Conspiracy Theory The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

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Nose/ears/face narrowness are a bit different. Doubtful.



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Are you aware Blackrock conspiracies are mostly antisemitic in nature?

Same deal with conspiracies that target or blame the Rothschilds, Goldmans, Sachs, Warbergs etc.

On any conspiracy forum dedicated to the topic of the above, you'll see criticism of the above 'bankers/ financiers' side by side with blatant antisemitism.

Everything from putting their names in triple parenthesis (((like this))) which is code for 'the Jews' among white nationalists.

If you're curious, Hitlers entire world view was founded on his belief in the (false) conspiracy theory that (((international banking families and financiers))) - i.e. the Jews - were behind a secret plot to replace the white race of Europe, control all finance, fund all wars, weaken Germany, and control the markets, while simultaneously subvert white Germanic culture via 'cultural Marxism' (he called it 'Judeo bolshevism') by pushing 'degenerate art and culture' (i.e. woke stuff and LGBTI+ agenda) on the Germanic people.

The (((bankers))) were also responsible for the creation of the Soviet union, and Socialism and Communism generally.

To Hitler, these (((bankers and financiers))) were responsible for all of Germanies misfortunes and were the secret puppet masters who needed to be destroyed.

Just letting you know that the conspiracy you've been introduced to is not new, it's been around for a long time in many different forms, and it's deeply antisemitic in nature.

Know this before going down the rabbit hole you're going down.
You won’t like this then Mal 😂

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Hard to get a full picture from maps so far, but suggestions the shots killing and injuring crowd members were aimed well away from trump. If they came from the dead shooters position

This one will be argued over for years. Was the kid somehow lured there to take a fall?
Stokey, over the weekend I watched that Piers Morgan panel video you posted.

I don't agree with this Destiny bloke's take re: mocking Trump rally attendees should anything bad happen to them but, as I suspected, there's a bit more going on than that. Thought this little exchange summed it up well;

Look at Rubin's face here when he says disavowing violence is good, and Destiny responds by asking about conservatives' lack of condemnation for J6. Absolutely hilarious. As Destiny correctly notes, we just saw it in real time - psychologically unable, still, to show some consistency by offering even the most milquetoast acknowledgement that J6 wasn't great, just attempts to deflect instead. These are the people asking the left decry political violence lower the temperature? :drunk:

As usual Kulinski is on the money

Stokey, over the weekend I watched that Piers Morgan panel video you posted.

I don't agree with this Destiny bloke's take re: mocking Trump rally attendees should anything bad happen to them but, as I suspected, there's a bit more going on than that. Thought this little exchange summed it up well;

Look at Rubin's face here when he says disavowing violence is good, and Destiny responds by asking about conservatives' lack of condemnation for J6. Absolutely hilarious. As Destiny correctly notes, we just saw it in real time - psychologically unable, still, to show some consistency by offering even the most milquetoast acknowledgement that J6 wasn't great, just attempts to deflect instead. These are the people asking the left decry political violence lower the temperature? :drunk:

As usual Kulinski is on the money

Trump never attacks the Democrats. He attacks the Deep State Players. Pelosi, Kamala, Obama, etc.

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Conspiracy Theory The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

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