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I'm 24
Birthdate: 2nd September, 1976 (to be precise!)
I live in Sydney and was born here but have around a fair bit in the meantime
around 5'9" and 70 kgs
slim to medium type of build
short brown hair, blue eyes and a tanned complexion
Finished uni doing BScience (Geography), working part-time at the moment looking for a full-time job
I follow the Swans
Likes to drink but doesn't smoke
I like sports (especially footy), going out to pubs and clubs, hanging round with friends, going to the beach, travelling, bike riding, surfing the net and playing the guitar (though i'm still a bit of a beginner, despite playing for about 3 years now!)
That's about it,
I've also got a crappy little homepage at
I'm 32 years old, work as an Analyst / Programmer with the National Bank and live in Carrum Downs (about 45 kms SE of Melbourne).

I'm married (to a Richmond supporter) and also have 3 cubs (8 years, 6 years and seven months)

I'm also in the last year (part-time) of a Computer degree at Monash University.

Both my folks are St Kilda supporters and I inherited that at birth! When I was 5 and we'd won the '73 premiership I decided that I'd now barrack for Richmond. Mum was furious but told me 'All right, but don't you ever change teams again!' I think she had visions of having to buy a different coloured jumper every year! My decision was vindicated the next year when we rolled North to take the '74 premiership.

I know Richmond haven't been the best performed club - both on and off the field - over the past 2 decades, but we've been brilliant in comparison to St Kilda. I shudder to think what might have been if Mum had resisted my changing to the Tigers.

A lifetime spent barracking for St Kilda! Eeek! I wouldn't even wish that on my mother-in-law!

Some more stuff (before I get cheek back from some St Kilda supporters)

I'm 190cm tall (6'3") and weigh in at 125 kilos. I could probably afford to lose a few k's but the conditioning isn't too bad.

I've got light brown hair and blue eyes and don't look disimilar to Tony Lockett.

[This message has been edited by CJH (edited 20 October 2000).]
Lockett weighs in at 110 kg CJH ...

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Right BloodStainedAngel... And I'm, his fairy godmother.

I would be very doubtful if Plugger played at less than 120kg for the past years. And that was while he was in pretty good nick at Sydney.

During his party days at St. Kilda 130+ wouldn't be out of the question.

I know the Footy Record says 110Kg but I'm also quite sure that they fill those stats out at the start of a players career and keep them for the duration. I think Jeff White is still listed as 194cm - the height he was when first drafted by the Dockers.
He would now be at least 198cm...

I think clubs are also a little creative in creating false illusions
ok since some people are doing this I might as well.
Name Suzie
Age - 19
Team - the might Pies
Fav Player "Nick Davis"
2d fav player now it is :Heath Scotland"
Lives - so,ewhere near Waverley Park
School - not any more all I gotta say is the Class of 99 kicked Arse
Work Warehouse at nintendo
Got a boyfrined (some of u's might have seen him on TV)

Ummmmmmmm Love some alcohol non smoker

Thats it I think


OK my turn

age 37 (ancient compared to most on the board)

Passionate North supporter for 30+ of those years

Have lived in Perth, and several country towns in WA. Currently reside in Moora which is approx 170km north of Perth

Interests include footy (of course), cricket, baseball, volleyball. Still play all except footy ( too old, too sore)

height 174 cm (short arse)
weight 68kg

I have a B.Sc (human movement) and B.Ed. Have worked in Sports Management, Education and currently dabbling in Property Development.

I drive a '96 Landcruiser which I will be taking around Oz next year on a year off work. Plan to drive across the Desert to Uluru, across to Queensland and up to Cape York, and eventually down to Melbourne in times for the finals. Maybe some of you on this board could suggest some good spots for me to visit along the the way that you know of.

Married with 2 kids...7 y.o. and a 4 y.o.

Love this board with its interesting discussion and different points of view. It only annoys me when some start abusing each other just for the hell of it. Try to visit here most days.

Anyway enough from me

Cheers, ArdenSt

It's funny because I would shudder to think what life would be like if I wasn't a saints fan.

I wouldn't have to spend my time coming up with creative responses to the "how many flags has your team won" questions that invariably come my way.

Sure, I could be barrack for a more successful side. But I wouldn't swap being a saints supporter for anything in the world. There is something special about the St Kilda Football Club. I realise that there are good and bad supporters from every team but I strongly believe that the team you barrack for goes along way towards defining the kind of person you are. We all see things through different perspectives and I think the experiences I have had as a saints supporter of contributed to the person that I am today.

Anyway, I'm glad you admitted being a Richmond supporter hasn't been easy either. If there is one other team who has suffered as much as we have over the past twenty years, the tigers would be it. I hope you can succeed under Spud. I have a soft spot for Richmond and enjoy being a supporter of the game when the tigers get on a roll.
Arden St- definately go up Cape York! Went right up there in '91 (I was still young) but remember it like yesterday. I am still so grateful my parents took us there. The best places I remember were Twin Falls and Fruitbat Falls (also Indian Head Falls), Chilli Beach, Gunshot (a vertical creek crossing- fantastic), Weipa, Seisia (sp?) and Cooktown on the way there. And dipping our toes in at 'The Tip'. Jardine River crossing was fun too. My Father refused to take the ferry across, so we drove across in convoy. A week later a guy was taken by a croc walking across, just like we did!
A few other places- Cape Hillsborough in Queensland, Mataranka in NT, a little place out of Carins called Ellis beach -went for a week, stayed for 2+..... and my spiritual home Broome (18 visits in 20 years, plus one while in the womb). I could go on and on and on.... I've been round Australia three times, and intend to keep going..... and it's the best learning expereince for kids too.... You definately have to go!
Sainter, I can understand that. Most clubs have gone thru bad times, some just more than others.

I remember the days of the 'bad news bears', with a cringe! Travelling down to Carrara, to watch a team lose time after time, sitting in the rain to boot. Their social club facilities back than were limited to a floorless tent at the ground. Where we would track thru the mud to pay $10 for a soggy hamburger. Then make the same trek back to our seats, which were in the back row of what you could only loosely call a 'stand' and the wall behind us, was the front of Skases "corporate box". If only I knew what I know now, I would have eves dropped terribly during the years of the 'downfall' of Skase.

Our history may not be anywhere near as long as all the other teams. Our current history is only 4 years old to date.

We have had the losses, the wooden spoon, the ground problems, the bad press (if we get any at all), the coaching merry-go-round, the problems with board members and the death of the man who for so long struggled to bring AFL to qld.

But I can't imagine, even from those early days at Carrara, ever following anyone else. It took along time to adjust to the fact that we were gone after a such a brief period. But thanks to the effort of the club, we are not forgotten.

ps - if you want some tips on how to answer that flag question creatively, email me and I will be happy to provide some answers for you! I have had to become and expert on that one myslef!
i'll do this too since there is nothing else on here to do!!!

Name:Emma "Rocca"(i wish)
Favourite Player:Anthony & Sav Rocca
and i really like wrestling!!!!it rocks!!!

thats about it i guess, well thats all i can be bothered doin right now??


O k.

Im 40
Live in Adelaide about 2 miles from Alberton Oval
blonde, 5' 8"
90 kgs

Have a lovely Partner
I have 3 kids 14, 11, 9.
Partner has 4 kids 18, 16, 9, 7,
I am an Artist and run my own Studio
I specialize in Caricatures.... apart from all other areas of graphic design.

I grew up following Port Adelaide
It was not a is an affliction.

Port were always too good for state based football as much as the former VFL clubs were too good for state based football. Hence the formation of the Afl and the admission of all the VFL clubs and the only other Club from another league to Join the AFL ...Port Adelaide.

I am an avid Historian and have a real passion for the Histoey of South Australia, Adelaide and Port Adelaide.

I Love Melbourne and enjoy my times there.

I am a philosopher and enjoy spirited, rational Debate.

I think Stealth Bomber sounds like Bill Clinton.
and I love" The Angry Beavers"... they are a Timberiffic Maiesterpiece !!!!

thats all for now

Originally posted by Port Adelaide 1870:
O k.

Have a lovely Partner
I have 3 kids 14, 11, 9.
Partner has 4 kids 18, 16, 9, 7,
I am an Artist and run my own Studio
I specialize in Caricatures.... apart from all other areas of graphic design.
PA1870 -Your household sounds a bit like The Brady Bunch.

"The good humour man can only be pushed so far ". -Bart Simpson
Hey guys. I thought that I might as well get back into the swing of things (I haven't been on here for ages) by posting on this one.
NAME: Rebecca, but gets shortened to Bec
BIRTHDAY: 14 October 1983
TEAM: West Coast Eagles
FAV PLAYER: Scott Cummings of course!
FAV MOMENT: Being at Subi to witness Scotti kick 10 goals against the Dockers one Saturday night earlier in Season 2000.
DISLIKES: Arrogant Americans (with a passion) people who comment about everything and anything even though they don't understand it (so pretty much ignorant bastards), racism, people who are so patriotic to Australia and think that Australia is great that they chose to make decisions that eventually hurt our fine country (esp. people like Dick Smith who don't understand why we need foreign investment!)
LIKES: science-fiction, romance novels, wrestling, irish dancing (esp. Michael Flatley), Queen (the band), public speaking and debating
OCCUPATION: currently a member of Harvey Senior High School's Class of 2000, but will graduate on Monday 30th Oct. After successfully completing my TEE exams (fingers crossed!) will go to Edith Cowan University to complete a degree in either primary teaching or psychology.
LIFELONG GOAL: To do an Arts degree in Politics and become the first female Prime Minister/President (depends whether we remaing a monarchy or not) of Australia

I think that is enough, don't you. Just re-reading I sound like I am 17 going on 50 (ARGH!!!)
So to add some teenager stuff, my favourite shows are Dawson's Creek, Buffy, Angel, Felicity, Home and Away etc... I love going to concerts and dancing the night away at parties. Any chance for me to shake my bootie I take it!!!

Love Bec

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NAME: Doug Mitchell
AGE: 20
DOB: 16th May 1980
AFL TEAM: Collingwood
Previous BigFooty ID: -TotalFooty2000- (Registered in Jan 2000 as a crazy idea to promote my footy website, currently recovering from the 2000 season.)
Orange hair. I have a short build, and like RichmondFan#1, look younger than I actually am. Yes it is an advantage looking young, except when you turn 18, and you have to show your ID every time you go out for a drink.
Finishing 2nd year of an IT course at Swinburne University.

Took up boundary umpiring in May 1999 in the YVMDFL. It has given me a new perspective on footy. I don't think I will make the highest level. At this stage, I will be happy to try out in the VFL Development Squad.

Since May 2000, I have worked with Football Victoria in efforts to launch their Official web-site, largely to bring the VFL and TAC Cup online. This has been a fulfilling and rewarding experience.

I don't have a car, but I have my (probationary) licence.

If there is anything else you need to know, click on the links.

Go to Football Victoria Total Footy or The Pitch
Well, then.

Im 17, a pie fan, just finishing yr 11, 5'9", brown hair and green eyes. Hey Bec, we have the same birthday, 14/10/83! I like most music and all my mates. Thats about it.
No that wasn't directed at you Bloodstained Angel. I didn't even know that you were American! Please take no offense, I have a lot of American friends, but we fight all the time because they can be quite arrogant! And that is what i meant by that comment!
I'm always amused by this perception of Americans as being loud and arrogant. I've come across quite a few Americans - mainly through work - and some of them are loud and arrogant, bit no more so than a loud and arrogant Australian!

How many Australians do you know that are cocky? There is not a lot of differences between being loud/arrogant and cocky.

I'm sure all cultures have traits that are either irritating or endearing depending on your perspective.
Well, I was going to post this seperately, but now seems a good time and place....

I was emailed it. I'm sure a lot of you have read it already, but it's a laugh for those who haven't...... (apologies to Stealth)

Patriotism, there's nothing LIKE IT.

Friends, for those of you who are currently dealing with gloating yanks at the moment (or if you are a gloating yank), these fellas have devised the following reality check to put things back in perspective (and this devised by a current dual passport holder/US citizen!). Feel free to pass it on to anyone you think needs it!

Dear Americans,
As I am an American Citizen it pains me to write this in some ways, but seeing as I have lived in Australia for the better part of the last 16 years I thought I would respond to various comments made by some of my country men and women. The USA appear to be under the wrong assumption that they walked away with Olympic glory and are proclaiming themselves as the greatest sporting nation on earth. This info is based on a couple of e-mails we have received over the last 48 hours. Dave and I
thought we would jot our USA 'friends', (and copy just about everybody else we know) a little analysis that should set the record straight once and for all.

USA approx 280,000,000
Australia approx 19,000,000

Medal Tally

USA 39-25-33-97
Aus 16-25-17-58


USA - one medal for every 2,886,600 people
Aus - one medal for every 327,600 people WINNER

USA - GOLD medal one for every 7,179,500 people
Aus - GOLD medal one for every 1,187,500 people WINNER

USA - one Bazillion $US spent on every competing athlete
Aus - 100 Australian pesos spent on every competing athlete WINNER

USA - 4.67% of world population 10.43% of medals..... 2.23 times over performed
Aus - 0.32% of world population 6.24% of medals........ 19.50 times over performed WINNER

USA - to win equivalent medals to Aus based on population would have to have won........854 medals
Aus - to win equivalent medals to USA based on population would have to have won.......6 medals WINNER

Based on Population Aust won 8.8 times more medals than America
Based on population USA won only 0.1 the amount of medals of Aus WINNER

Please feel free to share the above information with friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances, strangers, neighbours, etc. Look forward to many long and fruitful discussions on Olympic performance over the next few weeks.

Aussie Aussie Aussie........Oi Oi Oi

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Tell Everyone About Yourself

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