Unsolved The Beaumont Children

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I'm very surprised so many people have been taken in and influenced by this book. I believe it's a load of very profitable tripe from beginning to end. There is no actual evidence whatsoever to support this tall story, but sensational stuff like this always sells l suppose. Readers need to be aware the authors continually remove and block all input from anyone who picks holes in their story. Why would this be necessary if it was factual, substantiated and authentic?

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Specifically what are the holes you refer to? The profiling, the sketch of the offender ?

My partner has had first hand experience with who we believe to be Phipps as a 7/ 8 year old at Glenelg at around the same time as the children disappeared, so this could be influencing my opinions, but I don't think so, I think he is the number one candidate. All of the new information they refer to is on the podcast, no need to read the book, there is nothing really additional in it. But to my mind, why not put it to rest, the site is vacant, the Govt own it, how hard would it be to re dig to the depth they are now suggesting?
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Specifically what are the holes you refer to? The profiling, the sketch of the offender ?

My partner has had first hand experience with who we believe to be Phipps as a 7/ 8 year old at Glenelg at around the same time as the children disappeared, so this could be influencing my opinions, but I don't think so, I think he is the number one candidate. All of the new information they refer to is on the podcast, no need to read the book, there is nothing really additional in it. But to my mind, why not put it to rest, the site is vacant, the Govt own it, how hard would it be to re dig to the depth they are now suggesting
I am reading the said book, but as I have said many times, I don't believe
I was reading this news article, that I haven't seen before. It's about a sighting of the BC in a car, which witnesses followed. The vehicle the witnesses identified was a Standard 8. I had never heard of this car, so I Googled it. Interestingly, it looked similar to the Wolseley my POI had. This made me wonder, if the witnesses didn't know makes of vehicles well, could they have confused the two?
I have attached the news article and a photo of each brand of car. Thoughts?


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I was reading this news article, that I haven't seen before. It's about a sighting of the BC in a car, which witnesses followed. The vehicle the witnesses identified was a Standard 8. I had never heard of this car, so I Googled it. Interestingly, it looked similar to the Wolseley my POI had. This made me wonder, if the witnesses didn't know makes of vehicles well, could they have confused the two?
I have attached the news article and a photo of each brand of car. Thoughts?
How many families had three kids back them, plenty. And what dad being chased by a car with three young men in it wouldn't accelerate and try and get away. Nothing in this one I don't think.
Can anyone tell me the site which gives information on Paedophiles in Australia please? I'm pretty sure it has been listed previously, but I cant find it.
Can anyone tell me the site which gives information on Paedophiles in Australia please? I'm pretty sure it has been listed previously, but I cant find it.
Do a search for "Child Sex Offenders Australia" and you will gets results for the different states. Not sure if a National Register was ever established.
One must be careful not to confuse peadophilia with sex crimes. Peadophilia is not a crime, it is a state of mind, being a sexual attraction to young children. Acting upon that attraction is a crime, a sex crime...
Do a search for "Child Sex Offenders Australia" and you will gets results for the different states. Not sure if a National Register was ever established.
One must be careful not to confuse peadophilia with sex crimes. Peadophilia is not a crime, it is a state of mind, being a sexual attraction to young children. Acting upon that attraction is a crime, a sex crime...
Do a search for "Child Sex Offenders Australia" and you will gets results for the different states. Not sure if a National Register was ever established.
One must be careful not to confuse peadophilia with sex crimes. Peadophilia is not a crime, it is a state of mind, being a sexual attraction to young children. Acting upon that attraction is a crime, a sex crime...
Thankyou. Much appreciated
I haven't been following this case closely but sharing something Rachel Vaughan's Telegram channel:
I and many others have been putting up with Rachael and Andrews BS for years now, I realize there are some newbies to their fairy tales, in fact a lot of us were sucked in by them at the beginning but we became wise to them and their tall tales!
Rachel used to insist that Louise Bell's name was Tracey, i'm sure her own mother would know her name, which was Louise, not Tracey!
Max DID NOT confess to the Beaumont killings, he said he knew all about the Beaumonts, well so did we, are they going to charge us all!

Then you have her ridiculous stories about Max plotting the end of the world with the Zombie Apocolypse, that gave me a good belly laugh LOL
The cave with one hundred childrens skulls near their property, It's just too much, she's in the same league as Fiona Barnett, full of s***, and if that isn't enough I have true facts on the not so secret witness, I have proof from Andrews videos that one week he'll say one thing and in the next few weeks he changes his stories.
There are plenty of wonderful people on this forum that will agree with me and have sussed the brother and sister out, including Ruth, their other sister.
There is also one of their half sisters on the groups who lived with Rachel as a kid and a grandaughter who denies Max ever hurt anyone but it's all up to you to research properly, but please try not to bring Rachel and Andrew in here again.
Many thanks!

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I was reading this news article, that I haven't seen before. It's about a sighting of the BC in a car, which witnesses followed. The vehicle the witnesses identified was a Standard 8. I had never heard of this car, so I Googled it. Interestingly, it looked similar to the Wolseley my POI had. This made me wonder, if the witnesses didn't know makes of vehicles well, could they have confused the two?
I have attached the news article and a photo of each brand of car. Thoughts?
I'm just curious, did you get these news clippings from a Robert Ratterly FB page by any chance?
I thought there were three people in the photo.

JimmyBeerCans said:

I don't wanna be cynical guys but these docos always bring it out in me, come on how was it when Usher produced a photo of a bunch of men with Phipps standing proudly front and center to the rape victim.. the man in the middle lel
Baxter9 you're quoting a post from 2018 which I think is confusing.
What docos and what photo with three people?
Deni That’s for you to look up. I wouldn’t find it confusing. I would just press ‘click to expand’ on the comment I’ve responded to.
Deni That’s for you to look up. I wouldn’t find it confusing. I would just press ‘click to expand’ on the comment I’ve responded to.
I found this confusing as well. 'Click to expand' doesn't provide any additional details. Since you're commenting on a discussion thread, it's reasonable to assume you want to discuss the topic. Why not elaborate on what you're talking about instead of being exclusive toward a member trying to engage with you in the discussion you're seeking?
I wonder given how much time has come passed if the government could allow someone to come forward and admit to the crime without being prosecuted.

48 years has now passed. I wonder if the family would be accepting of this, if the government would pass a law in this case.

I would think this would be horrible not having closure. If it was me, Im not sure if I would or would not want to know. But here is the most chilling aspect of the case, what if they are still alive????????
Wow, 10 years has passed since this first post of mine on here.

Nothing much has changed. Unless there is some dying declaration by someone in the know I cant imagine we will ever know.
I was reading this news article, that I haven't seen before. It's about a sighting of the BC in a car, which witnesses followed. The vehicle the witnesses identified was a Standard 8. I had never heard of this car, so I Googled it. Interestingly, it looked similar to the Wolseley my POI had. This made me wonder, if the witnesses didn't know makes of vehicles well, could they have confused the two?
I have attached the news article and a photo of each brand of car. Thoughts?
I will have to go back thru files to supply the exact supporting documents because I have also looked into this; I have brain fog something terrible at this moment so take this with a grain of salt but to the best of my recollection; the occupants in this car ended up coming forward and speaking to the police so turned out to be just a case of mistake identity..
But there were a number other alleged sightings which appeared to be consistent with each other, reference below

Just some other information relevant to the case for the records;

Dandenong letters.
🔘24th February, 1968, the Beaumont's received the letter from ‘Jane’.
🔘Posted from Dandenong on 21st February.
🔘The letter stated that the children would be returned to the Beaumonts;
🔘Mr Beaumont was to wait out the front of the Dandenong post office at 8.50AM on 26th February. If the police were informed the deal would be off.
🔘26th February, 8.50AM, Mr Beaumont arrived at the Postoffice.
🔘9AM, post office receieved a call to be passed to Mr Beaumont (that they wouldn't be long )
🔘A short time later another message came thru saying that Grant was sick and they would come after lunch.
🔘Mr Beaumont waited all day, the children never came.
🔘29th February the Beaumont's received another letter signed "The Man", children would not be returned as the police had been informed about the first letter.
🔘1992 letters were re-examined with ‘new’ fingerprint technology’. Police allege the author written it over 20 years prior as a joke ( no charges laid ect..)

Interestingly enough - it appears that this wasn’t the only possible BC - Dandenong connection;

(Before the letters were sent)
There are reports of sightings from several Victorian country towns , numerous reports were made in Dandenong, another later sighting was reported from Albury(VIC/NSW) on the border. Each time it was the same matching descriptions: a man matching the description was seen driving, accompanied by three young children - two girls and a boy. The vehicle was rather old: a 52’ / 53’ / 54’ Green Holden Utility type vehicle.
Last of these reported sightings occurred on July 16, 1967, at Violet Town..
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●^Reiterating my high skeptism of this claim made by police in regards to having found the author of the letter. During that time period, it was not possible for the police to match fingerprints to any random individual unless the person was already on their radar, as cross-matching fingerprints was done manually. Moreover, CODIS wasn't even invented until 1999, and NAFIS, which we use in Australia, did not become operational until around mid-2001

The podcast interviews Bill Hayes with his reasoning why he believes Harry Phipps is the prime suspect. He also suggests one area that was searched they didn't dig deep enough because Phipps had put sand on top of this site equivalent to what they dug. So all their digging and they only reached ground level at the time the Beaumonts went missing.

Best to listen.

The podcast interviews Bill Hayes with his reasoning why he believes Harry Phipps is the prime suspect. He also suggests one area that was searched they didn't dig deep enough because Phipps had put sand on top of this site equivalent to what they dug. So all their digging and they only reached ground level at the time the Beaumonts went missing.

Best to listen.
It's obvious when excavating or taking soil cores when you're in fill or natural soil. Why would they stop before they reached natural soil?

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Unsolved The Beaumont Children

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