The Age article on racism and homophobia

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Two of my favourite footy journos are Caroline Wilson and Emma Quayle. Love how Quayle's draft predictions are more often than not more accurate than most. Also think Leila Gurruwiwi is excellent. But being a Hawks fan who was at the grand final, I must be a despicable bigot. Sorry everyone.
Check her Twitter. Whoever the classless tool is who is behind the BF Swans' Twitter account, they've had a crack at Lethal and Carey for indiscretions to stir the pot. No mention of Hall and 'hush money' Micky O.

grizzlym you should have a look. Not a good look for the site.

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i've been to the footy alot in my life and yes there are the occassional bunch of drunk blokes who make stupid comments or want to get into fights, but this is a small minority and usually they attract the attention of police and don't really cause a problem, they just goto the football to let off some steam, this is basically the way people behave at a sporting/gladitorial environment for thousands of years........

this article could be written about all sports, was this her first or one of her first sporting experiences?, i get the feeling she adopted the Swans recently and then when they lost she turned her attention to the crowds poor behaviour, i'm sure there are some douches in the Swans games as well, but does she ignore these or laugh them off i wonder? i really don't understand her view, is she saying all sporting crowds are poorly behaved?, is she saying only HFC crowds are poorly behaved? or is she saying the AFL GF crowds are poorly behaved?

either way, i hope her and her friends enjoy their lives without ever going to an AFL game again, but i doubt it, we'll see her whinging next year that the Swans werent handed a premiership in 2015 again..........

P.S. that white guys line was racist and sexist, maybe she should own her own bigotry
Most 'Australians of the year' would at least mouth the words to our anthem. Goodes didn't do it for all of the finals series. He is a role model so should lead by example. Such small gestures may help in the fight against racism & foster reconciliation. Just saying ...
Check her Twitter. Whoever the classless tool is who is behind the BF Swans' Twitter account, they've had a crack at Lethal and Carey for indiscretions to stir the pot. No mention of Hall and 'hush money' Micky O.

grizzlym you should have a look. Not a good look for the site.

Can you give me a link to the comments, please?
Can you give me a link to the comments, please?


Hawthorn FC has a 'problem with racism'. That is downright slander. Tarring us with the opinions of a few prejudiced clowns is absolutely pathetic. $wans fans have taken sore losing to new depths. Just absolutely pathetic. As a proud Hawks fan, and equally proud proponent of tolerance and diversity I find this kind of broad-brushed slander and commentary as pathetic as it is hypocritical.

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Most 'Australians of the year' would at least mouth the words to our anthem. Goodes didn't do it for all of the finals series. He is a role model so should lead by example. Such small gestures may help in the fight against racism & foster reconciliation. Just saying ...
He has no obligation to sing that song. None of us do.
I'm quite annoyed at this article in today's The Age.

It seems now we are the prime source of racial and homophobic behaviour at AFL games as observed by this reporter.

And it goes on in the letter responses obviously most by Sydney supporters on sour grapes.

I quite offended by this report and I'm sure the club would be disgusted.

Hey I'm sure we have a few rat bags in the Club, as do so many others. But fresh off the biggest game of the year, our club does not need to be dragged into this.

Will be keen on seeing how much extra legs this gets in the media.

It's "The Age". Nobody reads that rag! :p
What's funny is, people who assume that folk boo Goodes based on race, not because he's a dirty player and a diver who is unfairly regarded as some paragon of virtue, is that by assuming it's racism is patronisingly racist itself. People can dislike black people because of the 'content of their character'. And guess what - diving for free kicks earns you the ire of opposition fans, regardless of colour.
What's funny is, people who assume that folk boo Goodes based on race, not because he's a dirty player and a diver who is unfairly regarded as some paragon of virtue, is that by assuming it's racism is patronisingly racist itself. People can dislike black people because of the 'content of their character'. And guess what - diving for free kicks earns you the ire of opposition fans, regardless of colour.

Yep. Spot on.
Nearly 100,000 people at that game and because of a few, the entire hawthorn family get tarred with that brush.

You Erin Reily are a disgrace to your occupation

Single people out, have the conviction if security do nothing to get police involved but do not tar me with that brush - that is slanderous and I resent it.

It is becoming quite tiresome though that we are developing this reputation - it is not the first time this has been pointed out this season.

Edit: I also resent the fact that we will more than likely not get the right of reply
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What's funny is, people who assume that folk boo Goodes based on race, not because he's a dirty player and a diver who is unfairly regarded as some paragon of virtue, is that by assuming it's racism is patronisingly racist itself. People can dislike black people because of the 'content of their character'. And guess what - diving for free kicks earns you the ire of opposition fans, regardless of colour.
What's funny is, people who assume that folk boo Goodes based on race, not because he's a dirty player and a diver who is unfairly regarded as some paragon of virtue, is that by assuming it's racism is patronisingly racist itself. People can dislike black people because of the 'content of their character'. And guess what - diving for free kicks earns you the ire of opposition fans, regardless of colour.
You're a bit right. I dislike some of what I've seen him do onfield, but I've seen some of our blokes do the same. The fact is, like it or not, he does get abused for all the wrong reasons, even if it's not you doing it.
You're a bit right. I dislike some of what I've seen him do onfield, but I've seen some of our blokes do the same. The fact is, like it or not, he does get abused for all the wrong reasons, even if it's not you doing it.

I'm sure there's an element - but it would be a fringe one. Plenty of talented indigenous players who aren't booed like he is - actually all of them. And I've heard crowds be against him long before the pointing incident and AOTY.

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The Age article on racism and homophobia

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