Star Wars The Acolyte

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They’re everything that’s wrong with modern popular culture.
The Acolyte is everything that is wrong with modern popular culture. The Acolyte is the most cringe culture ever. Star Wars was best when George was hungry and independent, eg first two movies and slowly becoming corporate and cringe since. If Star Wars hadn’t already ‘jumped the shark’ it now has. I reckon you could hardly call it ‘culture’ it was made by a bloated Hollywood studio captured by the modern mind virus we collectively now call woke, with all its neurotic mental illnesses, disguised as ‘lifestyle’ and politics of envy disguised as ‘justice’.
I haven’t heard of one of the reviewers you mentioned but the Critical Drinker is not my ‘cup of tea’ but I do agree with his analysis.
I love RLM (theyre the best). Critical Drunker is ok. But I think RobotHead is the best of those amateur reviewers. He is succinct, to the point, whilst also being astute and incisive, while aiming for that kind of humorous take like Critical Drinker tries to do.

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The Acolyte is everything that is wrong with modern popular culture. The Acolyte is the most cringe culture ever. Star Wars was best when George was hungry and independent, eg first two movies and slowly becoming corporate and cringe since. If Star Wars hadn’t already ‘jumped the shark’ it now has. I reckon you could hardly call it ‘culture’ it was made by a bloated Hollywood studio captured by the modern mind virus we collectively now call woke, with all its neurotic mental illnesses, disguised as ‘lifestyle’ and politics of envy disguised as ‘justice’.
I haven’t heard of one of the reviewers you mentioned but the Critical Drinker is not my ‘cup of tea’ but I do agree with his analysis.
What a terrible misread of the entire Lucas saga which he always produced independently and in his image.
What a terrible misread of the entire Lucas saga which he always produced independently and in his image.
There is no doubt that from Return of the Jedi onto the prequels, (which I enjoyed immensely, but were nowhere near the cultural and cutting edge of Star Wars and Empire) things have been in decline. And this is how culture always has been. Small independent culture is always more on point than corporatism which is what we get from Disney. Like we get from the Banks and Qantas and big governments too.
The Acolyte is everything that is wrong with modern popular culture. The Acolyte is the most cringe culture ever. Star Wars was best when George was hungry and independent, eg first two movies and slowly becoming corporate and cringe since. If Star Wars hadn’t already ‘jumped the shark’ it now has. I reckon you could hardly call it ‘culture’ it was made by a bloated Hollywood studio captured by the modern mind virus we collectively now call woke, with all its neurotic mental illnesses, disguised as ‘lifestyle’ and politics of envy disguised as ‘justice’.
I haven’t heard of one of the reviewers you mentioned but the Critical Drinker is not my ‘cup of tea’ but I do agree with his analysis.

Is this satire?
I used to watch Nerdrotic when he actually celebrated geek culture. Then he got busted for dealing smack to kids, his partner left, and Gary decided there was more money in right-wing grifting. Admittedly I’ve only watched one review by Drinker but man that was a chore. His review was more a rant with the most shallow reading of the film. He spent more time inserting fart jokes between his complaints about “strong protagonist women” than actual analysis of the film. To me he was basically a RLM try hard without their wit or deep level understanding of film culture. Perhaps I watched the wrong video, but I doubt I’ll go back for a second look. Still, I thank you for allowing me to indulge in my rant.

I've not seen much of Nerdrotic's stuff and I know nothing about his past (as I don't know yours) so I will judge him on his reviews of The Acolyte. And his criticism of the show is valid.

Nerdrotic and Critical Drinker both highlight why they think Disney is churning out garbage. But leaving those arguments aside there are so many ways this show sucks.
Holy shit. You guys watch The Drinker and Gary the Meth Peddler? The same channels who loudly and proudly declared they hated the show before they’d seen a second of footage? How much objectivity are you getting from these snowy grifters? Is it any wonder you can’t enjoy the ****ing show? Jesus ****ing wept.

Tell me, how many appeals to a character’s ethnicity or sexuality do they make? How many times do they say “woke”?

These people aren’t providing critical analysis. They’re racist ****ing homophobes ranting about the things that make them feel icky, dressing it up just enough to suck in preteen kids and feebs. They’re making bank by marketing hate. They’re everything that’s wrong with modern popular culture.

They figured out they make money from peddling hate of 'the others' and feeding into a persecution complex for disillusioned straight white males. Whether we blame themselves, these 'content creators', their parents or society and the education system in general is more complex, but in general it is sad to see actual thinking people falling for that grift. They play on the notion that equality feels like oppression when you're accustomed to privilege.

Absolutely nothing is stopping them from turning off Disney+, or from watching the original trilogy. Or from picking and choosing their entertainment. But, week after week, we see the usual poor grifted souls post in this thread an hour after the show appears on streaming, complaining about woke. It would be funny if it wasn't just so damn reflective of how the internet has encouraged intolerance and hate.

You have - presumably - educated and intelligent people relying on bigots to tell them who to be bigoted against and why. Their minds are already made up and the default position is hate. Let's think about that.
I used to watch Nerdrotic when he actually celebrated geek culture. Then he got busted for dealing smack to kids, his partner left, and Gary decided there was more money in right-wing grifting. Admittedly I’ve only watched one review by Drinker but man that was a chore. His review was more a rant with the most shallow reading of the film. He spent more time inserting fart jokes between his complaints about “strong protagonist women” than actual analysis of the film. To me he was basically a RLM try hard without their wit or deep level understanding of film culture. Perhaps I watched the wrong video, but I doubt I’ll go back for a second look. Still, I thank you for allowing me to indulge in my rant.
Drinker does definitely try to be a Plinkett style review with similar random jokes about made up horrific personal lives, which I find lame.

As I said.. about 50% of his criticism I disagree with and think he's wrong on. 50% is usually pretty accurate though.
To watch film or television made by the big corporations is watching the worst form of culture or lack of it. Remember Qantas with all their virtue signalling to the public then screw their employees and customers. Banks the same. Like the AFL with all their posturing about politics then welcome gambling etc. Authoritarian governments on both ends of the spectrum not getting the will of the people. Disney is at the top of this crap pile. And they’ve literally flushed their best asset down the drain for some weird psychotic moment of grievance and sensuality. And thrown away decades of wealth on intellectual pigmy’s and incompetent employees to fulfill some basic corporate ego. Watching the Acolyte is like watching Joe Biden, only acolytes left supporting them because the rest of the world can see that there is no substance left and to say there is, is just taking the piss now.
To watch film or television made by the big corporations is watching the worst form of culture or lack of it. Remember Qantas with all their virtue signalling to the public then screw their employees and customers. Banks the same. Like the AFL with all their posturing about politics then welcome gambling etc. Authoritarian governments on both ends of the spectrum not getting the will of the people. Disney is at the top of this crap pile. And they’ve literally flushed their best asset down the drain for some weird psychotic moment of grievance and sensuality. And thrown away decades of wealth on intellectual pigmy’s and incompetent employees to fulfill some basic corporate ego. Watching the Acolyte is like watching Joe Biden, only acolytes left supporting them because the rest of the world can see that there is no substance left and to say there is, is just taking the piss now.

Haha. Yeah ok mate.

Off topic but I find it interesting you highlight Biden in your “the end is nigh” rant but not on his opponent who encapsulates the literal worst of humanity.
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I've not seen much of Nerdrotic's stuff and I know nothing about his past (as I don't know yours) so I will judge him on his reviews of The Acolyte. And his criticism of the show is valid.

Nerdrotic and Critical Drinker both highlight why they think Disney is churning out garbage. But leaving those arguments aside there are so many ways this show sucks.

It’s fine. You don’t like The Acolyte you don’t like it. More power to you. But there’s a reason these guys do what they do.

Essentially, I think Upton Sinclair put it best when he said: “It’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” That’s these channels in a nutshell. They deliberately misunderstand and nit-pick to appeal to an audience already disenfranchised with today’s popular culture to make bank.

It actually shows the resilience of a franchise like Star Wars in that it continues to appeal to millions of fans around the world while also supporting this cottage industry of parasite-like grifters who are paradoxically trying to tear it down. It’s fascinating.
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Got to say if it wasn't set in the star wars universe I'd have already quit on it.

Seems like it was made for children.

.. You know what Star Wars is, right?
I hate the Star Wars is for children take...
You hate George Lucas' take? Interesting.

Something can be made for kids and still enjoyed by adults, but the idea that new content is still primarily targeted at you and not the same demographic it always was reeks of arrogance.
It’s fine. You don’t like The Acolyte you don’t like it. More power to you. But there’s a reason these guys do what they do.

Essentially, I think Upton Sinclair put it best when he said: “It’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” That’s these channels in a nutshell. They deliberately misunderstand and nit-pick to appeal to an audience already disenfranchised with today’s popular culture to make bank.

It actually shows the resilience of a franchise like Star Wars in that it continues to appeal to millions of fans around the world while also supporting this cottage industry of parasite-like grifters who are paradoxically trying to tear it down. It’s fascinating.

If you are going to start citing Upton Sinclair then maybe you should consider the difference between the Rotten Tomatoes 'critics' score and what the real audience thinks. Who are the grifters who are getting paid here? It may explain the $200 million budget for this crappy show.

If you are going to start citing Upton Sinclair then maybe you should consider the difference between the Rotten Tomatoes 'critics' score and what the real audience thinks. Who are the grifters who are getting paid here? It may explain the $200 million budget for this crappy show.

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Is this the bit where you still ignore review bombing exists?
Is this the bit where you still ignore review bombing exists?

These super low scores following a flood of reviews (over 25,000 on Rotten Tomatoes, far more than most Star Wars shows) is referred to as “review-bombing” and that’s a fair description. But I think review-bombing has a place in modern online culture. I don’t believe it’s entirely trolls giving the show bad reviews. I don’t think it’s just a bunch of racists and sexists, either. Sure, they are out there and they certainly make their unpleasant views known.
Nor do I think we should simply write off these reviews as dishonest or politically motivated. For many of us, there is simply a sense that the Star Wars we know and love—and have loved for decades, since we were but young padawans—has been utterly changed for the worse by people who don’t understand or appreciate what made this franchise great to begin with.

This guy acknowledges it - and goes on to defend it lol. "I should be able to leave zero star reviews for things I've never even seen! It's my entitlement and right as a fan!"

Once again proving - without a doubt - that the ones that hate Star Wars the most are Star Wars fans. It's f***ing weird how people's identities and sense of worth are tied into a particular selection of entertainment. Not even movies or TV shows in general, or even sci-fi or fantasy or adventure as a whole - but just Star Wars. And - even better - they don't see the irony and refuse to even consider the most obvious solution to their unhappiness, displeasure and anger...
Fighting against Empires has always been woke.

The problem is some people, as they grow older, identify more with the empire than they do the rebellion.

On Earth, we call it the conservative drift.
I must admit, Rogue One and Andor are easily my favourite Disney Star Wars because it’s darker and the Empire is competent. Torture the good guys and all that. But still, **** the conservatives. Tony Gilroy could make another film and if they had too many minorities in it they’d whinge about it.

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Star Wars The Acolyte

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