Sydney Stack Discussion

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Because women shouldn’t wear provocative outfits or they have it coming. Just like these boys, fancy being 20, locked up for months and the one opportunity you get drunk and go out until 3.30am. It’s their own fault they got assaulted you see.
I’m going to assault myself next time I’m out at 330am. It’s the only way I’ll learn

So many attempts in here trying to justify their stupidity. Clearly no one deserves to be assaulted, but they ****ed up. Simple
The problem from the league and the government's perspective is that it wasn't a covid safe, approved venue for AFL players to be at.

Same as Brooke's trip to the spa or whatever it was.

The leagues perspective yes.
What’s the state government got to do with it? I still don’t understand that. The players serve quarantine outside of the hub so they not? Therefore the only chance of AFL players getting Covid is from the outer. The general public. How were the players any different from the drunk that assaulted them other than being regularly tested, tracked and relatively isolated?

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So many attempts in here trying to justify their stupidity. Clearly no one deserves to be assaulted, but they f’ed up. Simple

I haven’t seen one person in here justify it. Everyone admits that they were dumb and messed up. What many are saying however, is this isn’t some horrific crime against humanity. Nearly anyone who’s lived has been in a similar situation. I’ve merely pointed out the irony that the same mob flocked to Chola defence when it was a Richmond player doing the assaulting yet when it’s Richmond players being assaulted by the public.... crickets... All because they entered a non sanctioned venue. Because that’s the only rule they broke as far as I’m aware.
Let me ask the mob this. If the players didn’t get assaulted and police being involved from there on. Would the penalties and outrage have been so severe?
How does the story read otherwise? Two Richmond players got drunk, got kebabs and went to the rippers.
If you can admit that it’s more severe then you must acknowledge it’s victim blaming.
Let me ask the mob this. If the players didn’t get assaulted and police being involved from there on. Would the penalties and outrage have been so severe?
How does the story read otherwise? Two Richmond players got drunk, got kebabs and went to the rippers.
If you can admit that it’s more severe then you must acknowledge it’s victim blaming.
Don’t think the suspension would be as severe (only a couple games less) but the fine would be exactly the same.
Stack and CCJ get accosted by a drunk feral OUTSIDE the Hub. Get 10 games. A Swan tries to sneak his GF IN to a hub, potentially exposing the rest od the teams there in the state with the TOUGHEST Covid laws and only gets the rest of the season.

What? they basically did the exact same thing by going to the strippers, possibly getting covid (even though it’s highly unlikely), bringing it back to the hub and infecting the rest of the group.
I haven’t seen one person in here justify it. Everyone admits that they were dumb and messed up. What many are saying however, is this isn’t some horrific crime against humanity. Nearly anyone who’s lived has been in a similar situation. I’ve merely pointed out the irony that the same mob flocked to Chola defence when it was a Richmond player doing the assaulting yet when it’s Richmond players being assaulted by the public.... crickets... All because they entered a non sanctioned venue. Because that’s the only rule they broke as far as I’m aware.

Chol was in his workplace. These guys were at the strippers in the early hours of the morning. Thats not victim blaming, its not their fault that some tool wanted to feel like a big man and target some footballers, but there is clearly a difference between those two incidents which is based on the reality of the situations, not just hyperbolic, hypocritical media coverage.
How come oppos were so quick to defend Chols honour when Vlas affectionately groped his ass yet so quick to condemn CCJ when he was assaulted?
Reminds me of when I went to India and the locals thought it was great fun to rape women if they were out late at night instead of at home.
Its called Victim blaming.
I wonder if Taylor Harris will make a post about it this time?

Wait, how has Chol been dragged into this? There was no victim blaming involved in that situation. None at all.
Jeez there’s some sanctimonious sh** being blurted around everywhere. Yep, they stuffed up. Yep, they had it drilled into them. Yep, they have cost the club thousands etc etc.

But they’re young guys who have made a blue, blowing off some steam, carrying on as mates and got caught out. Hardly criminal behaviour, and it’s going to cost them plenty. Way, way more than nearly every young kid that’s stuffed up. Should it cost them their careers, reputations etc? F*** no.

Back in a three week stint 20-odd years ago I fell asleep blind at my cousins wedding during the speeches and smashed a tray of ports, drove my mates dads car into his parents lounge room and fingered my then-girlfriends mate in a taxi just after dropping off said girlfriend. Sure I felt bad as hell at the end of it (not the girlfriend part, she was a b*tch), but you live and learn. Time passes, and you turn out alright.

These guys are going to live it out in the media, in public, with losers like talkback radio callers, social media idiots and every chatterbox on the street judging them. Most of us just fade into obscurity after our tumbles, but not these lads. And all on wages of possibly $100k a year, if that? Cut em some slack (pun intended).

And don’t get me started on Andy Maher and that Bulldogs loser he hangs out with. A couple of pathetic dweebs that have never had any fun in their miserable lives. Maher especially can jam his holier than thou schtick right up his arse until he finds out his kids are getting spit roasted on Saturday nights whilst mainly using their iPhones to do lines off. Might be a change of tune then. Softc***.

As someone who lives in Sydney, it’s indescribable how tedious the media coverage is of the carousel of NRL “scandals” (including - shock horror! - Wayne Bennett having dinner with his partner at an Italian restaurant in Leichhardt). Worse, it’s not just confined to tabloid newspapers or talkback radio. Supposedly serious news outlets, such as the ABC, devote way too much time to these things and I’m often reminded of a comment that I overheard from a couple of old guys on the bus a couple of years who were complaining about how the ABC goes “straight from stories like Brexit to who’s been fined $10,000 at the Parramatta Rugby Club - it’s not important!”

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This bring back memories of Dan Connors and Dusty missing training but worse. If someone screws up again and we lose premiership points and miss out on top 4 in addition to draft positions because of it, I want that person sacked immediately regardless of who it is (unless it's Dusty :p)
Good thing Stack and CCJ are being made to pay for the fine, the idiots. Just mucking around like little kids and not acting like men while I'm bloody miserable stuck at home in victoria for the last 6 months because of people not taking this shit seriously.
You know I gotta a lotta respect for you Cotcho but think your take is wrong on this. The Queensland government could have taken a tougher stance (similar to Marshall and McGowan) but instead, allowed football to continue in QLD en masse. The rules were put in place, NOT for the AFL and the players, BUT to protect QLD citizens. Whilst I sit firmly right of Centre in terms of politics, clearly CCJ and Stack broke the rules that were in place and - regardless of likelihood - put QLD citizens at risk. The Melbourne example (and again, I sit right of Centre politically) says that all it take is one or two that go cavalier and the everything gets out of control.

The issue isn’t CCJ or Stack defending themselves. It’s the fact that they a) caught an Uber b) we’re intoxicated and c) were in a venue deemed non-grata by the QLD govt. and the AFL. All of these put a risk not just to the AFL, but more importantly QLD citizens. I’d also say that despite what the AFLPA it Player Managers say I don’t think their futures are in question. But they did - in my opinion - commit a crime against humanity. Dramatic as it may be. Again, they put - for selfish reasons - their own wants above the safety of QLD citizens. In the midst of the worst pandemic in 100 years, one that has claimed 190,000+ Lives, that is simply not on.

We aren’t victims. We are culprits. And in the current environment, we deserve the punishment we got.
Anyone know why they were evicted from the rippers or if they even went there.

And why did they get a fine when they got punched. Dumb police
Pisses me off that the idiot premier jumped up and down about it. Used it as political advertising. They aren’t players in quarantine. The AFL hub is there to protect the players and the game. They are frequently tested and have all completed quarantine. The boys would have been the lowest risk of every single patron/staff member in that fine establishment.... I have no idea what she’s even on about. Does she ask for tough penalties for on field incidents too? It’s for nothing to do with her. Once the quarantine was done they may as well be Queensland natives...
They wouldn't let a heavily pregnant mother in for emergency surgery and she sadly lost a twin because of the delay, and made a woman who was released from a sydney hospital after brain surgury quarantine in a small 1 room hotel with no propper facilities, but it was OK to let all the AFL execs and families to fly straight in and lounge around a pool and play golf in quarantine. Joke government
When they get home, Balmey should skype meeting these two FW’s and tell them they will never pull a Richmond jumper on again. They are getting traded.

Bloody ridiculous. First thing the club needs to do after they’re punished is support them.

And we wonder where all these mental health issues come from.
The rules were put in place, NOT for the AFL and the players, BUT to protect QLD citizens.

Acknowledging they broke the rules, what risk are these rules protecting Queenslanders against? The players have all been through quarantine, if they catch its going to be from a Queenslander. Once they've been through quarantine, how are they different than anyone else whose been through quarantine to get into the state as far as the state is concerned? Its state political bullshit is what it is.
Balmey not being there was s mistake his decision or not the cracks were appearing get him there was no brainer.Club walks taller with him in control he set standards,organisation etc no better person in footy under Livingston to much happening.

After all the incidents why is this behaviour issues becoming a weekly thing without a doubt stupid decisions by individuals, but is it lack of leadership on and off field maybe we need to come harder.Whatever issue it is sort it out where on our last strike because of this stupidity club needs to make that loud and clear to everybody in the hub no more.
When they get home, Balmey should skype meeting these two FW’s and tell them they will never pull a Richmond jumper on again. They are getting traded.
If you had a time machine, I wonder what Graham Richmond would do.
Sheed's once compared the loss of GR to the death of the dictator Tito, after which Yugoslavia disintegrated... lol
Let me ask the mob this. If the players didn’t get assaulted and police being involved from there on. Would the penalties and outrage have been so severe?
How does the story read otherwise? Two Richmond players got drunk, got kebabs and went to the rippers.
If you can admit that it’s more severe then you must acknowledge it’s victim blaming.

Perhaps in the big scheme of things it was a good thing for the AFL, imagine if they hadn’t been found out and re entered the hub and unintentionally passed on the virus to the entire Richmond club and others

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This story will drop off the radar rapidly. Too much news coming in daily for it to remain newsworthy.
There might be implications for the players involved, and you'd have to question stacks maturity given the track record he's got.
But this one has no more traction, which is probably a good thing.
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