got back to the hotel after 3am, if that is any indication.
The party was held at a beautiful resort in Scottsdale and there was free piss and great food, served by the loveliest girls. It was about 5c, but that didn't stop the women from wearing next to nothing.
They had a red carpet rolled out for the big shots to stroll down. The guards were speaking with someone so I shimmied by them and made my way down that red carpet. Unbelievably, they snapped my picture. Clearly, nobody knew who I was yet they snapped my picture, nonetheless. I was on the red carpet so that made me snap worthy, obviously. They had to have been thinking... "who the hell is THAT guy?...Dunno, but he's on the carpet, so he must be someone so I better snap his photo." This made me laugh, alot.
Once inside, it was a who's who of acting and sports. I got to talk to Michael Clarke Duncan, of The Green Mile, Kevin Dillon, of Entourage and Tom Arnold, who most of you wouldn't know, but he was the goof married to Rosanne Barr many years ago. He's parlayed that into a nice acting career. There was an Aussie in the mix, as well. Julian McMahon was on hand.
The biggest thrill for me was seeing and talking to the ex Niners...Steve Young and Ronnie Lott. Pretty much any football fan would have enjoyed the night...Elway, McMahon, Marcus Allen, Warren Moon, Leinart, etc.
I shook hands with and spoke to Mr Jerry Jones "How y'all doin?". He was easily 20-30 years older than the rest of us, but was partying his ass off.
There were many Phoenix Suns there, too. Didn't see Steve Nash, though.

Today, hit the NFL Experience, the media center to see if anyone is around and then enjoy the party scene tonight. Playboy, Kid Rock, Travolta and our man, Ludacris are all having parties tonight.

If anything post worthy happens, I will let you know.


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lol sell that pick on ebay :D.... Simply sign 'Smith'... Someone will buy it ;)

Oh and yes, well at least I know who Tom Arnold is... Bane on the acting communty lol... Sorry to be so harsh :)

Jesus, Im jealous Steve... You goddamn met Young... and Lott... Jonesy surely woulda been interesting lol...

Keep up the good work... See ya on Monday ;) Well, tomorrow...
Hit the Maxim Party last night and it was as good as advertised. We got back to the hotel after 3am, if that is any indication.
The party was held at a beautiful resort in Scottsdale and there was free piss and great food, served by the loveliest girls. It was about 5c, but that didn't stop the women from wearing next to nothing.
They had a red carpet rolled out for the big shots to stroll down. The guards were speaking with someone so I shimmied by them and made my way down that red carpet. Unbelievably, they snapped my picture. Clearly, nobody knew who I was yet they snapped my picture, nonetheless. I was on the red carpet so that made me snap worthy, obviously. They had to have been thinking... "who the hell is THAT guy?...Dunno, but he's on the carpet, so he must be someone so I better snap his photo." This made me laugh, alot.
Once inside, it was a who's who of acting and sports. I got to talk to Michael Clarke Duncan, of The Green Mile, Kevin Dillon, of Entourage and Tom Arnold, who most of you wouldn't know, but he was the goof married to Rosanne Barr many years ago. He's parlayed that into a nice acting career. There was an Aussie in the mix, as well. Julian McMahon was on hand.
The biggest thrill for me was seeing and talking to the ex Niners...Steve Young and Ronnie Lott. Pretty much any football fan would have enjoyed the night...Elway, McMahon, Marcus Allen, Warren Moon, Leinart, etc.
I shook hands with and spoke to Mr Jerry Jones "How y'all doin?". He was easily 20-30 years older than the rest of us, but was partying his ass off.
There were many Phoenix Suns there, too. Didn't see Steve Nash, though.

Today, hit the NFL Experience, the media center to see if anyone is around and then enjoy the party scene tonight. Playboy, Kid Rock, Travolta and our man, Ludacris are all having parties tonight.

If anything post worthy happens, I will let you know.


steve, you're a man of great taste, a niner fan and a rooboy. can't recall if it was you or ed that was a canucks man?

very jealous of you meeting the ex niners, in particular ronnie lott, one of my all time faves.

by the way, i always enjoyed your sunday night show when i was living in melbourne, was great to hear guys with knowledge talking us sports on the radio.
steve, you're a man of great taste, a niner fan and a rooboy. can't recall if it was you or ed that was a canucks man?

very jealous of you meeting the ex niners, in particular ronnie lott, one of my all time faves.

by the way, i always enjoyed your sunday night show when i was living in melbourne, was great to hear guys with knowledge talking us sports on the radio.

forgot to ask, did you talk with jim mcmahon? would love to know what he is like in person? read his book many years ago and he seemed a very interesting guy.
Wow! What a game! What an amazing game! That Giants D Line was lights out. I thought that was going to be a key to the game, but i wasn't sure it would be THE key. Eli Manning was fantastic and is now a top rate QB....he's won on the biggest stage. That play where he avoided the sack and hit Tyree down field was one for the ages.
After the game, the NYG players kept things on an even keel.
Conversely, the Pats players were devastated. They put on the brave face and said the right things, but wow...what a disappoinment this must be for them.
I have been to a lot of games in my life and this might have been the best ever. I am a life long 49ers fan but I found myself screaming for Eli to get that team down the field and score. I am actually hoarse and kind of feel like, by rooting for the Giants as thoroughly as I did, that I cheated on my wife (49ers).

I am bringing back some giveaways for the show next Sunday night.

Speak to you all next week.

You definately lucked it in this year Steve.

On the broadcast the atmosphere seemed 10 times more intense than most SB's.

Definately a win for the ages, and who'd have thought Eli would be the Manning with the most famous 'Manning' win of all?

BTW, what's this "unfortunately was drafted by New Orleans" comment when talking about Archie? :mad:
forgot to ask, did you talk with jim mcmahon? would love to know what he is like in person? read his book many years ago and he seemed a very interesting guy.

Hi...I completely agree. Very interesting guy. Unfortunately, I didn't talk to him at any length. I saw him, walked up and said
"hey the punky Q-B" he said how you doing? we shook hands and that was it?
I did hear him say "I hate Belichick", though, which is funny.
I loved the call from Dick Stockton and Sterling Sharpe.

Fox and other American commercial networks have too many commentators and their talk is all overblown. Trust me we got the best words

Pity the replay last night had no analysis but I loved watching the game from beginning to end. So much less painful than watching it live

Well done Steve and Ed

PS what is that about this being last time SBS has the SuperBowl? Does that mean that there will no longer be a free to air broadcast of the superbowl?

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Other Super Bowl 42 with Steve, Ed, SBS and Sen

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