Media Team Guns looking to sign phil

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gouki88 I need 1 more FP for TEAM GUNS, GWS win tonight I will give you that honour as well as my AV for 1 week
PIES win I will take your AV for 1 week

Agree ??
Please take the bet gouki88. CG doesn't use voodoo magic to win all av bets, I swear!
Let me get back to you at 3QT
Will lock a AV bet with a Pies supporter this morning that's not so worried about the game

Maybe we look to bring another rookie into TEAM GUNS

jmac70 or bunter how about it

GWS win you have my AV for 1 week

PIES win I have your AV for 1 week

Agree ??
Will lock a AV bet with a Pies supporter this morning that's not so worried about the game

Maybe we look to bring another rookie into TEAM GUNS

jmac70 or bunter how about it

GWS win you have my AV for 1 week

PIES win I have your AV for 1 week

Agree ??
No thanks.
gouki88 I need 1 more FP for TEAM GUNS, GWS win tonight I will give you that honour as well as my AV for 1 week
PIES win I will take your AV for 1 week

Agree ??

Guns if the giants make the GF, I’ll wear a Toby av in support 🫡🫡

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Alright Callums_Guns - You need a super sub right?
Giants win, I take your AV for GF week and for the week next year for the Freo vs Giants match.
Pies Win, you take the lord and saviour Bailey Banfield as your AV for two weeks next year either side of the Freo vs GWS game.

EDIT: Tonga Bob & serial_thrilla to give the banners pic.
Alright Callums_Guns - You need a super sub right?
Giants win, I take your AV for GF week and for the week next year for the Freo vs Giants match.
Pies Win, you take the lord and saviour Bailey Banfield as your AV for two weeks next year either side of the Freo vs GWS game.

EDIT: Tonga Bob & serial_thrilla to give the banners pic.
Agree !

Just checked who he is, thank f*** he doesn't look like lingy :laughv1:

With those terms we can still get a Pies supporter on board

bunter 1 week AV bet on tonights game

Agree ??
Agree !

Just checked who he is, thank f*** he doesn't look like lingy :laughv1:

With those terms we can still get a Pies supporter on board

bunter 1 week AV bet on tonights game

Agree ??
That's what I thought, didn't want to rob you of your carrot. :)

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