I'm quite annoyed at this article in today's The Age.
It seems now we are the prime source of racial and homophobic behaviour at AFL games as observed by this reporter.
And it goes on in the letter responses obviously most by Sydney supporters on sour grapes.
I quite offended by this report and I'm sure the club would be disgusted.
Hey I'm sure we have a few rat bags in the Club, as do so many others. But fresh off the biggest game of the year, our club does not need to be dragged into this.
Will be keen on seeing how much extra legs this gets in the media.
It seems now we are the prime source of racial and homophobic behaviour at AFL games as observed by this reporter.
And it goes on in the letter responses obviously most by Sydney supporters on sour grapes.
I quite offended by this report and I'm sure the club would be disgusted.
Hey I'm sure we have a few rat bags in the Club, as do so many others. But fresh off the biggest game of the year, our club does not need to be dragged into this.
Will be keen on seeing how much extra legs this gets in the media.